json-test \
magnet-test \
metainfo-test \
+ move-test \
peer-msgs-test \
quark-test \
rename-test \
metainfo_test_LDADD = ${apps_ldadd}
metainfo_test_LDFLAGS = ${apps_ldflags}
+move_test_SOURCES = move-test.c $(TEST_SOURCES)
+move_test_LDADD = ${apps_ldadd}
+move_test_LDFLAGS = ${apps_ldflags}
peer_msgs_test_SOURCES = peer-msgs-test.c $(TEST_SOURCES)
peer_msgs_test_LDADD = ${apps_ldadd}
peer_msgs_test_LDFLAGS = ${apps_ldflags}
#include <stdio.h>
#include "transmission.h"
+#include "torrent.h"
#include "libtransmission-test.h"
bool verbose = false;
tr_ctorFree (ctor);
return tor;
+#define verify_and_block_until_done(tor) \
+ do { \
+ tr_torrentVerify (tor); \
+ do { \
+ tr_wait_msec (10); \
+ } while (tor->verifyState != TR_VERIFY_NONE); \
+ } while (0)
+libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_populate (tr_torrent * tor, bool complete)
+ tr_file_index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i)
+ {
+ int rv;
+ uint64_t j;
+ FILE * fp;
+ char * path;
+ char * dirname;
+ const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[i];
+ struct stat sb;
+ path = tr_buildPath (tor->currentDir, file->name, NULL);
+ dirname = tr_dirname (path);
+ tr_mkdirp (dirname, 0700);
+ fp = fopen (path, "wb+");
+ for (j=0; j<file->length; ++j)
+ fputc ('\0', fp);
+ fclose (fp);
+ tr_free (dirname);
+ tr_free (path);
+ path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i);
+ assert (path != NULL);
+ rv = stat (path, &sb);
+ assert (rv == 0);
+ tr_free (path);
+ }
+ sync ();
+ if (!complete)
+ {
+ FILE * fp;
+ char * oldpath = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 0);
+ char * newpath = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.part", oldpath);
+ rename (oldpath, newpath);
+ /* invalidate one piece */
+ fp = fopen (newpath, "rb+");
+ fputc ('\1', fp);
+ fclose (fp);
+ tr_free (newpath);
+ tr_free (oldpath);
+ sync ();
+ verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
+ assert (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == tor->info.pieceSize);
+ }
void libtransmission_test_session_init (void); /* utility; calls the other 3 */
void libtransmission_test_session_close (void);
+void libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_populate (tr_torrent * tor, bool complete);
tr_torrent * libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_init (void);
--- /dev/null
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h> /* remove() */
+#include <string.h> /* strcmp() */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h> /* stat() */
+#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat() */
+#include <unistd.h> /* stat(), sync() */
+#include <event2/buffer.h>
+#include "transmission.h"
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "resume.h"
+#include "torrent.h" /* tr_isTorrent() */
+#include "utils.h" /* tr_mkdirp() */
+#include "variant.h"
+#include "libtransmission-test.h"
+static void
+zeroes_completeness_func (tr_torrent * torrent UNUSED,
+ tr_completeness completeness,
+ bool wasRunning UNUSED,
+ void * user_data)
+ *(tr_completeness*)user_data = completeness;
+static int
+test_incomplete_dir_is_subdir_of_download_dir (void)
+ tr_file_index_t i;
+ char * path;
+ char * incomplete_dir;
+ char * expected_path;
+ tr_torrent * tor;
+ tr_completeness completeness;
+ /* init the session */
+ libtransmission_test_session_init ();
+ incomplete_dir = tr_buildPath (downloadDir, "incomplete", NULL);
+ tr_sessionSetIncompleteDir (session, incomplete_dir);
+ tr_sessionSetIncompleteDirEnabled (session, true);
+ /* init an incomplete torrent */
+ tor = libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_init ();
+ libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_populate (tor, false);
+ check (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == tor->info.pieceSize);
+ path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 0);
+ expected_path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s/%s.part", incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[0].name);
