Problem: Buffer for quickfix window is reused for another file.
Solution: Don't reuse the quickfx buffer. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
&& curbuf->b_ffname == NULL
&& curbuf->b_nwindows <= 1
&& (curbuf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL || BUFEMPTY())
+ && !bt_quickfix(curbuf)
&& !curbufIsChanged());
new | only
call delete('Xtest1')
+" Test to make sure that an empty quickfix buffer is not reused for loading
+" a normal buffer.
+func Test_empty_qfbuf()
+ enew | only
+ call writefile(["Test"], 'Xfile1')
+ call setqflist([], 'f')
+ copen | only
+ let qfbuf = bufnr('')
+ edit Xfile1
+ call assert_notequal(qfbuf, bufnr(''))
+ enew
+ call delete('Xfile1')
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1134,