unsigned CollapsedNum;
/// \brief Offsets to the stored exprs.
+ /// This enumeration contains offsets to all the pointers to children
+ /// expressions stored in OMPLoopDirective.
+ /// The first 9 children are nesessary for all the loop directives, and
+ /// the next 7 are specific to the worksharing ones.
+ /// After the fixed children, three arrays of length CollapsedNum are
+ /// allocated: loop counters, their updates and final values.
+ ///
enum {
AssociatedStmtOffset = 0,
IterationVariableOffset = 1,
SeparatedCondOffset = 6,
InitOffset = 7,
IncOffset = 8,
- ArraysOffset = 9
+ // The '...End' enumerators do not correspond to child expressions - they
+ // specify the offset to the end (and start of the following counters/
+ // updates/finals arrays).
+ DefaultEnd = 9,
+ // The following 7 exprs are used by worksharing loops only.
+ IsLastIterVariableOffset = 9,
+ LowerBoundVariableOffset = 10,
+ UpperBoundVariableOffset = 11,
+ StrideVariableOffset = 12,
+ EnsureUpperBoundOffset = 13,
+ NextLowerBoundOffset = 14,
+ NextUpperBoundOffset = 15,
+ // Offset to the end (and start of the following counters/updates/finals
+ // arrays) for worksharing loop directives.
+ WorksharingEnd = 16,
/// \brief Get the counters storage.
MutableArrayRef<Expr *> getCounters() {
- Expr **Storage =
- reinterpret_cast<Expr **>(&(*(std::next(child_begin(), ArraysOffset))));
+ Expr **Storage = reinterpret_cast<Expr **>(
+ &(*(std::next(child_begin(), getArraysOffset(getDirectiveKind())))));
return MutableArrayRef<Expr *>(Storage, CollapsedNum);
/// \brief Get the updates storage.
MutableArrayRef<Expr *> getUpdates() {
Expr **Storage = reinterpret_cast<Expr **>(
- &*std::next(child_begin(), ArraysOffset + CollapsedNum));
+ &*std::next(child_begin(),
+ getArraysOffset(getDirectiveKind()) + CollapsedNum));
return MutableArrayRef<Expr *>(Storage, CollapsedNum);
/// \brief Get the final counter updates storage.
MutableArrayRef<Expr *> getFinals() {
Expr **Storage = reinterpret_cast<Expr **>(
- &*std::next(child_begin(), ArraysOffset + 2 * CollapsedNum));
+ &*std::next(child_begin(),
+ getArraysOffset(getDirectiveKind()) + 2 * CollapsedNum));
return MutableArrayRef<Expr *>(Storage, CollapsedNum);
unsigned CollapsedNum, unsigned NumClauses,
unsigned NumSpecialChildren = 0)
: OMPExecutableDirective(That, SC, Kind, StartLoc, EndLoc, NumClauses,
- numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum) +
+ numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, Kind) +
CollapsedNum(CollapsedNum) {}
+ /// \brief Offset to the start of children expression arrays.
+ static unsigned getArraysOffset(OpenMPDirectiveKind Kind) {
+ return isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(Kind) ? WorksharingEnd
+ : DefaultEnd;
+ }
/// \brief Children number.
- static unsigned numLoopChildren(unsigned CollapsedNum) {
- return ArraysOffset + 3 * CollapsedNum; // Counters, Updates and Finals
+ static unsigned numLoopChildren(unsigned CollapsedNum,
+ OpenMPDirectiveKind Kind) {
+ return getArraysOffset(Kind) +
+ 3 * CollapsedNum; // Counters, Updates and Finals
void setIterationVariable(Expr *IV) {
void setInit(Expr *Init) { *std::next(child_begin(), InitOffset) = Init; }
void setInc(Expr *Inc) { *std::next(child_begin(), IncOffset) = Inc; }
+ void setIsLastIterVariable(Expr *IL) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), IsLastIterVariableOffset) = IL;
+ }
+ void setLowerBoundVariable(Expr *LB) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), LowerBoundVariableOffset) = LB;
+ }
+ void setUpperBoundVariable(Expr *UB) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), UpperBoundVariableOffset) = UB;
+ }
+ void setStrideVariable(Expr *ST) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), StrideVariableOffset) = ST;
+ }
+ void setEnsureUpperBound(Expr *EUB) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), EnsureUpperBoundOffset) = EUB;
+ }
+ void setNextLowerBound(Expr *NLB) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), NextLowerBoundOffset) = NLB;
+ }
+ void setNextUpperBound(Expr *NUB) {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ *std::next(child_begin(), NextUpperBoundOffset) = NUB;
+ }
void setCounters(ArrayRef<Expr *> A);
void setUpdates(ArrayRef<Expr *> A);
void setFinals(ArrayRef<Expr *> A);
+ /// \brief The expressions built for the OpenMP loop CodeGen for the
+ /// whole collapsed loop nest.
+ struct HelperExprs {
+ /// \brief Loop iteration variable.
+ Expr *IterationVarRef;
+ /// \brief Loop last iteration number.
+ Expr *LastIteration;
+ /// \brief Calculation of last iteration.
+ Expr *CalcLastIteration;
+ /// \brief Loop pre-condition.
+ Expr *PreCond;
+ /// \brief Loop condition.
+ Expr *Cond;
+ /// \brief A condition with 1 iteration separated.
+ Expr *SeparatedCond;
+ /// \brief Loop iteration variable init.
+ Expr *Init;
+ /// \brief Loop increment.
+ Expr *Inc;
+ /// \brief IsLastIteration - local flag variable passed to runtime.
+ Expr *IL;
+ /// \brief LowerBound - local variable passed to runtime.
+ Expr *LB;
+ /// \brief UpperBound - local variable passed to runtime.
+ Expr *UB;
+ /// \brief Stride - local variable passed to runtime.
+ Expr *ST;
+ /// \brief EnsureUpperBound -- expression LB = min(LB, NumIterations).
+ Expr *EUB;
+ /// \brief Update of LowerBound for statically sheduled 'omp for' loops.
+ Expr *NLB;
+ /// \brief Update of UpperBound for statically sheduled 'omp for' loops.
+ Expr *NUB;
+ /// \brief Counters Loop counters.
+ SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Counters;
+ /// \brief Expressions for loop counters update for CodeGen.
+ SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Updates;
+ /// \brief Final loop counter values for GodeGen.
+ SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Finals;
+ /// \brief Check if all the expressions are built (does not check the
+ /// worksharing ones).
+ bool builtAll() {
+ return IterationVarRef != nullptr && LastIteration != nullptr &&
+ PreCond != nullptr && Cond != nullptr &&
+ SeparatedCond != nullptr && Init != nullptr && Inc != nullptr;
+ }
+ /// \brief Initialize all the fields to null.
+ /// \param Size Number of elements in the counters/finals/updates arrays.
