#include <sparse/colorutil.h>
#include <stdio.h>
-static void r2hex(float r, char *h){
- /* convert a number in [0,1] to 0 to 255 then to a hex */
- static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- int i = (int)(255*r+0.5);
- int j = i%16;
- int k = i/16;
- h[0] = hex[k];
- h[1] = hex[j];
+static int r2i(float r){
+ /* convert a number in [0,1] to 0 to 255 */
+ return (int)(255*r+0.5);
void rgb2hex(float r, float g, float b, char *cstring, char *opacity){
- cstring[0] = '#';
- r2hex(r, &(cstring[1]));
- r2hex(g, &(cstring[3]));
- r2hex(b, &(cstring[5]));
+ sprintf(cstring, "#%02x%02x%02x", r2i(r), r2i(g), r2i(b));
//set to semitransparent for multiple sets vis
if (opacity && strlen(opacity) >= 2){
cstring[7] = opacity[0];