"""Suite CodeWarrior suite: Terms for scripting the CodeWarrior IDE
Level 0, version 0
-Generated from Macintosh HD:SWdev:CodeWarrior 6 MPTP:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.1B9
+Generated from Moes:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.6
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
class catalog_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""catalog document - a browser catalog document """
want = 'CTLG'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
catalog_documents = catalog_document
class class_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class browser - a class browser """
want = 'BROW'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
class_browsers = class_browser
class class_hierarchy(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class hierarchy - a class hierarchy document """
want = 'HIER'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
class_hierarchies = class_hierarchy
class editor_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""editor document - an editor document """
want = 'EDIT'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
editor_documents = editor_document
class file_compare_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""file compare document - a file compare document """
want = 'COMP'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
file_compare_documents = file_compare_document
class message_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""message document - a message document """
want = 'MSSG'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
message_documents = message_document
class project_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""project document - a project document """
want = 'PRJD'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
class current_target(aetools.NProperty):
"""current target - the current target """
which = 'CURT'
class project_inspector(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""project inspector - the project inspector """
want = 'INSP'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
project_inspectors = project_inspector
class single_class_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""single class browser - a single class browser """
want = '1BRW'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
single_class_browsers = single_class_browser
class single_class_hierarchy(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""single class hierarchy - a single class hierarchy document """
want = '1HIR'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
single_class_hierarchies = single_class_hierarchy
class subtarget(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""subtarget - a target that is prerequisite for another target """
want = 'SBTG'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
class target(aetools.NProperty):
"""target - the target that is dependent on this subtarget """
which = 'TrgT'
class symbol_browser(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""symbol browser - a symbol browser """
want = 'SYMB'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
symbol_browsers = symbol_browser
"""name - """
which = 'pnam'
want = 'itxt'
-class index(aetools.NProperty):
- """index - the number of the target """
- which = 'pidx'
- want = 'long'
class project_document(aetools.NProperty):
"""project document - the project document that contains this target """
which = 'PrjD'
"""type - the type of source file """
which = 'FTYP'
want = 'FTYP'
-# repeated property index the number of the target file
class location(aetools.NProperty):
"""location - the location of the target file on disk """
which = 'FILE'
class text_document(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text document - a document that contains text """
want = 'TXTD'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
class modified(aetools.NProperty):
"""modified - Has the document been modified since the last save? """
which = 'imod'
class ToolServer_worksheet(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""ToolServer worksheet - a ToolServer worksheet """
want = 'TOOL'
-# repeated property inherits all properties and elements of the given class are inherited by this class.
ToolServer_worksheets = ToolServer_worksheet
build_progress_document._propdict = {
target._propdict = {
'name' : name,
- 'index' : index,
'project_document' : project_document,
target._elemdict = {
target_file._propdict = {
'id' : id,
'type' : type,
- 'index' : index,
'location' : location,
'path' : path,
'linked' : linked,
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'TOOL' : ToolServer_worksheet,
- '1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
- 'SRCF' : target_file,
- 'TXTD' : text_document,
- 'TRGT' : target,
- 'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
- 'CTLG' : catalog_document,
'1BRW' : single_class_browser,
- 'MSSG' : message_document,
- 'INSP' : project_inspector,
- 'BROW' : class_browser,
- 'COMP' : file_compare_document,
- 'EDIT' : editor_document,
'PRJD' : project_document,
- 'SBTG' : subtarget,
'SYMB' : symbol_browser,
+ 'EDIT' : editor_document,
+ 'COMP' : file_compare_document,
+ 'BROW' : class_browser,
+ 'SBTG' : subtarget,
+ 'MSSG' : message_document,
+ 'INSP' : project_inspector,
+ 'TXTD' : text_document,
+ 'CTLG' : catalog_document,
+ 'HIER' : class_hierarchy,
+ 'TRGT' : target,
'PRGS' : build_progress_document,
+ 'SRCF' : target_file,
