apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
apr_bucket_alloc_t *ba;
php_struct *ctx;
- uint now;
ctx = SG(server_context);
if (str_length == 0) return 0;
- ba = ctx->f->r->connection->bucket_alloc;
+ ba = ctx->f->c->bucket_alloc;
bb = apr_brigade_create(ctx->f->r->pool, ba);
- while (str_length > 0) {
- now = MIN(str_length, 4096);
- b = apr_bucket_transient_create(str, now, ba);
- str += now;
- str_length -= now;
- }
+ b = apr_bucket_transient_create(str, str_length, ba);
+ /* Add a Flush bucket to the end of this brigade, so that
+ * the transient buckets above are more likely to make it out
+ * the end of the filter instead of having to be copied into
+ * someone's setaside. */
+ b = apr_bucket_flush_create(ba);
if (ap_pass_brigade(ctx->f->next, bb) != APR_SUCCESS) {
- return str_length;
+ return 0; /* we wrote everything, we promise! */
static int
AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA module php4_module;
-#define INIT_CTX \
- if (ctx == NULL) { \
- /* Initialize filter context */ \
- SG(server_context) = ctx = apr_pcalloc(f->r->pool, sizeof(*ctx)); \
- ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(f->c->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc); \
- }
static int php_input_filter(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *bb,
ap_input_mode_t mode, apr_read_type_e block, apr_off_t readbytes)
ctx = SG(server_context);
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ /* Initialize filter context */
+ SG(server_context) = ctx = apr_pcalloc(f->r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
+ }
if ((rv = ap_get_brigade(f->next, bb, mode, block, readbytes)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
return rv;
- ctx = SG(server_context);
- ctx->f = f;
- /* states:
- * 0: request startup
- * 1: collecting data
- * 2: script execution and request shutdown
- */
- if (ctx->state == 0) {
- apply_config(conf);
- ctx->state++;
- php_apache_request_ctor(f, ctx TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (f->ctx == NULL) {
+ /* Initialize filter context */
+ f->ctx = ctx = apr_pcalloc(f->r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
+ ctx->f = f;
- /* moves all buckets from bb to ctx->bb */
- ap_save_brigade(f, &ctx->bb, &bb, f->r->pool);
+ if (ctx->request_processed) {
+ return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
+ }
- /* If we have received all data from the previous filters,
- * we "flatten" the buckets by creating a single string buffer.
- */
- if (ctx->state == 1 && APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(APR_BRIGADE_LAST(ctx->bb))) {
zend_file_handle zfd;
- apr_bucket *eos;
- /* We want to execute only one script per request.
- * A bug in Apache or other filters could cause us
- * to reenter php_filter during script execution, so
- * we protect ourselves here.
- */
- ctx->state = 2;
+ if (!ctx->request_processed && APR_BUCKET_IS_FILE(b)) {
+ const char *path;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *prebb = bb;
+ /* Split the brigade into two brigades before and after
+ * the file bucket. Leave the "after the FILE" brigade
+ * in the original bb, so it gets passed outside of this
+ * loop. */
+ bb = apr_brigade_split(prebb, b);
+ /* Pass the "before the FILE" brigade here
+ * (if it's non-empty). */
+ if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(prebb)) {
+ apr_status_t rv;
+ rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, prebb);
+ /* XXX: destroy the prebb, since we know we're
+ * done with it? */
+ if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ php_handle_aborted_connection();
+ }
+ }
- /* Handle phpinfo/phpcredits/built-in images */
- if (!php_handle_special_queries(TSRMLS_C)) {
+ SG(server_context) = ctx;
+ apply_config(conf);
+ php_apache_request_ctor(f, ctx TSRMLS_CC);
- b = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(ctx->bb);
+ apr_file_name_get(&path, ((apr_bucket_file *) b->data)->fd);
+ zfd.filename = (char *) path;
+ zfd.free_filename = 0;
+ zfd.opened_path = NULL;
+ php_execute_script(&zfd TSRMLS_CC);
+ php_apache_request_dtor(f TSRMLS_CC);
- if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FILE(b)) {
- const char *path;
- apr_file_name_get(&path, ((apr_bucket_file *) b->data)->fd);
- zfd.filename = (char *) path;
- zfd.free_filename = 0;
- zfd.opened_path = NULL;
- php_execute_script(&zfd TSRMLS_CC);
- } else {
-#define PHP_NO_DATA "The PHP Filter did not receive suitable input data"
- eos = apr_bucket_transient_create(PHP_NO_DATA, sizeof(PHP_NO_DATA)-1, f->c->bucket_alloc);
- }
- }
- php_apache_request_dtor(f TSRMLS_CC);
+ ctx->request_processed = 1;
- SG(server_context) = 0;
- /* Pass EOS bucket to next filter to signal end of request */
- eos = apr_bucket_eos_create(f->c->bucket_alloc);
- return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
- } else
- apr_brigade_destroy(bb);
+ /* Delete the FILE bucket from the brigade. */
+ apr_bucket_delete(b);
- return APR_SUCCESS;
+ /* We won't handle any more buckets in this brigade, so
+ * it's ok to break out now. */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pass whatever is left on the brigade. */
+ return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
static apr_status_t
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