# of your PDCurses C files which must already be resident on
# your machine.
#4b Qt
#ZLIB = zlib.lib
# Have windows path styles available for use in commands
+W_OBJ =$(subst /,\, $(OBJ))
W_INCL =$(subst /,\, $(INCL))
W_DAT =$(subst /,\, $(DAT))
W_DOC =$(subst /,\, $(DOC))
linkdebug =
-CFLAGSBASE = -c $(cflags) $(WINPINC) $(cdebug)
+CFLAGSBASE = -c $(cflags) $(WINPINC) $(cdebug) $(CURSESDEF)
#LFLAGSBASEC = $(linkdebug)
#LFLAGSBASEG = $(linkdebug) -mwindows
$(OBJ)/%.o : $(WCURSES)/%.c
- $(cc) $(CFLAGS) -o$@ $<
+ $(cc) $(PDCINCL) $(CFLAGS) -o$@ $<
# Rules for files in PDCurses
- test -d $(GAMEDIR) || echo creating directory $(GAMEDIR)
- test -d $(GAMEDIR) || mkdir $(GAMEDIR)
+ test -d $(GAMEDIR) || echo creating directory $(W_GAMEDIR)
+ test -d $(GAMEDIR) || mkdir $(W_GAMEDIR)
test -d $(GAMEDIR) && echo directory created > $@
$(GAMEDIR)/NetHack.exe : gamedir.tag $(PDCLIB) $(O)tile.o $(O)nttty.o $(O)guistub.o \
$(MSWSYS)/NetHack.ico : $(U)uudecode.exe $(MSWSYS)/nhico.uu
$(subst /,\,$(U)uudecode.exe $(MSWSYS)/nhico.uu)
- copy NetHack.ico $@
+ copy NetHack.ico $(W_MSWSYS)\NetHack.ico
del NetHack.ico
$(MSWIN)/NetHack.ico : $(MSWSYS)/NetHack.ico
spotless: clean
- if exist initialchk del initialchk
-ifneq "$(OBJ)" ""
- if exist $(W_OBJ)\* rmdir $(W_OBJ) /s /Q
+ if exist o\* del /Q o\*
+ -test -d o && rd o
+ if exist objdir.tag del objdir.tag
+ if exist gamedir.tag del gamedir.tag
+ifneq "$(W_GAMEDIR)" ""
if exist $(W_GAMEDIR))\nhdefkey.dll del $(W_GAMEDIR))\nhdefkey.dll
if exist $(W_GAMEDIR))\nh340key.dll del $(W_GAMEDIR))\nh340key.dll
if exist $(W_GAMEDIR))\nhraykey.dll del $(W_GAMEDIR))\nhraykey.dll
if exist $(W_GAMEDIR))\NetHack.pdb del $(W_GAMEDIR))\NetHack.pdb
if exist $(W_GAMEDIR))\nhdat del $(W_GAMEDIR))\nhdat
- if exist $(W_INCL)\date.h del $(W_INCL)\date.h
- if exist $(W_INCL)\onames.h del $(W_INCL)\onames.h
- if exist $(W_INCL)\pm.h del $(W_INCL)\pm.h
- if exist $(W_INCL)\vis_tab.h del $(W_INCL)\vis_tab.h
+ifneq "$(W_SRC)" ""
if exist $(W_SRC)\vis_tab.c del $(W_SRC)\vis_tab.c
if exist $(W_SRC)\tile.c del $(W_SRC)\tile.c
- if exist $(W_UTIL)\*.lnk del $(W_UTIL)\*.lnk
- if exist $(W_UTIL)\*.map del $(W_UTIL)\*.map
+ if exist $(W_SRC)\vis_tab.c del $(W_SRC)\vis_tab.c
+ if exist nhdat. del nhdat.
+ifneq "$(W_DAT)" ""
if exist $(W_DAT)\data del $(W_DAT)\data
if exist $(W_DAT)\rumors del $(W_DAT)\rumors
if exist $(W_DAT)\engrave del $(W_DAT)\engrave
if exist $(W_DAT)\wizard?.lev del $(W_DAT)\wizard?.lev
if exist $(W_DAT)\dlb.lst del $(W_DAT)\dlb.lst
if exist $(W_DAT)\porthelp del $(W_DAT)\porthelp
+ifneq "$(W_OBJ)" ""
if exist $(W_OBJ)\sp_lev.tag del $(W_OBJ)\sp_lev.tag
- if exist $(W_SRC)\vis_tab.c del $(W_SRC)\vis_tab.c
- if exist nhdat. del nhdat.