+ 'TOOL' : ToolServer_worksheet,
+ '1HIR' : single_class_hierarchy,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'PRER' : prerequisites,
- 'DBUG' : debug,
- 'CSZE' : code_size,
+ 'CURT' : current_target,
+ 'PrjD' : project_document,
+ 'MRGE' : merge_output,
+ 'WEAK' : weak_link,
+ 'DPND' : dependents,
+ 'c@#^' : inherits,
+ 'ID ' : id,
+ 'CMPD' : compiled_date,
+ 'LIDX' : link_index,
+ 'FILE' : location,
'Path' : path,
- 'pnam' : name,
- 'TrgT' : target,
+ 'LNKO' : link_against_output,
+ 'imod' : modified,
+ 'sele' : selection,
'DSZE' : data_size,
- 'FTYP' : type,
- 'MODD' : modified_date,
'INIT' : init_before,
- 'sele' : selection,
- 'imod' : modified,
- 'DPND' : dependents,
- 'FILE' : location,
- 'LIDX' : link_index,
+ 'MODD' : modified_date,
+ 'FTYP' : type,
+ 'TrgT' : target,
+ 'pnam' : name,
'LINK' : linked,
- 'ID ' : id,
- 'c@#^' : inherits,
- 'pidx' : index,
- 'LNKO' : link_against_output,
- 'WEAK' : weak_link,
- 'MRGE' : merge_output,
- 'CMPD' : compiled_date,
- 'PrjD' : project_document,
- 'CURT' : current_target,
+ 'CSZE' : code_size,
+ 'DBUG' : debug,
+ 'PRER' : prerequisites,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
- 'PERM' : _Enum_PERM,
- 'FTYP' : _Enum_FTYP,
- 'DKND' : _Enum_DKND,
'Inte' : _Enum_Inte,
+ 'DKND' : _Enum_DKND,
+ 'FTYP' : _Enum_FTYP,
+ 'PERM' : _Enum_PERM,
"""Suite Metrowerks Shell Suite: Events supported by the Metrowerks Project Shell
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:SWdev:CodeWarrior 6 MPTP:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.1B9
+Generated from Moes:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.6
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
"""Convert Paths - Enables conversion of DOS & Unix-style relative paths when searching for files. """
which = 'PA04'
want = 'bool'
+class Require_Framework_Includes(aetools.NProperty):
+ """Require Framework Includes - Causes the IDE to only look in the framework access paths if a Mac OS X framework style include (i.e. <Carbon/Carbon.h> ) is used. """
+ which = 'PA05'
+ want = 'bool'
class Browser_Coloring(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Browser Coloring - Colors for Browser symbols. """
"""Data Update Interval - How often to update the data while running (in seconds) """
which = 'Dt09'
want = 'long'
-# repeated property Auto_Target_Libraries Automatically target libraries when debugging
class Stop_at_temp_breakpoint(aetools.NProperty):
"""Stop at temp breakpoint - Stop at a temp breakpoint on program launch. Set breakpoint type in Temp Breakpoint Type AppleEvent. """
which = 'Dt13'
class Function_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Function Information - Describes the location of any function or global data definition within the current project. """
want = 'FDef'
-# repeated property disk_file The location on disk of the file containing the definition.
-# repeated property lineNumber The line number where the definition begins.
class Global_Source_Trees(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Global Source Trees - Globally-defined source tree roots """
class Path_Information(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Path Information - Contains all of the parameters that describe an access path. """
want = 'PInf'
-# repeated property name The actual path name.
class format(aetools.NProperty):
"""format - Format of the a """
which = 'Frmt'
"""recursive - Will the path be searched recursively? (Default is true) """
which = 'Recu'
want = 'bool'
+class framework(aetools.NProperty):
+ """framework - Is the path a Mac OS X framework style path? (This flag is readable but not writeable from AppleScript.) """
+ which = 'Frmw'
+ want = 'bool'
class host_flags(aetools.NProperty):
"""host flags - Bit fields enabling the access path for each host OS (1 = Mac OS, 2 = Windows) """
which = 'HstF'
"""filetype - What kind of file is this ? """
which = 'SrcT'
want = 'SrcT'
-# repeated property name The fileÕs name
-# repeated property disk_file The fileÕs location on disk
class codesize(aetools.NProperty):
"""codesize - The size of this fileÕs code. """
which = 'CSiz'
class Relative_Path(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Relative Path - Relative path from some root """
want = 'RlPt'
-# repeated property name relative path from the root
-# repeated property format Format of the relative path
-# repeated property origin Origin of the relative path
-# repeated property root Name of user-defined root
class Runtime_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Runtime Settings - Runtime settings """
class Segment(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Segment - A segment or group in the project """
want = 'Seg '
-# repeated property name
class filecount(aetools.NProperty):
"""filecount - """
which = 'NumF'
class Source_Tree(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Source Tree - User-defined source tree root """
want = 'SrcT'
-# repeated property name name of the user-defined source tree root
class path(aetools.NProperty):
"""path - path for the user-defined source tree root """
which = 'Path'
"""path kind - kind of path """
which = 'Kind'
want = 'STKd'
-# repeated property format Format of the absolute path
class Syntax_Coloring(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Syntax Coloring - """
"""String Color - The color for strings. """
which = 'GH04'
want = 'cRGB'
-# repeated property Custom_Color_1 The color for the first set of custom keywords.