+ check_streq (expected_path, path);
+ tr_free (expected_path);
+ tr_free (path);
+ path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 1);
+ expected_path = tr_buildPath (incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[1].name, NULL);
+ check_streq (expected_path, path);
+ tr_free (expected_path);
+ tr_free (path);
+ check_int_eq (tor->info.pieceSize, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone);
+ /* now finish writing it */
+ {
+ //char * block;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ tr_block_index_t i;
+ tr_block_index_t first;
+ tr_block_index_t last;
+ char * tobuf;
+ struct evbuffer * buf;
+ tobuf = tr_new0 (char, tor->blockSize);
+ buf = evbuffer_new ();
+ tr_torGetPieceBlockRange (tor, 0, &first, &last);
+ for (offset=0, i=first; i<=last; ++i, offset+=tor->blockSize)
+ {
+ evbuffer_add (buf, tobuf, tor->blockSize);
+ tr_cacheWriteBlock (session->cache, tor, 0, offset, tor->blockSize, buf);
+ tr_torrentGotBlock (tor, i);
+ }
+ evbuffer_free (buf);
+ tr_free (tobuf);
+ }
+ completeness = -1;
+ tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback (tor, zeroes_completeness_func, &completeness);
+ tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness (tor);
+ check_int_eq (TR_SEED, completeness);
+ sync ();
+ for (i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i)
+ {
+ path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i);
+ expected_path = tr_buildPath (downloadDir, tor->info.files[i].name, NULL);
+ check_streq (expected_path, path);
+ tr_free (expected_path);
+ tr_free (path);
+ }
+ /* cleanup */
+ tr_torrentRemove (tor, true, remove);
+ libtransmission_test_session_close ();
+ tr_free (incomplete_dir);
+ return 0;
+main (void)
+ const testFunc tests[] = { test_incomplete_dir_is_subdir_of_download_dir };
+ return runTests (tests, NUM_TESTS (tests));
-static void
-gotBadPiece (Torrent * t, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex)
- tr_torrent * tor = t->tor;
- const uint32_t byteCount = tr_torPieceCountBytes (tor, pieceIndex);
- tor->corruptCur += byteCount;
- tor->downloadedCur -= MIN (tor->downloadedCur, byteCount);
- tr_announcerAddBytes (tor, TR_ANN_CORRUPT, byteCount);
static void
peerSuggestedPiece (Torrent * t UNUSED,
tr_peer * peer UNUSED,
tr_free (blocks);
-static void tr_peerMgrSetBlame (tr_torrent *, tr_piece_index_t, int);
+static void
+cancelAllRequestsForBlock (struct tr_torrent_peers * t,
+ tr_block_index_t block,
+ tr_peer * no_notify)
+ int i;
+ int peerCount;
+ tr_peer ** peers;
+ tr_ptrArray peerArr;
+ peerArr = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
+ getBlockRequestPeers (t, block, &peerArr);
+ peers = (tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek (&peerArr, &peerCount);
+ for (i=0; i<peerCount; ++i)
+ {
+ tr_peer * p = peers[i];
+ if ((p != no_notify) && (p->msgs != NULL))
+ {
+ tr_historyAdd (&p->cancelsSentToPeer, tr_time (), 1);
+ tr_peerMsgsCancel (p->msgs, block);
+ }
+ removeRequestFromTables (t, block, p);
+ }
+ tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&peerArr, NULL);
+tr_peerMgrPieceCompleted (tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t p)
+ int i;
+ int peerCount;
+ tr_peer ** peers;
+ struct tr_torrent_peers * t = tor->torrentPeers;
+ /* notify the peers that we now have this piece */
+ peerCount = tr_ptrArraySize (&t->peers);
+ peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayBase (&t->peers);
+ for (i=0; i<peerCount; ++i)
+ tr_peerMsgsHave (peers[i]->msgs, p);
+ /* bookkeeping */
+ pieceListRemovePiece (t, p);
+ t->needsCompletenessCheck = true;
static void
peerCallbackFunc (tr_peer * peer, const tr_peer_event * e, void * vt)
- {
- tr_torrent * tor = t->tor;
- tr_block_index_t block = _tr_block (tor, e->pieceIndex, e->offset);
- int i, peerCount;
- tr_peer ** peers;
- tr_ptrArray peerArr = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
- removeRequestFromTables (t, block, peer);
- getBlockRequestPeers (t, block, &peerArr);
