+ /* Test for */
+ g1 = lwgeom_from_wkt("LINESTRING M (0 0 1432291464,2 0 1432291536) ", LW_PARSER_CHECK_NONE);
+ g2 = lwgeom_from_wkt("LINESTRING M (0 0 1432291464,1 0 1432291466.25,2 0 1432291500)", LW_PARSER_CHECK_NONE);
+ dist = -1;
+ m = lwgeom_tcpa(g1, g2, &dist);
+ lwgeom_free(g1);
+ lwgeom_free(g2);
+ ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(m, 1432291464.0);
double *mvals;
int nmvals = 0;
double mintime;
- double mindist2; /* minimum distance, squared */
+ double mindist2 = FLT_MAX; /* minimum distance, squared */
if ( ! lwgeom_has_m(g1) || ! lwgeom_has_m(g2) ) {
lwerror("Both input geometries must have a measure dimension");
return -1;
+ /* WARNING: these ranges may be wider than real ones */
gbox1 = lwgeom_get_bbox(g1);
gbox2 = lwgeom_get_bbox(g2);
* Find overlapping M range
+ * WARNING: may be larger than the real one
tmin = FP_MAX(gbox1->mmin, gbox2->mmin);
/*lwnotice("T %g-%g", t0, t1);*/
seg = ptarray_locate_along_linear(l1->points, t0, &p0, 0);
- if ( -1 == seg )
- {
- lwfree(mvals);
- lwerror("Non-linear measures in first geometry");
- return -1;
- }
+ if ( -1 == seg ) continue; /* possible, if GBOX is approximated */
/*lwnotice("Measure %g on segment %d of line 1: %g, %g, %g", t0, seg, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);*/
seg = ptarray_locate_along_linear(l1->points, t1, &p1, seg);
- if ( -1 == seg )
- {
- lwfree(mvals);
- lwerror("Non-linear measures in first geometry");
- return -1;
- }
+ if ( -1 == seg ) continue; /* possible, if GBOX is approximated */
/*lwnotice("Measure %g on segment %d of line 1: %g, %g, %g", t1, seg, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);*/
seg = ptarray_locate_along_linear(l2->points, t0, &q0, 0);
- if ( -1 == seg )
- {
- lwfree(mvals);
- lwerror("Non-linear measures in second geometry");
- return -1;
- }
+ if ( -1 == seg ) continue; /* possible, if GBOX is approximated */
/*lwnotice("Measure %g on segment %d of line 2: %g, %g, %g", t0, seg, q0.x, q0.y, q0.z);*/
seg = ptarray_locate_along_linear(l2->points, t1, &q1, seg);
- if ( -1 == seg )
- {
- lwfree(mvals);
- lwerror("Non-linear measures in second geometry");
- return -1;
- }
+ if ( -1 == seg ) continue; /* possible, if GBOX is approximated */
/*lwnotice("Measure %g on segment %d of line 2: %g, %g, %g", t1, seg, q1.x, q1.y, q1.z);*/
t = segments_tcpa(&p0, &p1, &q0, &q1, t0, t1);
dist2 = ( q0.x - p0.x ) * ( q0.x - p0.x ) +
( q0.y - p0.y ) * ( q0.y - p0.y ) +
( q0.z - p0.z ) * ( q0.z - p0.z );
- if ( i == 1 || dist2 < mindist2 )
+ if ( dist2 < mindist2 )
mindist2 = dist2;
mintime = t;
select 'pca3', ST_ClosestPointOfApproach(
'LINESTRINGZM(0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 10)',
'LINESTRINGZM(-30 0 5 4, 10 0 5 6)');
+-- Ticket #3136
+WITH inp as ( SELECT
+ 'LINESTRING M (0 0 80000002,1 0 80000003)'::geometry g1,
+ 'LINESTRING M (2 2 80000000,1 1 80000001,0 0 80000002)'::geometry g2 )
+SELECT 'pca#3136',
+ST_ClosestPointOfApproach(g2,g1), ST_ClosestPointOfApproach(g1,g2)
+FROM inp;
-- ST_AddMeasure