+ void clear(unsigned Size) {
+ IterationVarRef = nullptr;
+ LastIteration = nullptr;
+ CalcLastIteration = nullptr;
+ PreCond = nullptr;
+ Cond = nullptr;
+ SeparatedCond = nullptr;
+ Init = nullptr;
+ Inc = nullptr;
+ IL = nullptr;
+ LB = nullptr;
+ UB = nullptr;
+ ST = nullptr;
+ EUB = nullptr;
+ NLB = nullptr;
+ NUB = nullptr;
+ Counters.resize(Size);
+ Updates.resize(Size);
+ Finals.resize(Size);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
+ Counters[i] = nullptr;
+ Updates[i] = nullptr;
+ Finals[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ };
/// \brief Get number of collapsed loops.
unsigned getCollapsedNumber() const { return CollapsedNum; }
return const_cast<Expr *>(
reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(*std::next(child_begin(), IncOffset)));
+ Expr *getIsLastIterVariable() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), IsLastIterVariableOffset)));
+ }
+ Expr *getLowerBoundVariable() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), LowerBoundVariableOffset)));
+ }
+ Expr *getUpperBoundVariable() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), UpperBoundVariableOffset)));
+ }
+ Expr *getStrideVariable() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), StrideVariableOffset)));
+ }
+ Expr *getEnsureUpperBound() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), EnsureUpperBoundOffset)));
+ }
+ Expr *getNextLowerBound() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), NextLowerBoundOffset)));
+ }
+ Expr *getNextUpperBound() const {
+ assert(isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(getDirectiveKind()) &&
+ "expected worksharing loop directive");
+ return const_cast<Expr *>(reinterpret_cast<const Expr *>(
+ *std::next(child_begin(), NextUpperBoundOffset)));
+ }
const Stmt *getBody() const {
// This relies on the loop form is already checked by Sema.
Stmt *Body = getAssociatedStmt()->IgnoreContainers(true);
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
- /// \param IV Loop iteration variable for CodeGen.
- /// \param LastIteration Loop last iteration number for CodeGen.
- /// \param CalcLastIteration Calculation of last iteration.
- /// \param PreCond Pre-condition.
- /// \param Cond Condition.
- /// \param SeparatedCond Condition with 1 iteration separated.
- /// \param Inc Loop increment.
- /// \param Counters Loop counters.
- /// \param Updates Expressions for loop counters update for CodeGen.
- /// \param Finals Final loop counter values for GodeGen.
- ///
- static OMPSimdDirective *
- Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
- unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
- Stmt *AssociatedStmt, Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration,
- Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond,
- Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals);
+ /// \param Exprs Helper expressions for CodeGen.
+ ///
+ static OMPSimdDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
+ SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
+ ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
+ Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
- /// \param IV Loop iteration variable for CodeGen.
- /// \param LastIteration Loop last iteration number for CodeGen.
- /// \param CalcLastIteration Calculation of last iteration.
- /// \param PreCond Pre-condition.
- /// \param Cond Condition.
- /// \param SeparatedCond Condition with 1 iteration separated.
- /// \param Inc Loop increment.
- /// \param Counters Loop counters.
- /// \param Updates Expressions for loop counters update for CodeGen.
- /// \param Finals Final loop counter values for GodeGen.
- ///
- static OMPForDirective *
- Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
- unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
- Stmt *AssociatedStmt, Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration,
- Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond,
- Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals);
+ /// \param Exprs Helper expressions for CodeGen.
+ ///
+ static OMPForDirective *Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
+ SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
+ ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
+ Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
- /// \param IV Loop iteration variable for CodeGen.
- /// \param LastIteration Loop last iteration number for CodeGen.
- /// \param CalcLastIteration Calculation of last iteration.
- /// \param PreCond Pre-condition.
- /// \param Cond Condition.
- /// \param SeparatedCond Condition with 1 iteration separated.
- /// \param Inc Loop increment.
- /// \param Counters Loop counters.
- /// \param Updates Expressions for loop counters update for CodeGen.
- /// \param Finals Final loop counter values for GodeGen.
+ /// \param Exprs Helper expressions for CodeGen.
static OMPForSimdDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
- Stmt *AssociatedStmt, Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration,
- Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond,
- Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals);
+ Stmt *AssociatedStmt, const HelperExprs &Exprs);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
- /// \param IV Loop iteration variable for CodeGen.
- /// \param LastIteration Loop last iteration number for CodeGen.
- /// \param CalcLastIteration Calculation of last iteration.
- /// \param PreCond Pre-condition.
- /// \param Cond Condition.
- /// \param SeparatedCond Condition with 1 iteration separated.
- /// \param Inc Loop increment.
- /// \param Counters Loop counters.
- /// \param Updates Expressions for loop counters update for CodeGen.
- /// \param Finals Final loop counter values for GodeGen.
+ /// \param Exprs Helper expressions for CodeGen.
static OMPParallelForDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
- Stmt *AssociatedStmt, Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration,
- Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond,
- Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals);
+ Stmt *AssociatedStmt, const HelperExprs &Exprs);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
/// \param CollapsedNum Number of collapsed loops.
/// \param Clauses List of clauses.
/// \param AssociatedStmt Statement, associated with the directive.
- /// \param IV Loop iteration variable for CodeGen.
- /// \param LastIteration Loop last iteration number for CodeGen.
- /// \param CalcLastIteration Calculation of last iteration.
- /// \param PreCond Pre-condition.
- /// \param Cond Condition.
- /// \param SeparatedCond Condition with 1 iteration separated.
- /// \param Inc Loop increment.
- /// \param Counters Loop counters.
- /// \param Updates Expressions for loop counters update for CodeGen.
- /// \param Finals Final loop counter values for GodeGen.
+ /// \param Exprs Helper expressions for CodeGen.
static OMPParallelForSimdDirective *
Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
- Stmt *AssociatedStmt, Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration,
- Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond,
- Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals);
+ Stmt *AssociatedStmt, const HelperExprs &Exprs);
/// \brief Creates an empty directive with the place
/// for \a NumClauses clauses.