- peers = (tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek (&peerArr, &peerCount);
- /* remove additional block requests and send cancel to peers */
- for (i=0; i<peerCount; i++) {
- tr_peer * p = peers[i];
- assert (p != peer);
- if (p->msgs) {
- tr_historyAdd (&p->cancelsSentToPeer, tr_time (), 1);
- tr_peerMsgsCancel (p->msgs, block);
- }
- removeRequestFromTables (t, block, p);
- }
- tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&peerArr, false);
- tr_historyAdd (&peer->blocksSentToClient, tr_time (), 1);
- if (tr_cpBlockIsComplete (&tor->completion, block))
- {
- /* we already have this block... */
- const uint32_t n = tr_torBlockCountBytes (tor, block);
- tor->downloadedCur -= MIN (tor->downloadedCur, n);
- tordbg (t, "we have this block already...");
- }
- else
- {
- tr_cpBlockAdd (&tor->completion, block);
- pieceListResortPiece (t, pieceListLookup (t, e->pieceIndex));
- tr_torrentSetDirty (tor);
- if (tr_cpPieceIsComplete (&tor->completion, e->pieceIndex))
- {
- const tr_piece_index_t p = e->pieceIndex;
- const bool ok = tr_torrentCheckPiece (tor, p);
- tordbg (t, "[LAZY] checked just-completed piece %zu", (size_t)p);
- if (!ok)
- {
- tr_logAddTorErr (tor, _("Piece %lu, which was just downloaded, failed its checksum test"),
- (unsigned long)p);
- }
- tr_peerMgrSetBlame (tor, p, ok);
- if (!ok)
- {
- gotBadPiece (t, p);
- }
- else
- {
- int i;
- int peerCount;
- tr_peer ** peers;
- tr_file_index_t fileIndex;
- /* only add this to downloadedCur if we got it from a peer --
- * webseeds shouldn't count against our ratio. As one tracker
- * admin put it, "Those pieces are downloaded directly from the
- * content distributor, not the peers, it is the tracker's job
- * to manage the swarms, not the web server and does not fit
- * into the jurisdiction of the tracker." */
- if (peer->msgs != NULL) {
- const uint32_t n = tr_torPieceCountBytes (tor, p);
- tr_announcerAddBytes (tor, TR_ANN_DOWN, n);
- }
- peerCount = tr_ptrArraySize (&t->peers);
- peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayBase (&t->peers);
- for (i=0; i<peerCount; ++i)
- tr_peerMsgsHave (peers[i]->msgs, p);
- for (fileIndex=0; fileIndex<tor->info.fileCount; ++fileIndex) {
- const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[fileIndex];
- if ((file->firstPiece <= p) && (p <= file->lastPiece)) {
- if (tr_cpFileIsComplete (&tor->completion, fileIndex)) {
- tr_cacheFlushFile (tor->session->cache, tor, fileIndex);
- tr_torrentFileCompleted (tor, fileIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- pieceListRemovePiece (t, p);
- }
- }
- t->needsCompletenessCheck = true;
- }
+ {
+ const tr_block_index_t block = _tr_block (t->tor, e->pieceIndex, e->offset);
+ cancelAllRequestsForBlock (t, block, peer);
+ tr_historyAdd (&peer->blocksSentToClient, tr_time(), 1);
+ pieceListResortPiece (t, pieceListLookup (t, e->pieceIndex));
+ tr_torrentGotBlock (t->tor, block);
- }
+ }
if ((e->err == ERANGE) || (e->err == EMSGSIZE) || (e->err == ENOTCONN))
-static void
-tr_peerMgrSetBlame (tr_torrent * tor,
- tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex,
- int success)
+tr_peerMgrGotBadPiece (tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex)
- if (!success)
- {
- int peerCount, i;
- Torrent * t = tor->torrentPeers;
- tr_peer ** peers;
+ int i;
+ int n;
+ Torrent * t = tor->torrentPeers;
+ const uint32_t byteCount = tr_torPieceCountBytes (tor, pieceIndex);
- assert (torrentIsLocked (t));
+ for (i=0, n=tr_ptrArraySize(&t->peers); i!=n; ++i)
+ {
+ tr_peer * peer = tr_ptrArrayNth (&t->peers, i);
- peers = (tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek (&t->peers, &peerCount);
- for (i = 0; i < peerCount; ++i)
+ if (tr_bitfieldHas (&peer->blame, pieceIndex))
- tr_peer * peer = peers[i];
- if (tr_bitfieldHas (&peer->blame, pieceIndex))
- {
- tordbg (t, "peer %s contributed to corrupt piece (%d); now has %d strikes",
- tr_atomAddrStr (peer->atom),
- pieceIndex, (int)peer->strikes + 1);
- addStrike (t, peer);
- }