if exist $(W_OBJ)\obj.tag del $(W_OBJ)\obj.tag
if exist $(W_OBJ)\gamedir.tag del $(W_OBJ)\gamedir.tag
if exist $(W_OBJ)\nh*key.lib del $(W_OBJ)\nh*key.lib
if exist $(W_OBJ)\nh*key.exp del $(W_OBJ)\nh*key.exp
+ifneq "$(W_MSWIN)" ""
if exist $(W_MSWIN)\mnsel.bmp del $(W_MSWIN)\mnsel.bmp
if exist $(W_MSWIN)\mnselcnt.bmp del $(W_MSWIN)\mnselcnt.bmp
if exist $(W_MSWIN)\mnunsel.bmp del $(W_MSWIN)\mnunsel.bmp
if exist $(W_MSWIN)\rip.bmp del $(W_MSWIN)\rip.bmp
if exist $(W_MSWIN)\splash.bmp del $(W_MSWIN)\splash.bmp
if exist $(W_MSWIN)\nethack.ico del $(W_MSWIN)\nethack.ico
+ifneq "$(W_MSWSYS)" ""
if exist $(W_MSWSYS)\nethack.ico del $(W_MSWSYS)\nethack.ico
+ifneq "$(W_UTIL)" ""
+ if exist $(W_UTIL)\*.lnk del $(W_UTIL)\*.lnk
+ if exist $(W_UTIL)\*.map del $(W_UTIL)\*.map
if exist $(W_UTIL)\recover.exe del $(W_UTIL)\recover.exe
if exist $(W_UTIL)\tile2bmp.exe del $(W_UTIL)\tile2bmp.exe
if exist $(W_UTIL)\tilemap.exe del $(W_UTIL)\tilemap.exe
if exist $(W_UTIL)\uudecode.exe del $(W_UTIL)\uudecode.exe
if exist $(W_UTIL)\dlb_main.exe del $(W_UTIL)\dlb_main.exe
+ifneq "$(W_INCL)" ""
+ if exist $(W_INCL)\date.h del $(W_INCL)\date.h
+ if exist $(W_INCL)\onames.h del $(W_INCL)\onames.h
+ if exist $(W_INCL)\pm.h del $(W_INCL)\pm.h
+ if exist $(W_INCL)\vis_tab.h del $(W_INCL)\vis_tab.h
ifeq "$(ADD_CURSES)" "Y"
+ifneq "$(W_OBJ)" ""
if exist $(W_OBJ)\pdcurses.lib del $(W_OBJ)\pdcurses.lib
+ if exist $(W_GAMEDIR)\license. del $(W_GAMEDIR)\license.
+ if exist $(W_GAMEDIR)\nh340key.dll del $(W_GAMEDIR)\nh340key.dll
+ if exist $(W_GAMEDIR)\nhdefkey.dll del $(W_GAMEDIR)\nhdefkey.dll
+ if exist $(W_GAMEDIR)\nhraykey.dll del $(W_GAMEDIR)\nhraykey.dll
+ -test -d ..\binary && rd ..\binary
- if exist $(W_OBJ)\*.o del $(W_OBJ)\*.o
- if exist $(W_OBJ)\utility.tag del $(W_OBJ)\utility.tag
+ if exist initialchk del initialchk
+ if exist install.tag del install.tag
+ if exist utility.tag del utility.tag
+ifneq "$(W_UTIL)" ""
if exist $(W_UTIL)\makedefs.exe del $(W_UTIL)\makedefs.exe
if exist $(W_UTIL)\levcomp.exe del $(W_UTIL)\levcomp.exe
if exist $(W_UTIL)\dgncomp.exe del $(W_UTIL)\dgncomp.exe
+ifneq "$(W_SRC)" ""
if exist $(W_SRC)\*.lnk del $(W_SRC)\*.lnk
if exist $(W_SRC)\*.map del $(W_SRC)\*.map
+ifneq "$(W_OBJ)" ""
+ if exist $(W_OBJ)\*.o del $(W_OBJ)\*.o
+ if exist $(W_OBJ)\utility.tag del $(W_OBJ)\utility.tag
if exist $(W_OBJ)\install.tag del $(W_OBJ)\install.tag
if exist $(W_OBJ)\console.res del $(W_OBJ)\console.res
if exist $(W_OBJ)\dgncomp.MAP del $(W_OBJ)\dgncomp.MAP
if exist $(W_OBJ)\sp_lev.tag del $(W_OBJ)\sp_lev.tag
if exist $(W_OBJ)\uudecode.MAP del $(W_OBJ)\uudecode.MAP
if exist $(W_OBJ)\uudecode.PDB del $(W_OBJ)\uudecode.PDB
rem defer to the steps in ../win/win32/levstuff-mingw32.mak