OMPSimdDirective::Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
- Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration, Expr *CalcLastIteration,
- Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond, Expr *SeparatedCond,
- Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals) {
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPSimdDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem =
+ C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_simd));
OMPSimdDirective *Dir = new (Mem)
OMPSimdDirective(StartLoc, EndLoc, CollapsedNum, Clauses.size());
- Dir->setIterationVariable(IV);
- Dir->setLastIteration(LastIteration);
- Dir->setCalcLastIteration(CalcLastIteration);
- Dir->setPreCond(PreCond);
- Dir->setCond(Cond, SeparatedCond);
- Dir->setInit(Init);
- Dir->setInc(Inc);
- Dir->setCounters(Counters);
- Dir->setUpdates(Updates);
- Dir->setFinals(Finals);
+ Dir->setIterationVariable(Exprs.IterationVarRef);
+ Dir->setLastIteration(Exprs.LastIteration);
+ Dir->setCalcLastIteration(Exprs.CalcLastIteration);
+ Dir->setPreCond(Exprs.PreCond);
+ Dir->setCond(Exprs.Cond, Exprs.SeparatedCond);
+ Dir->setInit(Exprs.Init);
+ Dir->setInc(Exprs.Inc);
+ Dir->setCounters(Exprs.Counters);
+ Dir->setUpdates(Exprs.Updates);
+ Dir->setFinals(Exprs.Finals);
return Dir;
EmptyShell) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPSimdDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem =
+ C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_simd));
return new (Mem) OMPSimdDirective(CollapsedNum, NumClauses);
OMPForDirective::Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
- Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration, Expr *CalcLastIteration,
- Expr *PreCond, Expr *Cond, Expr *SeparatedCond,
- Expr *Init, Expr *Inc, ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates, ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals) {
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPForDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem =
+ C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_for));
OMPForDirective *Dir =
new (Mem) OMPForDirective(StartLoc, EndLoc, CollapsedNum, Clauses.size());
- Dir->setIterationVariable(IV);
- Dir->setLastIteration(LastIteration);
- Dir->setCalcLastIteration(CalcLastIteration);
- Dir->setPreCond(PreCond);
- Dir->setCond(Cond, SeparatedCond);
- Dir->setInit(Init);
- Dir->setInc(Inc);
- Dir->setCounters(Counters);
- Dir->setUpdates(Updates);
- Dir->setFinals(Finals);
+ Dir->setIterationVariable(Exprs.IterationVarRef);
+ Dir->setLastIteration(Exprs.LastIteration);
+ Dir->setCalcLastIteration(Exprs.CalcLastIteration);
+ Dir->setPreCond(Exprs.PreCond);
+ Dir->setCond(Exprs.Cond, Exprs.SeparatedCond);
+ Dir->setInit(Exprs.Init);
+ Dir->setInc(Exprs.Inc);
+ Dir->setIsLastIterVariable(Exprs.IL);
+ Dir->setLowerBoundVariable(Exprs.LB);
+ Dir->setUpperBoundVariable(Exprs.UB);
+ Dir->setStrideVariable(Exprs.ST);
+ Dir->setEnsureUpperBound(Exprs.EUB);
+ Dir->setNextLowerBound(Exprs.NLB);
+ Dir->setNextUpperBound(Exprs.NUB);
+ Dir->setCounters(Exprs.Counters);
+ Dir->setUpdates(Exprs.Updates);
+ Dir->setFinals(Exprs.Finals);
return Dir;
EmptyShell) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPForDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem =
+ C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_for));
return new (Mem) OMPForDirective(CollapsedNum, NumClauses);
-OMPForSimdDirective *OMPForSimdDirective::Create(
- const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
- unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
- Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration, Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond,
- Expr *Cond, Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters, ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals) {
+OMPForSimdDirective *
+OMPForSimdDirective::Create(const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc,
+ SourceLocation EndLoc, unsigned CollapsedNum,
+ ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPForSimdDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem =
+ C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_for_simd));
OMPForSimdDirective *Dir = new (Mem)
OMPForSimdDirective(StartLoc, EndLoc, CollapsedNum, Clauses.size());
- Dir->setIterationVariable(IV);
- Dir->setLastIteration(LastIteration);
- Dir->setCalcLastIteration(CalcLastIteration);
- Dir->setPreCond(PreCond);
- Dir->setCond(Cond, SeparatedCond);
- Dir->setInit(Init);
- Dir->setInc(Inc);
- Dir->setCounters(Counters);
- Dir->setUpdates(Updates);
- Dir->setFinals(Finals);
+ Dir->setIterationVariable(Exprs.IterationVarRef);
+ Dir->setLastIteration(Exprs.LastIteration);
+ Dir->setCalcLastIteration(Exprs.CalcLastIteration);
+ Dir->setPreCond(Exprs.PreCond);
+ Dir->setCond(Exprs.Cond, Exprs.SeparatedCond);
+ Dir->setInit(Exprs.Init);
+ Dir->setInc(Exprs.Inc);
+ Dir->setIsLastIterVariable(Exprs.IL);
+ Dir->setLowerBoundVariable(Exprs.LB);
+ Dir->setUpperBoundVariable(Exprs.UB);
+ Dir->setStrideVariable(Exprs.ST);
+ Dir->setEnsureUpperBound(Exprs.EUB);
+ Dir->setNextLowerBound(Exprs.NLB);
+ Dir->setNextUpperBound(Exprs.NUB);
+ Dir->setCounters(Exprs.Counters);
+ Dir->setUpdates(Exprs.Updates);
+ Dir->setFinals(Exprs.Finals);
return Dir;
EmptyShell) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPForSimdDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem =
+ C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_for_simd));
return new (Mem) OMPForSimdDirective(CollapsedNum, NumClauses);
OMPParallelForDirective *OMPParallelForDirective::Create(
const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
- Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration, Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond,
- Expr *Cond, Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters, ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals) {
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPParallelForDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ sizeof(Stmt *) *
+ numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_parallel_for));
OMPParallelForDirective *Dir = new (Mem)
OMPParallelForDirective(StartLoc, EndLoc, CollapsedNum, Clauses.size());
- Dir->setIterationVariable(IV);
- Dir->setLastIteration(LastIteration);
- Dir->setCalcLastIteration(CalcLastIteration);
- Dir->setPreCond(PreCond);
- Dir->setCond(Cond, SeparatedCond);
- Dir->setInit(Init);
- Dir->setInc(Inc);
- Dir->setCounters(Counters);
- Dir->setUpdates(Updates);
- Dir->setFinals(Finals);
+ Dir->setIterationVariable(Exprs.IterationVarRef);
+ Dir->setLastIteration(Exprs.LastIteration);
+ Dir->setCalcLastIteration(Exprs.CalcLastIteration);
+ Dir->setPreCond(Exprs.PreCond);
+ Dir->setCond(Exprs.Cond, Exprs.SeparatedCond);
+ Dir->setInit(Exprs.Init);
+ Dir->setInc(Exprs.Inc);
+ Dir->setIsLastIterVariable(Exprs.IL);
+ Dir->setLowerBoundVariable(Exprs.LB);
+ Dir->setUpperBoundVariable(Exprs.UB);
+ Dir->setStrideVariable(Exprs.ST);
+ Dir->setEnsureUpperBound(Exprs.EUB);
+ Dir->setNextLowerBound(Exprs.NLB);
+ Dir->setNextUpperBound(Exprs.NUB);
+ Dir->setCounters(Exprs.Counters);
+ Dir->setUpdates(Exprs.Updates);
+ Dir->setFinals(Exprs.Finals);