-# repeated property Custom_Color_2 The color for the second set custom keywords.
-# repeated property Custom_Color_3 The color for the third set of custom keywords.
-# repeated property Custom_Color_4 The color for the fourth set of custom keywords.
class Target_Settings(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Target Settings - Contains the definitions of a projectÕs target. """
class Target_Source_Trees(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Target Source Trees - Target-specific user-defined source tree roots """
want = 'TSTs'
-# repeated property Source_Trees List of source tree roots
class VCS_Setup(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""VCS Setup - The version control system preferences. """
class _class(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""class - A class, struct, or record type in the current project. """
want = 'Clas'
-# repeated property name
class language(aetools.NProperty):
"""language - Implementation language of this class """
which = 'Lang'
class member_function(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""member function - A class member function or method. """
want = 'MbFn'
-# repeated property name
class access(aetools.NProperty):
"""access - """
which = 'Acce'
"""static - """
which = 'Stat'
want = 'bool'
-# repeated property declaration_file Source file containing the member function declaration
-# repeated property declaration_start_offset start of member function declaration source code
-# repeated property declaration_end_offset end of member function declaration
class implementation_file(aetools.NProperty):
"""implementation file - Source file containing the member function definition """
which = 'DfFl'
class data_member(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""data member - A class data member or field """
want = 'DtMb'
-# repeated property name
-# repeated property access
-# repeated property static
-# repeated property declaration_start_offset
-# repeated property declaration_end_offset
data_members = data_member
"""class - The class object corresponding to this base class """
which = 'Clas'
want = 'obj '
-# repeated property access
-# repeated property virtual
base_classes = base_class
'System_Paths' : System_Paths,
'Always_Full_Search' : Always_Full_Search,
'Convert_Paths' : Convert_Paths,
+ 'Require_Framework_Includes' : Require_Framework_Includes,
Access_Paths._elemdict = {
'origin' : origin,
'root' : root,
'recursive' : recursive,
+ 'framework' : framework,
'host_flags' : host_flags,
Path_Information._elemdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'DbDS' : Debugger_Display,
- 'TSTs' : Target_Source_Trees,
- 'VCSs' : VCS_Setup,
- 'mFNT' : Font,
+ 'FMap' : File_Mapping,
+ 'Cata' : browser_catalog,
+ 'BSTG' : Build_Settings,
+ 'SrcF' : ProjectFile,
