-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_caps).
+-define(BAD_HASH_LIFETIME, 600). %% in seconds
-record(caps, {node, version, hash, exts}).
-record(caps_features, {node_pair, features = []}).
BinaryNode = node_to_binary(Node, SubNode),
case cache_tab:lookup(caps_features, BinaryNode,
caps_read_fun(BinaryNode)) of
- error ->
- Acc;
- {ok, Features} ->
- binary_to_features(Features) ++ Acc
+ {ok, Features} when is_list(Features) ->
+ binary_to_features(Features) ++ Acc;
+ _ ->
+ Acc
end, [], SubNodes).
BinaryNode = node_to_binary(Node, SubNode),
case cache_tab:lookup(caps_features, BinaryNode,
caps_read_fun(BinaryNode)) of
- error ->
- IQ = #iq{type = get,
- xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO,
- sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
- [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO},
- {"node", Node ++ "#" ++ SubNode}],
- []}]},
- F = fun(IQReply) ->
- feature_response(
- IQReply, Host, From, Caps, SubNodes)
- end,
- ejabberd_local:route_iq(
- jlib:make_jid("", Host, ""), From, IQ, F);
- _ ->
- feature_request(Host, From, Caps, Tail)
+ {ok, Fs} when is_list(Fs) ->
+ feature_request(Host, From, Caps, Tail);
+ Other ->
+ NeedRequest = case Other of
+ {ok, TS} ->
+ now_ts() >= TS + ?BAD_HASH_LIFETIME;
+ _ ->
+ true
+ end,
+ if NeedRequest ->
+ IQ = #iq{type = get,
+ xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO,
+ sub_el = [{xmlelement, "query",
+ [{"xmlns", ?NS_DISCO_INFO},
+ {"node", Node ++ "#" ++ SubNode}],
+ []}]},
+ F = fun(IQReply) ->
+ feature_response(
+ IQReply, Host, From, Caps, SubNodes)
+ end,
+ ejabberd_local:route_iq(
+ jlib:make_jid("", Host, ""), From, IQ, F);
+ true ->
+ feature_request(Host, From, Caps, Tail)
+ end
feature_request(_Host, _From, _Caps, []) ->
caps_features, BinaryNode, BinaryFeatures,
caps_write_fun(BinaryNode, BinaryFeatures));
false ->
- cache_tab:insert(caps_features, BinaryNode, [],
- caps_write_fun(BinaryNode, []))
+ %% We cache current timestamp and will probe the client
+ %% after BAD_HASH_LIFETIME seconds.
+ cache_tab:insert(caps_features, BinaryNode, now_ts(),
+ caps_write_fun(BinaryNode, now_ts()))
feature_request(Host, From, Caps, SubNodes);
-feature_response(timeout, _Host, _From, _Caps, _SubNodes) ->
- ok;
feature_response(_IQResult, Host, From, Caps, [SubNode | SubNodes]) ->
- %% We got type=error or invalid type=result stanza, so
- %% we cache empty feature not to probe the client permanently
+ %% We got type=error or invalid type=result stanza or timeout,
+ %% so we cache current timestamp and will probe the client
+ %% after BAD_HASH_LIFETIME seconds.
BinaryNode = node_to_binary(Caps#caps.node, SubNode),
- cache_tab:insert(caps_features, BinaryNode, [],
- caps_write_fun(BinaryNode, [])),
+ cache_tab:insert(caps_features, BinaryNode, now_ts(),
+ caps_write_fun(BinaryNode, now_ts())),
feature_request(Host, From, Caps, SubNodes).
node_to_binary(Node, SubNode) ->
_ ->
+now_ts() ->
+ {MegaSecs, Secs, _} = now(),
+ MegaSecs*1000000 + Secs.