return Dir;
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPParallelForDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ sizeof(Stmt *) *
+ numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_parallel_for));
return new (Mem) OMPParallelForDirective(CollapsedNum, NumClauses);
OMPParallelForSimdDirective *OMPParallelForSimdDirective::Create(
const ASTContext &C, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc,
unsigned CollapsedNum, ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AssociatedStmt,
- Expr *IV, Expr *LastIteration, Expr *CalcLastIteration, Expr *PreCond,
- Expr *Cond, Expr *SeparatedCond, Expr *Init, Expr *Inc,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Counters, ArrayRef<Expr *> Updates,
- ArrayRef<Expr *> Finals) {
+ const HelperExprs &Exprs) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPParallelForSimdDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem = C.Allocate(
+ Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * Clauses.size() +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_parallel_for_simd));
OMPParallelForSimdDirective *Dir = new (Mem) OMPParallelForSimdDirective(
StartLoc, EndLoc, CollapsedNum, Clauses.size());
- Dir->setIterationVariable(IV);
- Dir->setLastIteration(LastIteration);
- Dir->setCalcLastIteration(CalcLastIteration);
- Dir->setPreCond(PreCond);
- Dir->setCond(Cond, SeparatedCond);
- Dir->setInit(Init);
- Dir->setInc(Inc);
- Dir->setCounters(Counters);
- Dir->setUpdates(Updates);
- Dir->setFinals(Finals);
+ Dir->setIterationVariable(Exprs.IterationVarRef);
+ Dir->setLastIteration(Exprs.LastIteration);
+ Dir->setCalcLastIteration(Exprs.CalcLastIteration);
+ Dir->setPreCond(Exprs.PreCond);
+ Dir->setCond(Exprs.Cond, Exprs.SeparatedCond);
+ Dir->setInit(Exprs.Init);
+ Dir->setInc(Exprs.Inc);
+ Dir->setIsLastIterVariable(Exprs.IL);
+ Dir->setLowerBoundVariable(Exprs.LB);
+ Dir->setUpperBoundVariable(Exprs.UB);
+ Dir->setStrideVariable(Exprs.ST);
+ Dir->setEnsureUpperBound(Exprs.EUB);
+ Dir->setNextLowerBound(Exprs.NLB);
+ Dir->setNextUpperBound(Exprs.NUB);
+ Dir->setCounters(Exprs.Counters);
+ Dir->setUpdates(Exprs.Updates);
+ Dir->setFinals(Exprs.Finals);
return Dir;
unsigned CollapsedNum, EmptyShell) {
unsigned Size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(OMPParallelForSimdDirective),
llvm::alignOf<OMPClause *>());
- void *Mem = C.Allocate(Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
- sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum));
+ void *Mem = C.Allocate(
+ Size + sizeof(OMPClause *) * NumClauses +
+ sizeof(Stmt *) * numLoopChildren(CollapsedNum, OMPD_parallel_for_simd));
return new (Mem) OMPParallelForSimdDirective(CollapsedNum, NumClauses);
auto I = OpenMPLocThreadIDMap.find(CGF.CurFn);
if (I != OpenMPLocThreadIDMap.end())
LocValue = I->second.DebugLoc;
- else {
+ // OpenMPLocThreadIDMap may have null DebugLoc and non-null ThreadID, if
+ // GetOpenMPThreadID was called before this routine.
+ if (LocValue == nullptr) {
// Generate "ident_t .kmpc_loc.addr;"
llvm::AllocaInst *AI = CGF.CreateTempAlloca(IdentTy, ".kmpc_loc.addr");
RTLFn = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FnTy, /*Name*/ "__kmpc_cancel_barrier");
+ // Build __kmpc_for_static_init*(
+ // ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 tid, kmp_int32 schedtype,
+ // kmp_int32 *p_lastiter, kmp_int[32|64] *p_lower,
+ // kmp_int[32|64] *p_upper, kmp_int[32|64] *p_stride,
+ // kmp_int[32|64] incr, kmp_int[32|64] chunk);
+ case OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_4: {
+ auto ITy = CGM.Int32Ty;
+ auto PtrTy = llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(ITy);
+ llvm::Type *TypeParams[] = {
+ getIdentTyPointerTy(), // loc
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // tid
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // schedtype
+ llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.Int32Ty), // p_lastiter
+ PtrTy, // p_lower
+ PtrTy, // p_upper
+ PtrTy, // p_stride
+ ITy, // incr
+ ITy // chunk
+ };
+ llvm::FunctionType *FnTy =
+ llvm::FunctionType::get(CGM.VoidTy, TypeParams, /*isVarArg*/ false);
+ RTLFn = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FnTy, "__kmpc_for_static_init_4");
+ break;
+ }
+ case OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_4u: {
+ auto ITy = CGM.Int32Ty;
+ auto PtrTy = llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(ITy);
+ llvm::Type *TypeParams[] = {
+ getIdentTyPointerTy(), // loc
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // tid
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // schedtype
+ llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.Int32Ty), // p_lastiter
+ PtrTy, // p_lower
+ PtrTy, // p_upper
+ PtrTy, // p_stride
+ ITy, // incr
+ ITy // chunk
+ };
+ llvm::FunctionType *FnTy =
+ llvm::FunctionType::get(CGM.VoidTy, TypeParams, /*isVarArg*/ false);
+ RTLFn = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FnTy, "__kmpc_for_static_init_4u");
+ break;
+ }
+ case OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_8: {
+ auto ITy = CGM.Int64Ty;
+ auto PtrTy = llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(ITy);
+ llvm::Type *TypeParams[] = {
+ getIdentTyPointerTy(), // loc
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // tid
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // schedtype
+ llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.Int32Ty), // p_lastiter
+ PtrTy, // p_lower
+ PtrTy, // p_upper
+ PtrTy, // p_stride
+ ITy, // incr
+ ITy // chunk
+ };
+ llvm::FunctionType *FnTy =
+ llvm::FunctionType::get(CGM.VoidTy, TypeParams, /*isVarArg*/ false);
+ RTLFn = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FnTy, "__kmpc_for_static_init_8");
+ break;
+ }
+ case OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_8u: {
+ auto ITy = CGM.Int64Ty;
+ auto PtrTy = llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(ITy);
+ llvm::Type *TypeParams[] = {
+ getIdentTyPointerTy(), // loc
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // tid
+ CGM.Int32Ty, // schedtype
+ llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(CGM.Int32Ty), // p_lastiter
+ PtrTy, // p_lower
+ PtrTy, // p_upper
+ PtrTy, // p_stride
+ ITy, // incr
+ ITy // chunk
+ };
+ llvm::FunctionType *FnTy =
+ llvm::FunctionType::get(CGM.VoidTy, TypeParams, /*isVarArg*/ false);
+ RTLFn = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FnTy, "__kmpc_for_static_init_8u");
+ break;
+ }
+ case OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_fini: {
+ // Build void __kmpc_for_static_fini(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 global_tid);
+ llvm::Type *TypeParams[] = {getIdentTyPointerTy(), CGM.Int32Ty};
+ llvm::FunctionType *FnTy =
+ llvm::FunctionType::get(CGM.VoidTy, TypeParams, /*isVarArg*/ false);
+ RTLFn = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(FnTy, "__kmpc_for_static_fini");
+ break;
+ }
case OMPRTL__kmpc_push_num_threads: {
// Build void __kmpc_push_num_threads(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 global_tid,
// kmp_int32 num_threads)
CGF.EmitRuntimeCall(RTLFn, Args);
+/// \brief Schedule types for 'omp for' loops (these enumerators are taken from
+/// the enum sched_type in kmp.h).