'BRKW' : Browser_Coloring,
- 'PSTG' : Plugin_Settings,
- 'RSTG' : Runtime_Settings,
- 'MbFn' : member_function,
- 'DbGL' : Debugger_Global,
+ 'ErrM' : Error_Information,
+ 'VCSs' : VCS_Setup,
+ 'EDTR' : Editor,
'SHFL' : Shielded_Folders,
- 'EnvV' : Environment_Variable,
- 'TARG' : Target_Settings,
- 'RlPt' : Relative_Path,
- 'BsCl' : base_class,
+ 'SFit' : Shielded_Folder,
+ 'CUKW' : Custom_Keywords,
'PInf' : Path_Information,
+ 'FLMP' : File_Mappings,
'Seg ' : Segment,
- 'DtMb' : data_member,
- 'SNTX' : Syntax_Coloring,
- 'LXTR' : Build_Extras,
- 'DbWN' : Debugger_Windowing,
- 'PATH' : Access_Paths,
+ 'DbTG' : Debugger_Target,
'FDef' : Function_Information,
- 'SrcT' : Source_Tree,
- 'SFit' : Shielded_Folder,
- 'FLMP' : File_Mappings,
+ 'PATH' : Access_Paths,
'GXTR' : Extras,
- 'CUKW' : Custom_Keywords,
+ 'DbWN' : Debugger_Windowing,
'GSTs' : Global_Source_Trees,
- 'EDTR' : Editor,
- 'DbTG' : Debugger_Target,
- 'ErrM' : Error_Information,
+ 'SNTX' : Syntax_Coloring,
+ 'BsCl' : base_class,
+ 'RlPt' : Relative_Path,
+ 'TARG' : Target_Settings,
+ 'EnvV' : Environment_Variable,
+ 'SrcT' : Source_Tree,
+ 'DbGL' : Debugger_Global,
+ 'MbFn' : member_function,
+ 'RSTG' : Runtime_Settings,
+ 'PSTG' : Plugin_Settings,
+ 'DtMb' : data_member,
+ 'LXTR' : Build_Extras,
+ 'mFNT' : Font,
+ 'TSTs' : Target_Source_Trees,
+ 'DbDS' : Debugger_Display,
'Clas' : _class,
- 'SrcF' : ProjectFile,
- 'BSTG' : Build_Settings,
- 'Cata' : browser_catalog,
- 'FMap' : File_Mapping,
_propdeclarations = {
'SymG' : symbols,
+ 'BX02' : Success_Sound,
+ 'BX03' : Failure_Sound,
+ 'BX01' : Completion_Sound,
+ 'BX06' : Compiler_Thread_Stack_Size,
+ 'BX07' : Save_Before_Building,
+ 'BX04' : Build_Before_Running,
+ 'BX05' : Include_Cache_Size,
+ 'NumF' : filecount,
+ 'Frmw' : framework,
+ 'Frmt' : format,
+ 'FN01' : Auto_Indent,
+ 'FN02' : Tab_Size,
+ 'FN03' : Tab_Indents_Selection,
+ 'FN04' : Tab_Inserts_Spaces,
+ 'Dg07' : Dont_Step_in_Runtime,
+ 'Dg06' : Select_Stack_Crawl,
+ 'Dg05' : Stop_at_Main,
+ 'Dg04' : Confirm_Kill,
+ 'Dg03' : Launch_Apps_on_Open,
+ 'Dg02' : Open_All_Classes,
+ 'Dg01' : Ignore_Mod_Dates,
+ 'Weak' : weak_link,
+ 'DcFl' : declaration_file,
+ 'Path' : path,
+ 'Recu' : recursive,
+ 'TA16' : Output_Directory_Location,
+ 'Db10' : Show_As_Decimal,
'CSiz' : codesize,
+ 'ErrL' : lineNumber,
+ 'Dt16' : Temp_Breakpoint_Type,
+ 'ErrS' : message,
+ 'BW07' : Templates_Color,
+ 'ErrT' : messageKind,
+ 'EX18' : Use_ToolServer_Menu,
+ 'EX19' : Automatic_Toolbar_Help,
+ 'TA15' : Use_Relative_Paths,
+ 'TA12' : Output_Directory_Origin,
+ 'TA13' : Pre_Linker,
+ 'TA10' : Target_Name,
+ 'TA11' : Output_Directory_Path,
+ 'EX10' : Use_Editor_Extensions,
+ 'EX11' : Use_External_Editor,
+ 'EX12' : Use_Script_Menu,
+ 'EX16' : Recent_Editor_Count,
+ 'EX17' : Recent_Project_Count,
'DfEn' : implementation_end_offset,
