" Move the mouse to the top-left in preparation for mouse events
func PrepareForMouseEvent(args)
- call extend(a:args, #{row: 1, col:1})
+ call extend(a:args, #{row: 1, col: 1})
call test_gui_event('mouse', a:args)
+ let g:eventlist = []
call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')
- " on MS-Windows the event may have a slight delay
- if has('win32')
- sleep 20m
- endif
+ " Wait a bit for the event. I may not come if the mouse didn't move, wait up
+ " to 100 msec.
+ for n in range(10)
+ if len(g:eventlist) > 0
+ break
+ endif
+ sleep 10m
+ endfor
+ let g:eventlist = []
func MouseWasMoved()
func Test_gui_mouse_move_event()
let args = #{move: 1, button: 0, multiclick: 0, modifiers: 0}
- " by default, does not generate mouse move events
+ " by default, no mouse move events are generated
set mousemev&
call assert_false(&mousemev)
" start at mouse pos (1,1), clear counter
call PrepareForMouseEvent(args)
- let g:eventlist = []
call extend(args, #{row: 3, col: 30, cell: v:true})
call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
call feedkeys('', 'Lx!')
- " no events since mousemev off
+ " no events since 'mousemev' is off
call assert_equal([], g:eventlist)
" turn on mouse events and try the same thing
set mousemev
call PrepareForMouseEvent(args)
- let g:eventlist = []
call extend(args, #{row: 3, col: 30, cell: v:true})
call test_gui_event('mouse', args)
" wiggle the mouse around within a screen cell, shouldn't trigger events
call extend(args, #{cell: v:false})
call PrepareForMouseEvent(args)
- let g:eventlist = []
call extend(args, #{row: 1, col: 2, cell: v:false})
call test_gui_event('mouse', args)