+enum OpenMPSchedType {
+ /// \brief Lower bound for default (unordered) versions.
+ OMP_sch_lower = 32,
+ OMP_sch_static_chunked = 33,
+ OMP_sch_static = 34,
+ OMP_sch_dynamic_chunked = 35,
+ OMP_sch_guided_chunked = 36,
+ OMP_sch_runtime = 37,
+ OMP_sch_auto = 38,
+ /// \brief Lower bound for 'ordered' versions.
+ OMP_ord_lower = 64,
+ /// \brief Lower bound for 'nomerge' versions.
+ OMP_nm_lower = 160,
+/// \brief Map the OpenMP loop schedule to the runtime enumeration.
+static OpenMPSchedType getRuntimeSchedule(OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleKind,
+ bool Chunked) {
+ switch (ScheduleKind) {
+ case OMPC_SCHEDULE_static:
+ return Chunked ? OMP_sch_static_chunked : OMP_sch_static;
+ case OMPC_SCHEDULE_dynamic:
+ return OMP_sch_dynamic_chunked;
+ case OMPC_SCHEDULE_guided:
+ return OMP_sch_guided_chunked;
+ case OMPC_SCHEDULE_auto:
+ return OMP_sch_auto;
+ case OMPC_SCHEDULE_runtime:
+ return OMP_sch_runtime;
+ case OMPC_SCHEDULE_unknown:
+ assert(!Chunked && "chunk was specified but schedule kind not known");
+ return OMP_sch_static;
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("Unexpected runtime schedule");
+bool CGOpenMPRuntime::isStaticNonchunked(OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleKind,
+ bool Chunked) const {
+ auto Schedule = getRuntimeSchedule(ScheduleKind, Chunked);
+ return Schedule == OMP_sch_static;
+void CGOpenMPRuntime::EmitOMPForInit(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc,
+ OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleKind,
+ unsigned IVSize, bool IVSigned,
+ llvm::Value *IL, llvm::Value *LB,
+ llvm::Value *UB, llvm::Value *ST,
+ llvm::Value *Chunk) {
+ OpenMPSchedType Schedule = getRuntimeSchedule(ScheduleKind, Chunk != nullptr);
+ // Call __kmpc_for_static_init(
+ // ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 tid, kmp_int32 schedtype,
+ // kmp_int32 *p_lastiter, kmp_int[32|64] *p_lower,
+ // kmp_int[32|64] *p_upper, kmp_int[32|64] *p_stride,
+ // kmp_int[32|64] incr, kmp_int[32|64] chunk);
+ // TODO: Implement dynamic schedule.
+ // If the Chunk was not specified in the clause - use default value 1.
+ if (Chunk == nullptr)
+ Chunk = CGF.Builder.getIntN(IVSize, /*C*/ 1);
+ llvm::Value *Args[] = {
+ EmitOpenMPUpdateLocation(CGF, Loc, OMP_IDENT_KMPC),
+ GetOpenMPThreadID(CGF, Loc),
+ CGF.Builder.getInt32(Schedule), // Schedule type
+ IL, // &isLastIter
+ LB, // &LB
+ UB, // &UB
+ ST, // &Stride
+ CGF.Builder.getIntN(IVSize, 1), // Incr
+ Chunk // Chunk
+ };
+ assert((IVSize == 32 || IVSize == 64) &&
+ "Index size is not compatible with the omp runtime");
+ auto F = IVSize == 32 ? (IVSigned ? OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_4
+ : OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_4u)
+ : (IVSigned ? OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_8
+ : OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_8u);
+ auto RTLFn = CreateRuntimeFunction(F);
+ CGF.EmitRuntimeCall(RTLFn, Args);
+void CGOpenMPRuntime::EmitOMPForFinish(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc,
+ OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleKind) {
+ assert((ScheduleKind == OMPC_SCHEDULE_static ||
+ ScheduleKind == OMPC_SCHEDULE_unknown) &&
+ "Non-static schedule kinds are not yet implemented");
+ // Call __kmpc_for_static_fini(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 tid);
+ llvm::Value *Args[] = {EmitOpenMPUpdateLocation(CGF, Loc, OMP_IDENT_KMPC),
+ GetOpenMPThreadID(CGF, Loc)};
+ auto RTLFn = CreateRuntimeFunction(OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_fini);
+ CGF.EmitRuntimeCall(RTLFn, Args);
void CGOpenMPRuntime::EmitOMPNumThreadsClause(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
llvm::Value *NumThreads,
SourceLocation Loc) {
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
// Call to kmp_int32 __kmpc_cancel_barrier(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32
// global_tid);
+ // Calls for static scheduling 'omp for' loops.
+ OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_4,
+ OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_4u,
+ OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_8,
+ OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_init_8u,
+ OMPRTL__kmpc_for_static_fini,
// Call to void __kmpc_serialized_parallel(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32
// global_tid);
virtual void EmitOMPBarrierCall(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc,
bool IsExplicit = true);
+ /// \brief Check if the specified \a ScheduleKind is static non-chunked.
+ /// This kind of worksharing directive is emitted without outer loop.
+ /// \param ScheduleKind Schedule kind specified in the 'schedule' clause.
+ /// \param Chunked True if chunk is specified in the clause.
+ ///
+ virtual bool isStaticNonchunked(OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleKind,
+ bool Chunked) const;
+ /// \brief Call the appropriate runtime routine to initialize it before start
+ /// of loop.
+ ///
+ /// Depending on the loop schedule, it is nesessary to call some runtime
+ /// routine before start of the OpenMP loop to get the loop upper / lower
+ /// bounds \a LB and \a UB and stride \a ST.
+ ///
+ /// \param CGF Reference to current CodeGenFunction.
+ /// \param Loc Clang source location.
+ /// \param ScheduleKind Schedule kind, specified by the 'schedule' clause.
+ /// \param IVSize Size of the iteration variable in bits.
+ /// \param IVSigned Sign of the interation variable.
+ /// \param IL Address of the output variable in which the flag of the
+ /// last iteration is returned.
+ /// \param LB Address of the output variable in which the lower iteration
+ /// number is returned.
+ /// \param UB Address of the output variable in which the upper iteration
+ /// number is returned.
