Use this window like you would the \program{PythonInterpreter}, except
that you cannot use the ``Drag and drop'' method above. Instead,
dropping a script onto the \program{Python IDE} icon will open the
-file in a seperate script window (which you can then execute manually
+file in a separate script window (which you can then execute manually
-- see section \ref{IDEexecution}).
files or folders onto it, to pass them to the applet the way
command-line users would type them onto the command-line to pass them
as arguments to the script. However, you should make sure to save the
-applet as a seperate file, do not overwrite the script you are
+applet as a separate file, do not overwrite the script you are
writing, because you will not be able to edit it again.
Accessing the items passed to the applet via ``drag-and-drop'' is done