Specify the release version.
Add your signing key to your Git configuration file, if not already there.
git checkout master
git push
-git checkout -b support/2.11
-git push -u origin support/2.11
+git checkout -b support/2.12
+git push -u origin support/2.12
**For minor releases:** Push the support branch, cherry-pick the release commit
into master and merge the support branch:
-git push -u origin support/2.10
+git push -u origin support/2.11
git checkout master
-git cherry-pick support/2.10
-git merge --strategy=ours support/2.10
+git cherry-pick support/2.11
+git merge --strategy=ours support/2.11
git push origin master
Set the `Version`, `Revision` and `changelog` inside the spec file.
sed -i "s/Version: .*/Version: $VERSION/g" icinga2.spec
git config --global user.name "Michael Friedrich"
git config --global user.email "michael.friedrich@icinga.com"
./dch $VERSION-1 "Update to $VERSION"
choco apikey --key xxx --source https://push.chocolatey.org/
-choco push Icinga2-v2.10.0.nupkg --source https://push.chocolatey.org/
+choco push Icinga2-v2.11.0.nupkg --source https://push.chocolatey.org/