- 'DcEn' : declaration_end_offset,
- 'VC10' : Local_Path,
- 'FMps' : Mappings,
- 'VC02' : Connection_Method,
- 'VC03' : Username,
- 'TA02' : Extension,
- 'UpTD' : up_to_date,
- 'VC07' : Always_Prompt,
- 'VC04' : Password,
- 'VC05' : Auto_Connect,
- 'Dg13' : File_Cache_Duration,
- 'Dg12' : Cache_Edited_Files,
- 'Dg11' : Auto_Target_Libraries,
- 'VC09' : Database_Path,
- 'VC06' : Store_Password,
- 'Clas' : _class,
- 'PA02' : Always_Full_Search,
- 'PA03' : System_Paths,
- 'GH04' : String_Color,
- 'PA01' : User_Paths,
- 'TA09' : Post_Linker,
- 'PA04' : Convert_Paths,
- 'Lang' : language,
- 'EX31' : Cache_Subproject_Data,
- 'EX30' : Dump_Browser_Info,
- 'SrcT' : filetype,
- 'ST01' : Source_Trees,
- 'VC11' : Use_Global_Settings,
- 'PLck' : seg_2d_locked,
- 'GH08' : Custom_Color_4,
- 'DfFl' : implementation_file,
- 'GH06' : Custom_Color_2,
- 'GH07' : Custom_Color_3,
- 'Db10' : Show_As_Decimal,
- 'GH05' : Custom_Color_1,
- 'GH02' : Comment_Color,
+ 'Acce' : access,
+ 'BW02' : Constants_Color,
'Kind' : path_kind,
- 'GH01' : Syntax_Coloring,
- 'Dt10' : Relocated_Executable_Path,
- 'BW03' : Enums_Color,
- 'BW00' : Browser_Keywords,
- 'Dt13' : Stop_at_temp_breakpoint,
- 'Dt14' : Temp_breakpoint_names,
- 'Dt15' : Cache_symbolics,
- 'Dt16' : Temp_Breakpoint_Type,
- 'pnam' : name,
- 'DfSt' : implementation_start_offset,
- 'Dw01' : Debugging_Start_Action,
- 'BW08' : Typedefs_Color,
- 'TA16' : Output_Directory_Location,
- 'PR04' : File_Type,
- 'EX04' : Modification_Date_Caching,
- 'RS04' : Environment_Variables,
- 'EX07' : Full_Screen_Zoom,
- 'RS02' : Command_Line_Arguments,
- 'RS03' : Working_Directory,
- 'RS01' : Host_Application,
- 'TA06' : Ignored_by_Make,
- 'TA07' : Compiler,
- 'TA04' : Resource_File,
- 'TA05' : Launchable,
- 'EX08' : External_Reference,
- 'EX09' : Browser_Active,
- 'Prot' : seg_2d_protected,
- 'TA01' : Linker,
- 'Db05' : Variable_Hints,
- 'Db04' : Threads_in_Window,
- 'Db07' : Variable_Changed_Hilite,
- 'Db06' : Watchpoint_Hilite,
- 'Db01' : Show_Variable_Types,
- 'Db03' : Use_RTTI,
- 'Db02' : Sort_By_Method,
- 'file' : disk_file,
- 'SysH' : seg_2d_system_heap,
- 'Db09' : Show_Locals,
'Db08' : Default_Array_Size,
+ 'Db09' : Show_Locals,
+ 'SrcT' : filetype,
+ 'Db02' : Sort_By_Method,
+ 'Db03' : Use_RTTI,
+ 'Db01' : Show_Variable_Types,
+ 'Db06' : Watchpoint_Hilite,
+ 'Db07' : Variable_Changed_Hilite,
+ 'Db04' : Threads_in_Window,
+ 'Db05' : Variable_Hints,
+ 'TA01' : Linker,
+ 'EX09' : Browser_Active,
+ 'EX08' : External_Reference,
+ 'TA05' : Launchable,
+ 'TA04' : Resource_File,
+ 'TA07' : Compiler,
+ 'TA06' : Ignored_by_Make,
+ 'RS01' : Host_Application,
+ 'RS03' : Working_Directory,
+ 'RS02' : Command_Line_Arguments,
+ 'EX07' : Full_Screen_Zoom,
+ 'RS04' : Environment_Variables,
+ 'EX04' : Modification_Date_Caching,
+ 'PR04' : File_Type,