+ tordbg (t, "peer %s contributed to corrupt piece (%d); now has %d strikes",
+ tr_atomAddrStr(peer->atom), pieceIndex, (int)peer->strikes + 1);
+ addStrike (t, peer);
+ tr_announcerAddBytes (tor, TR_ANN_CORRUPT, byteCount);
void tr_peerMgrClearInterest (tr_torrent * tor);
+void tr_peerMgrGotBadPiece (tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex);
+void tr_peerMgrPieceCompleted (tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex);
/* @} */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
check_have_none (tor, totalSize);
- create_single_file_torrent_contents (tor->downloadDir);
+ create_single_file_torrent_contents (tor->currentDir);
/* sanity check the stats again, now that we've added the file */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
**** Now try a rename that should succeed
- tmpstr = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, "hello-world.txt", NULL);
+ tmpstr = tr_buildPath (tor->currentDir, "hello-world.txt", NULL);
check (tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check_streq ("hello-world.txt", tr_torrentName(tor));
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, tor->info.name, "foobar"));
**** ...and rename it back again
- tmpstr = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, "foobar", NULL);
+ tmpstr = tr_buildPath (tor->currentDir, "foobar", NULL);
check (tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "foobar", "hello-world.txt"));
check (!tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check_have_none (tor, totalSize);
/* build the local data */
- create_multifile_torrent_contents (tor->downloadDir);
+ create_multifile_torrent_contents (tor->currentDir);
/* sanity check the (full) stats */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
/* remove the directory Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus */
- str = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, files[1].name, NULL);
+ str = tr_buildPath (tor->currentDir, files[1].name, NULL);
remove (str);
tr_free (str);
- str = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, files[2].name, NULL);
+ str = tr_buildPath (tor->currentDir, files[2].name, NULL);
remove (str);
tmp = tr_dirname (str);
remove (tmp);
-static void
-create_zero_torrent_partial_contents (tr_torrent * tor, bool incomplete)
- tr_file_index_t i;
- for (i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i)
- {
- int rv;
- uint64_t j;
- FILE * fp;
- char * path;
- char * dirname;
- const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[i];
- struct stat sb;
- path = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, file->name, NULL);
- dirname = tr_dirname (path);
- tr_mkdirp (dirname, 0700);
- fp = fopen (path, "wb+");
- for (j=0; j<file->length; ++j)
- fputc ('\0', fp);
- fclose (fp);
- tr_free (dirname);
- tr_free (path);
- path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i);
- assert (path != NULL);
- rv = stat (path, &sb);
- assert (rv == 0);
- tr_free (path);
- }
- sync ();
- verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
- assert (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == 0);
- if (incomplete)
- {
- FILE * fp;
- char * oldpath = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 0);
- char * newpath = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.part", oldpath);
- rename (oldpath, newpath);
- /* invalidate one piece */
- fp = fopen (newpath, "rb+");
- fputc ('\1', fp);
- fclose (fp);
- tr_free (newpath);
- tr_free (oldpath);
- sync ();
- verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
- assert (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == tor->info.pieceSize);
- }
static int
test_partial_file (void)
check_streq ("files-filled-with-zeroes/4096", tor->info.files[1].name);
check_streq ("files-filled-with-zeroes/512", tor->info.files[2].name);
- create_zero_torrent_partial_contents (tor, true);
+ libtransmission_test_zero_torrent_populate (tor, false);
fst = tr_torrentFiles (tor, NULL);
check_int_eq (length[0] - pieceSize, fst[0].bytesCompleted);
