to see if the bug has been fixed.
If the problem you're reporting is not already in the bug tracker, go back to
-the Python Bug Tracker. If you don't already have a tracker account, select the
-"Register" link in the sidebar and undergo the registration procedure.
-Otherwise, if you're not logged in, enter your credentials and select "Login".
-It is not possible to submit a bug report anonymously.
+the Python Bug Tracker and log in. If you don't already have a tracker account,
+select the "Register" link or, if you use OpenID, one of the OpenID provider
+logos in the sidebar. It is not possible to submit a bug report anonymously.
Being now logged in, you can submit a bug. Select the "Create New" link in the
sidebar to open the bug reporting form.
Each bug report will be assigned to a developer who will determine what needs to
be done to correct the problem. You will receive an update each time action is
-taken on the bug.
+taken on the bug. See for a detailed
+description of the issue workflow.
.. seealso::