+ 'DfSt' : implementation_start_offset,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'GH01' : Syntax_Coloring,
'GH03' : Keyword_Color,
- 'VC08' : Mount_Volume,
- 'SFis' : Shielded_Items,
- 'SubA' : all_subclasses,
- 'Prel' : seg_2d_preloaded,
- 'Orig' : origin,
- 'Dt02' : Log_System_Messages,
- 'DcFl' : declaration_file,
- 'BW02' : Constants_Color,
- 'Dt09' : Data_Update_Interval,
- 'Dt08' : Update_Data_While_Running,
- 'BW10' : Template_Commands_in_Menu,
- 'BW01' : Classes_Color,
- 'EX17' : Recent_Project_Count,
- 'EX16' : Recent_Editor_Count,
- 'BW07' : Templates_Color,
- 'BW04' : Functions_Color,
- 'EX12' : Use_Script_Menu,
- 'BW05' : Globals_Color,
- 'EX10' : Use_Editor_Extensions,
- 'TA11' : Output_Directory_Path,
- 'TA10' : Target_Name,
- 'TA13' : Pre_Linker,
- 'TA12' : Output_Directory_Origin,
- 'TA15' : Use_Relative_Paths,
- 'EX19' : Automatic_Toolbar_Help,
- 'EX18' : Use_ToolServer_Menu,
- 'ErrT' : messageKind,
- 'ptxf' : Text_Font,
- 'Weak' : weak_link,
- 'ptps' : Text_Size,
- 'Root' : root,
- 'ErrS' : message,
- 'SubC' : subclasses,
- 'Dg04' : Confirm_Kill,
- 'SF01' : Expression_To_Match,
- 'SF02' : Skip_Project_Operations,
- 'SF03' : Skip_Find_And_Compare_Operations,
- 'ED08' : Remember_Font,
- 'ED09' : Remember_Selection,
+ 'GH02' : Comment_Color,
+ 'GH05' : Custom_Color_1,
+ 'GH04' : String_Color,
+ 'GH07' : Custom_Color_3,
+ 'GH06' : Custom_Color_2,
+ 'GH08' : Custom_Color_4,
+ 'ST01' : Source_Trees,
+ 'EX30' : Dump_Browser_Info,
+ 'EX31' : Cache_Subproject_Data,
+ 'Clas' : _class,
'DSiz' : datasize,
- 'VC01' : VCS_Active,
- 'ErrL' : lineNumber,
- 'ED01' : Flash_Delay,
- 'ED02' : Dynamic_Scroll,
- 'ED03' : Balance,
- 'ED04' : Use_Drag__26__Drop_Editing,
- 'ED06' : Sort_Function_Popup,
- 'ED07' : Use_Multiple_Undo,
- 'Recu' : recursive,
- 'Valu' : value,
- 'Path' : path,
+ 'ED14' : Context_Popup_Delay,
+ 'ED15' : Relaxed_C_Popup_Parsing,
+ 'ED16' : Left_Margin_Line_Select,
+ 'ED17' : Default_Text_File_Format,
+ 'ED10' : Remember_Window,
+ 'ED12' : Main_Text_Color,
+ 'ED13' : Background_Color,
+ 'Prot' : seg_2d_protected,
+ 'Purg' : seg_2d_purgeable,
+ 'HstF' : host_flags,
+ 'Stat' : static,
+ 'ptps' : Text_Size,
+ 'PA01' : User_Paths,
+ 'DcSt' : declaration_start_offset,
'IncF' : includes,
- 'Bfor' : initialize_before,
- 'Dw02' : Do_Nothing_To_Projects,
- 'TA03' : Precompiled,
+ 'Valu' : value,
+ 'ED07' : Use_Multiple_Undo,
+ 'ED06' : Sort_Function_Popup,
+ 'ED04' : Use_Drag__26__Drop_Editing,
+ 'ED03' : Balance,
+ 'ED02' : Dynamic_Scroll,
+ 'ED01' : Flash_Delay,
+ 'ED09' : Remember_Selection,
+ 'ED08' : Remember_Font,
+ 'SF03' : Skip_Find_And_Compare_Operations,
+ 'SF02' : Skip_Project_Operations,
+ 'SF01' : Expression_To_Match,
+ 'SubC' : subclasses,
+ 'SubA' : all_subclasses,
+ 'ptxf' : Text_Font,
+ 'Dg11' : Auto_Target_Libraries,
'PX01' : Plugin_Diagnostics_Level,
