= "+1 555 424642"
-Define an additional `NotificationCommand` for SMS notifications.
+Define an additional [NotificationCommand](#notification) for SMS notifications.
> **Note**
### <a id="check-commands"></a> Check Commands
-`CheckCommand` objects define the command line how a check is called.
+[CheckCommand](#objecttype-checkcommand) objects define the command line how
+a check is called.
+[CheckCommand](#objecttype-checkcommand) objects are referenced by
+[Host](#objecttype-host) and [Service](#objecttype-service) objects
+using the `check_command` attribute.
> **Note**
#### <a id="command-plugin-integration"></a> Integrate the Plugin with a CheckCommand Definition
-`CheckCommand` objects require the [ITL template](#itl-plugin-check-command)
+[CheckCommand](#objecttype-checkcommand) objects require the [ITL template](#itl-plugin-check-command)
`plugin-check-command` to support native plugin based check methods.
Unless you have done so already, download your check plugin and put it
-into the `PluginDir` directory. The following example uses the
+into the [PluginDir](#constants-conf) directory. The following example uses the
`check_disk` plugin shipped with the Monitoring Plugins package.
The plugin path and all command arguments are made a list of
> Don't execute plugins as `root` and always use the absolute path to the plugin! Trust us.
Next step is to understand how command parameters are being passed from
-a host or service object, and add a `CheckCommand` definition based on these
-required parameters and/or default values.
+a host or service object, and add a [CheckCommand](#objecttype-checkcommand)
+definition based on these required parameters and/or default values.
#### <a id="command-passing-parameters"></a> Passing Check Command Parameters from Host or Service
then use these custom attributes as runtime macros for [command arguments](#command-arguments)
on the command line.
+> **Tip**
+> Use a common command type as prefix for your command arguments to increase
+> readability. `disk_wfree` helps understanding the context better than just
+> `wfree` as argument.
The default custom attributes can be overridden by the custom attributes
defined in the service using the check command `my-disk`. The custom attributes
can also be inherited from a parent template using additive inheritance (`+=`).
Details on all available options can be found in the
[CheckCommand object definition](#objecttype-checkcommand).
-### <a id="using-apply-services-command-arguments"></a> Apply Services with custom Command Arguments
+### <a id="using-apply-services-command-arguments"></a> Apply Services with Custom Command Arguments
Imagine the following scenario: The `my-host1` host is reachable using the default port 22, while
the `my-host2` host requires a different port on 2222. Both hosts are in the hostgroup `my-linux-servers`.
### <a id="notification-commands"></a> Notification Commands
-`NotificationCommand` objects define how notifications are delivered to external
+[NotificationCommand](#objecttype-notificationcommand) objects define how notifications are delivered to external
interfaces (E-Mail, XMPP, IRC, Twitter, etc).
+[NotificationCommand](#objecttype-notificationcommand) objects are referenced by
+[Notification](#objecttype-notification) objects using the `command` attribute.
`NotificationCommand` objects require the [ITL template](#itl-plugin-notification-command)
`plugin-notification-command` to support native plugin-based notifications.
### <a id="event-commands"></a> Event Commands
-Unlike notifications event commands are called on every host/service execution
-if one of these conditions match:
+Unlike notifications event commands for hosts/services are called on every
+check execution if one of these conditions match:
* The host/service is in a [soft state](#hard-soft-states)
* The host/service state changes into a [hard state](#hard-soft-states)
* The host/service state recovers from a [soft or hard state](#hard-soft-states) to [OK](#service-states)/[Up](#host-states)
+[EventCommand](#objecttype-eventcommand) objects are referenced by
+[Host](#objecttype-host) and [Service](#objecttype-service) objects
+using the `event_command` attribute.
Therefore the `EventCommand` object should define a command line
evaluating the current service state and other service runtime attributes
available through runtime vars. Runtime macros such as `$service.state_type$`
`EventCommand` objects require the ITL template `plugin-event-command`
to support native plugin based checks.
-When the event command is triggered on a service state change, it will
-send a check result using the `process_check_result` script forcibly
-changing the service state back to `OK` (`-r 0`) providing some debug
-information in the check output (`-o`).
+#### <a id="event-command-restart-service-daemon"></a> Use Event Commands to Restart Service Daemon
+The following example will triggert a restart of the `httpd` daemon
+via ssh when the `http` service check fails. If the service state is
+`OK`, it will not trigger any event action.
+* ssh connection
+* icinga user with public key authentication
+* icinga user with sudo permissions for restarting the httpd daemon.