+ /// \param ST Address of the output variable in which the stride value is
+ /// returned nesessary to generated the static_chunked scheduled loop.
+ /// \param Chunk Value of the chunk for the static_chunked scheduled loop.
+ /// For the default (nullptr) value, the chunk 1 will be used.
+ ///
+ virtual void EmitOMPForInit(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc,
+ OpenMPScheduleClauseKind SchedKind,
+ unsigned IVSize, bool IVSigned, llvm::Value *IL,
+ llvm::Value *LB, llvm::Value *UB, llvm::Value *ST,
+ llvm::Value *Chunk = nullptr);
+ /// \brief Call the appropriate runtime routine to notify that we finished
+ /// all the work with current loop.
+ ///
+ /// \param CGF Reference to current CodeGenFunction.
+ /// \param Loc Clang source location.
+ /// \param ScheduleKind Schedule kind, specified by the 'schedule' clause.
+ ///
+ virtual void EmitOMPForFinish(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation Loc,
+ OpenMPScheduleClauseKind ScheduleKind);
/// \brief Emits call to void __kmpc_push_num_threads(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32
/// global_tid, kmp_int32 num_threads) to generate code for 'num_threads'
/// clause.
DI->EmitLexicalBlockEnd(Builder, S.getSourceRange().getEnd());
-void CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPForDirective(const OMPForDirective &) {
- llvm_unreachable("CodeGen for 'omp for' is not supported yet.");
+/// \brief Emit a helper variable and return corresponding lvalue.
+static LValue EmitOMPHelperVar(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
+ const DeclRefExpr *Helper) {
+ auto VDecl = cast<VarDecl>(Helper->getDecl());
+ CGF.EmitVarDecl(*VDecl);
+ return CGF.EmitLValue(Helper);
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPWorksharingLoop(const OMPLoopDirective &S) {
+ // Emit the loop iteration variable.
+ auto IVExpr = cast<DeclRefExpr>(S.getIterationVariable());
+ auto IVDecl = cast<VarDecl>(IVExpr->getDecl());
+ EmitVarDecl(*IVDecl);
+ // Emit the iterations count variable.
+ // If it is not a variable, Sema decided to calculate iterations count on each
+ // iteration (e.g., it is foldable into a constant).
+ if (auto LIExpr = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S.getLastIteration())) {
+ EmitVarDecl(*cast<VarDecl>(LIExpr->getDecl()));
+ // Emit calculation of the iterations count.
+ EmitIgnoredExpr(S.getCalcLastIteration());
+ }
+ auto &RT = CGM.getOpenMPRuntime();
+ // Check pre-condition.
+ {
+ // Skip the entire loop if we don't meet the precondition.
+ RegionCounter Cnt = getPGORegionCounter(&S);
+ auto ThenBlock = createBasicBlock("omp.precond.then");
+ auto ContBlock = createBasicBlock("omp.precond.end");
+ EmitBranchOnBoolExpr(S.getPreCond(), ThenBlock, ContBlock, Cnt.getCount());
+ EmitBlock(ThenBlock);
+ Cnt.beginRegion(Builder);
+ // Emit 'then' code.
+ {
+ // Emit helper vars inits.
+ LValue LB =
+ EmitOMPHelperVar(*this, cast<DeclRefExpr>(S.getLowerBoundVariable()));
+ LValue UB =
+ EmitOMPHelperVar(*this, cast<DeclRefExpr>(S.getUpperBoundVariable()));
+ LValue ST =
+ EmitOMPHelperVar(*this, cast<DeclRefExpr>(S.getStrideVariable()));
+ LValue IL =
+ EmitOMPHelperVar(*this, cast<DeclRefExpr>(S.getIsLastIterVariable()));
+ OMPPrivateScope LoopScope(*this);
+ EmitPrivateLoopCounters(*this, LoopScope, S.counters());
+ // Detect the loop schedule kind and chunk.
+ auto ScheduleKind = OMPC_SCHEDULE_unknown;
+ llvm::Value *Chunk = nullptr;
+ if (auto C = cast_or_null<OMPScheduleClause>(
+ S.getSingleClause(OMPC_schedule))) {
+ ScheduleKind = C->getScheduleKind();
+ if (auto Ch = C->getChunkSize()) {
+ Chunk = EmitScalarExpr(Ch);
+ Chunk = EmitScalarConversion(Chunk, Ch->getType(),
+ S.getIterationVariable()->getType());
+ }
+ }
+ const unsigned IVSize = getContext().getTypeSize(IVExpr->getType());
+ const bool IVSigned = IVExpr->getType()->hasSignedIntegerRepresentation();
+ if (RT.isStaticNonchunked(ScheduleKind,
+ /* Chunked */ Chunk != nullptr)) {
+ // OpenMP [2.7.1, Loop Construct, Description, table 2-1]
+ // When no chunk_size is specified, the iteration space is divided into
+ // chunks that are approximately equal in size, and at most one chunk is
+ // distributed to each thread. Note that the size of the chunks is
+ // unspecified in this case.
+ RT.EmitOMPForInit(*this, S.getLocStart(), ScheduleKind, IVSize, IVSigned,
+ IL.getAddress(), LB.getAddress(), UB.getAddress(),
+ ST.getAddress());
+ // UB = min(UB, GlobalUB);
+ EmitIgnoredExpr(S.getEnsureUpperBound());
+ // IV = LB;
+ EmitIgnoredExpr(S.getInit());
+ // while (idx <= UB) { BODY; ++idx; }
+ EmitOMPInnerLoop(S, LoopScope);
+ // Tell the runtime we are done.
+ RT.EmitOMPForFinish(*this, S.getLocStart(), ScheduleKind);
+ } else
+ ErrorUnsupported(&S, "OpenMP loop with requested schedule");
+ }
+ // We're now done with the loop, so jump to the continuation block.
+ EmitBranch(ContBlock);
+ EmitBlock(ContBlock, true);
+ }
+void CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPForDirective(const OMPForDirective &S) {
+ RunCleanupsScope DirectiveScope(*this);
+ CGDebugInfo *DI = getDebugInfo();
+ if (DI)
+ DI->EmitLexicalBlockStart(Builder, S.getSourceRange().getBegin());
+ EmitOMPWorksharingLoop(S);
+ // Emit an implicit barrier at the end.
+ CGM.getOpenMPRuntime().EmitOMPBarrierCall(*this, S.getLocStart(),
+ /*IsExplicit*/ false);
+ if (DI)
+ DI->EmitLexicalBlockEnd(Builder, S.getSourceRange().getEnd());
void CodeGenFunction::EmitOMPForSimdDirective(const OMPForSimdDirective &) {
void EmitOMPTargetDirective(const OMPTargetDirective &S);
void EmitOMPTeamsDirective(const OMPTeamsDirective &S);
- /// Helpers for 'omp simd' directive.