check_int_eq (length[1], fst[1].bytesCompleted);
strings[0] = "foo/bar.part";
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
- char * expected = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, strings[i], NULL);
+ char * expected = tr_buildPath (tor->currentDir, strings[i], NULL);
char * path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i);
check_streq (expected, path);
tr_free (path);
static uint64_t
-fileBytesCompleted (const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t index)
+countFileBytesCompleted (const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t index)
uint64_t total = 0;
const tr_file * f = &tor->info.files[index];
assert (tr_isTorrent (tor));
for (i=0; i<n; ++i, ++walk) {
- const uint64_t b = isSeed ? tor->info.files[i].length : fileBytesCompleted (tor, i);
+ const uint64_t b = isSeed ? tor->info.files[i].length : countFileBytesCompleted (tor, i);
walk->bytesCompleted = b;
walk->progress = tor->info.files[i].length > 0 ? ((float)b / tor->info.files[i].length) : 1.0f;
-tr_torrentFileCompleted (tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileNum)
+static void
+tr_torrentFileCompleted (tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex)
char * sub;
const char * base;
const tr_info * inf = &tor->info;
- const tr_file * f = &inf->files[fileNum];
+ const tr_file * f = &inf->files[fileIndex];
tr_piece * p;
const tr_piece * pend;
const time_t now = tr_time ();
/* close the file so that we can reopen in read-only mode as needed */
- tr_fdFileClose (tor->session, tor, fileNum);
+ tr_cacheFlushFile (tor->session->cache, tor, fileIndex);
+ tr_fdFileClose (tor->session, tor, fileIndex);
/* now that the file is complete and closed, we can start watching its
* mtime timestamp for changes to know if we need to reverify pieces */
/* if the torrent's current filename isn't the same as the one in the
* metadata -- for example, if it had the ".part" suffix appended to
* it until now -- then rename it to match the one in the metadata */
- if (tr_torrentFindFile2 (tor, fileNum, &base, &sub, NULL))
+ if (tr_torrentFindFile2 (tor, fileIndex, &base, &sub, NULL))
if (strcmp (sub, f->name))
+static void
+tr_torrentPieceCompleted (tr_torrent * tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex)
+ tr_file_index_t i;
+ tr_peerMgrPieceCompleted (tor, pieceIndex);
+ /* if this piece completes any file, invoke the fileCompleted func for it */
+ for (i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[i];
+ if ((file->firstPiece <= pieceIndex) && (pieceIndex <= file->lastPiece))
+ if (tr_cpFileIsComplete (&tor->completion, i))
+ tr_torrentFileCompleted (tor, i);
+ }
+tr_torrentGotBlock (tr_torrent * tor, tr_block_index_t block)
+ const bool block_is_new = !tr_cpBlockIsComplete (&tor->completion, block);
+ if (block_is_new)
+ {
+ tr_piece_index_t p;
+ tr_cpBlockAdd (&tor->completion, block);
+ tr_torrentSetDirty (tor);
+ p = tr_torBlockPiece (tor, block);
+ if (tr_cpPieceIsComplete (&tor->completion, p))
+ {
+ tr_logAddTorDbg (tor, "[LAZY] checking just-completed piece %zu", (size_t)p);
+ if (tr_torrentCheckPiece (tor, p))
+ {
+ tr_torrentPieceCompleted (tor, p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const uint32_t n = tr_torPieceCountBytes (tor, p);
+ tr_logAddTorErr (tor, _("Piece %"PRIu32", which was just downloaded, failed its checksum test"), p);
+ tor->corruptCur += n;
+ tor->downloadedCur -= MIN (tor->downloadedCur, n);
+ tr_peerMgrGotBadPiece (tor, p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const uint32_t n = tr_torBlockCountBytes (tor, block);
+ tor->downloadedCur -= MIN (tor->downloadedCur, n);
+ tr_logAddTorDbg (tor, "we have this block already...");
+ }
uint32_t tr_getBlockSize (uint32_t pieceSize);
- * Tell the tr_torrent that one of its files has become complete
+ * Tell the tr_torrent that it's gotten a block
-void tr_torrentFileCompleted (tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileNo);
+void tr_torrentGotBlock (tr_torrent * tor, tr_block_index_t blockIndex);