+Example on Debian:
+ # ls /home/icinga/.ssh/
+ authorized_keys
+ # visudo
+ icinga ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- object EventCommand "plugin-event-process-check-result" {
+Define a generic [EventCommand](#objecttype-eventcommand) object `event_by_ssh`
+which can be used for all event commands triggered using ssh:
+ /* pass event commands through ssh */
+ object EventCommand "event_by_ssh" {
import "plugin-event-command"
- command = [
- PluginDir + "/process_check_result",
- "-H", "$$",
- "-S", "$$",
- "-c", RunDir + "/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd",
- "-r", "0",
- "-o", "Event Handler triggered in state '$service.state$' with output '$service.output$'."
- ]
+ command = [ PluginDir + "/check_by_ssh" ]
+ arguments = {
+ "-H" = "$event_by_ssh_address$"
+ "-p" = "$event_by_ssh_port$"
+ "-C" = "$event_by_ssh_command$"
+ "-l" = "$event_by_ssh_logname$"
+ "-i" = "$event_by_ssh_identity$"
+ "-q" = {
+ set_if = "$event_by_ssh_quiet$"
+ }
+ "-w" = "$event_by_ssh_warn$"
+ "-c" = "$event_by_ssh_crit$"
+ "-t" = "$event_by_ssh_timeout$"
+ }
+ vars.event_by_ssh_address = "$address$"
+ vars.event_by_ssh_quiet = false
+The actual event command only passes the `event_by_ssh_command` attribute.
+The `event_by_ssh_service` custom attribute takes care of passing the correct
+daemon name, while `test $service.state_id$ -gt 0` makes sure that the daemon
+is only restarted when the service is an a not `OK` state.
+object EventCommand "event_by_ssh_restart_service" {
+ import "event_by_ssh"
+ //only restart the daemon if state > 0 (not-ok)
+ //requires sudo permissions for the icinga user
+ vars.event_by_ssh_command = "test $service.state_id$ -gt 0 && sudo /etc/init.d/$event_by_ssh_service$ restart"
+Now set the `event_command` attribute to `event_by_ssh_restart_service` and tell it
+which service should be restarted using the `event_by_ssh_service` attribute.
+ object Service "http" {
+ import "generic-service"
+ host_name = "remote-http-host"
+ check_command = "http"
+ event_command = "event_by_ssh_restart_service"
+ vars.event_by_ssh_service = "$host.vars.httpd_name$"
+ //vars.event_by_ssh_logname = "icinga"
+ //vars.event_by_ssh_identity = "/home/icinga/.ssh/"
+ }
+Each host with this service then must define the `httpd_name` custom attribute
+(for example generated from your cmdb):
+ object Host "remote-http-host" {
+ import "generic-host"
+ address = ""
+ vars.httpd_name = "apache2"
+ }
+You can testdrive this example by manually stopping the `httpd` daemon
+on your `remote-http-host`. Enable the `debuglog` feature and tail the
+`/var/log/icinga2/debug.log` file.
+Remote Host Terminal:
+ # date; service apache2 status
+ Mon Sep 15 18:57:39 CEST 2014
+ Apache2 is running (pid 23651).
+ # date; service apache2 stop
+ Mon Sep 15 18:57:47 CEST 2014
+ [ ok ] Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting .
+Icinga 2 Host Terminal:
+ [2014-09-15 18:58:32 +0200] notice/Process: Running command '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http' '-I' '': PID 32622
+ [2014-09-15 18:58:32 +0200] notice/Process: PID 32622 ('/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_http' '-I' '') terminated with exit code 2
+ [2014-09-15 18:58:32 +0200] notice/Checkable: State Change: Checkable remote-http-host!http soft state change from OK to CRITICAL detected.
+ [2014-09-15 18:58:32 +0200] notice/Checkable: Executing event handler 'event_by_ssh_restart_service' for service 'remote-http-host!http'
+ [2014-09-15 18:58:32 +0200] notice/Process: Running command '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh' '-C' 'test 2 -gt 0 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart' '-H' '': PID 32623
+ [2014-09-15 18:58:33 +0200] notice/Process: PID 32623 ('/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh' '-C' 'test 2 -gt 0 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart' '-H' '') terminated with exit code 0
+Remote Host Terminal:
+ # date; service apache2 status
+ Mon Sep 15 18:58:44 CEST 2014
+ Apache2 is running (pid 24908).
## <a id="dependencies"></a> Dependencies