+ /// Helpers for the OpenMP loop directives.
void EmitOMPLoopBody(const OMPLoopDirective &Directive,
bool SeparateIter = false);
void EmitOMPInnerLoop(const OMPLoopDirective &S, OMPPrivateScope &LoopScope,
bool SeparateIter = false);
void EmitOMPSimdFinal(const OMPLoopDirective &S);
+ void EmitOMPWorksharingLoop(const OMPLoopDirective &S);
// LValue Expression Emission
SourceRange IncSrcRange;
-/// \brief The resulting expressions built for the OpenMP loop CodeGen for the
-/// whole collapsed loop nest. See class OMPLoopDirective for their description.
-struct BuiltLoopExprs {
- Expr *IterationVarRef;
- Expr *LastIteration;
- Expr *CalcLastIteration;
- Expr *PreCond;
- Expr *Cond;
- Expr *SeparatedCond;
- Expr *Init;
- Expr *Inc;
- SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Counters;
- SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Updates;
- SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Finals;
- bool builtAll() {
- return IterationVarRef != nullptr && LastIteration != nullptr &&
- PreCond != nullptr && Cond != nullptr && SeparatedCond != nullptr &&
- Init != nullptr && Inc != nullptr;
- }
- void clear(unsigned size) {
- IterationVarRef = nullptr;
- LastIteration = nullptr;
- CalcLastIteration = nullptr;
- PreCond = nullptr;
- Cond = nullptr;
- SeparatedCond = nullptr;
- Init = nullptr;
- Inc = nullptr;
- Counters.resize(size);
- Updates.resize(size);
- Finals.resize(size);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- Counters[i] = nullptr;
- Updates[i] = nullptr;
- Finals[i] = nullptr;
- }
- }
} // namespace
/// \brief Called on a for stmt to check and extract its iteration space
CheckOpenMPLoop(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind, Expr *NestedLoopCountExpr,
Stmt *AStmt, Sema &SemaRef, DSAStackTy &DSA,
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl *, Expr *> &VarsWithImplicitDSA,
- BuiltLoopExprs &Built) {
+ OMPLoopDirective::HelperExprs &Built) {
unsigned NestedLoopCount = 1;
if (NestedLoopCountExpr) {
// Found 'collapse' clause - calculate collapse number.
CurScope, InitLoc, BO_GT, LastIteration.get(),
SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(SourceLocation(), 0).get());
- // Build the iteration variable and its initialization to zero before loop.
+ QualType VType = LastIteration.get()->getType();
+ // Build variables passed into runtime, nesessary for worksharing directives.
+ ExprResult LB, UB, IL, ST, EUB;
+ if (isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(DKind)) {
+ // Lower bound variable, initialized with zero.
+ VarDecl *LBDecl = BuildVarDecl(SemaRef, InitLoc, VType, ".omp.lb");
+ LB = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(LBDecl, VType, VK_LValue, InitLoc);
+ SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(
+ LBDecl, SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(InitLoc, 0).get(),
+ /*DirectInit*/ false, /*TypeMayContainAuto*/ false);
+ // Upper bound variable, initialized with last iteration number.
+ VarDecl *UBDecl = BuildVarDecl(SemaRef, InitLoc, VType, ".omp.ub");
+ UB = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(UBDecl, VType, VK_LValue, InitLoc);
+ SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(UBDecl, LastIteration.get(),
+ /*DirectInit*/ false,
+ /*TypeMayContainAuto*/ false);
+ // A 32-bit variable-flag where runtime returns 1 for the last iteration.
+ // This will be used to implement clause 'lastprivate'.
+ QualType Int32Ty = SemaRef.Context.getIntTypeForBitwidth(32, true);
+ VarDecl *ILDecl = BuildVarDecl(SemaRef, InitLoc, Int32Ty, ".omp.is_last");
+ IL = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(ILDecl, Int32Ty, VK_LValue, InitLoc);
+ SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(
+ ILDecl, SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(InitLoc, 0).get(),
+ /*DirectInit*/ false, /*TypeMayContainAuto*/ false);
+ // Stride variable returned by runtime (we initialize it to 1 by default).
+ VarDecl *STDecl = BuildVarDecl(SemaRef, InitLoc, VType, ".omp.stride");
+ ST = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(STDecl, VType, VK_LValue, InitLoc);
+ SemaRef.AddInitializerToDecl(
+ STDecl, SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(InitLoc, 1).get(),
+ /*DirectInit*/ false, /*TypeMayContainAuto*/ false);
+ // Build expression: UB = min(UB, LastIteration)
+ // It is nesessary for CodeGen of directives with static scheduling.
+ ExprResult IsUBGreater = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, InitLoc, BO_GT,
+ UB.get(), LastIteration.get());
+ ExprResult CondOp = SemaRef.ActOnConditionalOp(
+ InitLoc, InitLoc, IsUBGreater.get(), LastIteration.get(), UB.get());
+ EUB = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, InitLoc, BO_Assign, UB.get(),
+ CondOp.get());
+ EUB = SemaRef.ActOnFinishFullExpr(EUB.get());
+ }
+ // Build the iteration variable and its initialization before loop.
ExprResult IV;
ExprResult Init;
- VarDecl *IVDecl = BuildVarDecl(SemaRef, InitLoc,
- LastIteration.get()->getType(), ".omp.iv");
- IV = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(IVDecl, LastIteration.get()->getType(),
- VK_LValue, InitLoc);
- Init = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(
- CurScope, InitLoc, BO_Assign, IV.get(),
- SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(SourceLocation(), 0).get());
+ VarDecl *IVDecl = BuildVarDecl(SemaRef, InitLoc, VType, ".omp.iv");
+ IV = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(IVDecl, VType, VK_LValue, InitLoc);
+ Expr *RHS = isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(DKind)
+ ? LB.get()
+ : SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(SourceLocation(), 0).get();
+ Init = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, InitLoc, BO_Assign, IV.get(), RHS);
+ Init = SemaRef.ActOnFinishFullExpr(Init.get());
- // Loop condition (IV < NumIterations)
+ // Loop condition (IV < NumIterations) or (IV <= UB) for worksharing loops.
SourceLocation CondLoc;
- ExprResult Cond = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, CondLoc, BO_LT, IV.get(),
- NumIterations.get());
+ ExprResult Cond =
+ isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(DKind)
+ ? SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, CondLoc, BO_LE, IV.get(), UB.get())
+ : SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, CondLoc, BO_LT, IV.get(),
+ NumIterations.get());
// Loop condition with 1 iteration separated (IV < LastIteration)
ExprResult SeparatedCond = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, CondLoc, BO_LT,
IV.get(), LastIteration.get());
if (!Inc.isUsable())
return 0;
Inc = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, IncLoc, BO_Assign, IV.get(), Inc.get());
+ Inc = SemaRef.ActOnFinishFullExpr(Inc.get());
+ if (!Inc.isUsable())
+ return 0;
+ // Increments for worksharing loops (LB = LB + ST; UB = UB + ST).
+ // Used for directives with static scheduling.
+ ExprResult NextLB, NextUB;
+ if (isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(DKind)) {
+ // LB + ST
+ NextLB = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, IncLoc, BO_Add, LB.get(), ST.get());
+ if (!NextLB.isUsable())
+ return 0;
+ // LB = LB + ST
+ NextLB =
+ SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, IncLoc, BO_Assign, LB.get(), NextLB.get());
+ NextLB = SemaRef.ActOnFinishFullExpr(NextLB.get());
+ if (!NextLB.isUsable())
+ return 0;
+ // UB + ST
+ NextUB = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, IncLoc, BO_Add, UB.get(), ST.get());
+ if (!NextUB.isUsable())
+ return 0;
+ // UB = UB + ST
+ NextUB =
+ SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, IncLoc, BO_Assign, UB.get(), NextUB.get());
+ NextUB = SemaRef.ActOnFinishFullExpr(NextUB.get());
+ if (!NextUB.isUsable())
+ return 0;
+ }
// Build updates and final values of the loop counters.
bool HasErrors = false;
Built.SeparatedCond = SeparatedCond.get();
Built.Init = Init.get();
Built.Inc = Inc.get();
+ Built.LB = LB.get();
+ Built.UB = UB.get();
+ Built.IL = IL.get();
+ Built.ST = ST.get();
+ Built.EUB = EUB.get();
+ Built.NLB = NextLB.get();
+ Built.NUB = NextUB.get();
return NestedLoopCount;
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AStmt, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl *, Expr *> &VarsWithImplicitDSA) {
- BuiltLoopExprs B;
+ OMPLoopDirective::HelperExprs B;
// In presence of clause 'collapse', it will define the nested loops number.
unsigned NestedLoopCount =
CheckOpenMPLoop(OMPD_simd, GetCollapseNumberExpr(Clauses), AStmt, *this,
"omp simd loop exprs were not built");
- return OMPSimdDirective::Create(
- Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt,
- B.IterationVarRef, B.LastIteration, B.CalcLastIteration, B.PreCond,
- B.Cond, B.SeparatedCond, B.Init, B.Inc, B.Counters, B.Updates, B.Finals);
+ return OMPSimdDirective::Create(Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount,
+ Clauses, AStmt, B);
StmtResult Sema::ActOnOpenMPForDirective(
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AStmt, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl *, Expr *> &VarsWithImplicitDSA) {
- BuiltLoopExprs B;
+ OMPLoopDirective::HelperExprs B;
// In presence of clause 'collapse', it will define the nested loops number.
unsigned NestedLoopCount =
CheckOpenMPLoop(OMPD_for, GetCollapseNumberExpr(Clauses), AStmt, *this,
"omp for loop exprs were not built");
- return OMPForDirective::Create(
- Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt,
- B.IterationVarRef, B.LastIteration, B.CalcLastIteration, B.PreCond,
- B.Cond, B.SeparatedCond, B.Init, B.Inc, B.Counters, B.Updates, B.Finals);
+ return OMPForDirective::Create(Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount,
+ Clauses, AStmt, B);
StmtResult Sema::ActOnOpenMPForSimdDirective(
ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses, Stmt *AStmt, SourceLocation StartLoc,
SourceLocation EndLoc,
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl *, Expr *> &VarsWithImplicitDSA) {
- BuiltLoopExprs B;
+ OMPLoopDirective::HelperExprs B;
// In presence of clause 'collapse', it will define the nested loops number.
unsigned NestedLoopCount =
CheckOpenMPLoop(OMPD_for_simd, GetCollapseNumberExpr(Clauses), AStmt,
if (NestedLoopCount == 0)
return StmtError();
+ assert((CurContext->isDependentContext() || B.builtAll()) &&
+ "omp for simd loop exprs were not built");
- return OMPForSimdDirective::Create(
- Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt,
- B.IterationVarRef, B.LastIteration, B.CalcLastIteration, B.PreCond,
- B.Cond, B.SeparatedCond, B.Init, B.Inc, B.Counters, B.Updates, B.Finals);
+ return OMPForSimdDirective::Create(Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount,
+ Clauses, AStmt, B);
StmtResult Sema::ActOnOpenMPSectionsDirective(ArrayRef<OMPClause *> Clauses,
// longjmp() and throw() must not violate the entry/exit criteria.
- BuiltLoopExprs B;
+ OMPLoopDirective::HelperExprs B;
// In presence of clause 'collapse', it will define the nested loops number.
unsigned NestedLoopCount =
CheckOpenMPLoop(OMPD_parallel_for, GetCollapseNumberExpr(Clauses), AStmt,
"omp parallel for loop exprs were not built");
- return OMPParallelForDirective::Create(
- Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt,
- B.IterationVarRef, B.LastIteration, B.CalcLastIteration, B.PreCond,
- B.Cond, B.SeparatedCond, B.Init, B.Inc, B.Counters, B.Updates, B.Finals);
+ return OMPParallelForDirective::Create(Context, StartLoc, EndLoc,
+ NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt, B);
StmtResult Sema::ActOnOpenMPParallelForSimdDirective(
// longjmp() and throw() must not violate the entry/exit criteria.
- BuiltLoopExprs B;
+ OMPLoopDirective::HelperExprs B;
// In presence of clause 'collapse', it will define the nested loops number.
unsigned NestedLoopCount =
CheckOpenMPLoop(OMPD_parallel_for_simd, GetCollapseNumberExpr(Clauses),
return OMPParallelForSimdDirective::Create(
- Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt,
- B.IterationVarRef, B.LastIteration, B.CalcLastIteration, B.PreCond,
- B.Cond, B.SeparatedCond, B.Init, B.Inc, B.Counters, B.Updates, B.Finals);
+ Context, StartLoc, EndLoc, NestedLoopCount, Clauses, AStmt, B);
D->setCond(Fst, Snd);
+ if (isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(D->getDirectiveKind())) {
+ D->setIsLastIterVariable(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ D->setLowerBoundVariable(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ D->setUpperBoundVariable(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ D->setStrideVariable(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ D->setEnsureUpperBound(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ D->setNextLowerBound(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ D->setNextUpperBound(Reader.ReadSubExpr());
+ }
SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Sub;
unsigned CollapsedNum = D->getCollapsedNumber();
Writer.AddStmt(D->getCond(/* SeparateIter */ true));
+ if (isOpenMPWorksharingDirective(D->getDirectiveKind())) {
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getIsLastIterVariable());
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getLowerBoundVariable());
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getUpperBoundVariable());
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getStrideVariable());
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getEnsureUpperBound());
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getNextLowerBound());
+ Writer.AddStmt(D->getNextUpperBound());
+ }
for (auto I : D->counters()) {