- 'EX11' : Use_External_Editor,
'PX02' : Disable_Third_Party_COM_Plugins,
- 'DcSt' : declaration_start_offset,
- 'Dg01' : Ignore_Mod_Dates,
- 'Dg02' : Open_All_Classes,
- 'Dg03' : Launch_Apps_on_Open,
+ 'Lang' : language,
+ 'BW10' : Template_Commands_in_Menu,
+ 'Dt08' : Update_Data_While_Running,
+ 'Dt09' : Data_Update_Interval,
+ 'VC04' : Password,
+ 'Dt02' : Log_System_Messages,
+ 'Orig' : origin,
+ 'Prel' : seg_2d_preloaded,
+ 'UpTD' : up_to_date,
+ 'Dw02' : Do_Nothing_To_Projects,
+ 'SFis' : Shielded_Items,
+ 'SysH' : seg_2d_system_heap,
+ 'file' : disk_file,
+ 'Bfor' : initialize_before,
+ 'VC10' : Local_Path,
+ 'VC11' : Use_Global_Settings,
+ 'PLck' : seg_2d_locked,
'BW06' : Macros_Color,
- 'Dg05' : Stop_at_Main,
- 'Dg06' : Select_Stack_Crawl,
- 'Dg07' : Dont_Step_in_Runtime,
- 'HstF' : host_flags,
- 'FN04' : Tab_Inserts_Spaces,
- 'FN03' : Tab_Indents_Selection,
- 'FN02' : Tab_Size,
- 'FN01' : Auto_Indent,
- 'Frmt' : format,
- 'Stat' : static,
+ 'BW08' : Typedefs_Color,
+ 'Dw01' : Debugging_Start_Action,
+ 'BW05' : Globals_Color,
+ 'BW04' : Functions_Color,
+ 'Dt15' : Cache_symbolics,
+ 'Dt14' : Temp_breakpoint_names,
+ 'Dt13' : Stop_at_temp_breakpoint,
+ 'BW00' : Browser_Keywords,
+ 'BW03' : Enums_Color,
+ 'Dt10' : Relocated_Executable_Path,
+ 'DfFl' : implementation_file,
+ 'BW01' : Classes_Color,
+ 'TA03' : Precompiled,
+ 'TA02' : Extension,
+ 'PA05' : Require_Framework_Includes,
+ 'PA04' : Convert_Paths,
+ 'Root' : root,
+ 'PA03' : System_Paths,
+ 'PA02' : Always_Full_Search,
+ 'VC09' : Database_Path,
+ 'VC08' : Mount_Volume,
+ 'Dg12' : Cache_Edited_Files,
+ 'Dg13' : File_Cache_Duration,
+ 'VC05' : Auto_Connect,
'Virt' : virtual,
- 'Purg' : seg_2d_purgeable,
- 'NumF' : filecount,
- 'Acce' : access,
- 'BX05' : Include_Cache_Size,
- 'BX04' : Build_Before_Running,
- 'BX07' : Save_Before_Building,
- 'BX06' : Compiler_Thread_Stack_Size,
- 'BX01' : Completion_Sound,
- 'BX03' : Failure_Sound,
- 'BX02' : Success_Sound,
- 'ED13' : Background_Color,
- 'ED12' : Main_Text_Color,
- 'ED10' : Remember_Window,
- 'ED17' : Default_Text_File_Format,
- 'ED16' : Left_Margin_Line_Select,
- 'ED15' : Relaxed_C_Popup_Parsing,
- 'ED14' : Context_Popup_Delay,
+ 'VC07' : Always_Prompt,
+ 'VC06' : Store_Password,
+ 'VC01' : VCS_Active,
+ 'VC03' : Username,
+ 'VC02' : Connection_Method,
+ 'FMps' : Mappings,
+ 'TA09' : Post_Linker,
+ 'DcEn' : declaration_end_offset,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
- 'PPrm' : _Enum_PPrm,
- 'BXbr' : _Enum_BXbr,
- 'PthF' : _Enum_PthF,
'Lang' : _Enum_Lang,
- 'PXdg' : _Enum_PXdg,
- 'SrcT' : _Enum_SrcT,
- 'savo' : _Enum_savo,
- 'TmpB' : _Enum_TmpB,
- 'DbSA' : _Enum_DbSA,
- 'ErrT' : _Enum_ErrT,
- 'TxtF' : _Enum_TxtF,
- 'RefP' : _Enum_RefP,
- 'Acce' : _Enum_Acce,
+ 'Inte' : _Enum_Inte,
'STKd' : _Enum_STKd,
'DgBL' : _Enum_DgBL,
- 'Inte' : _Enum_Inte,
+ 'Acce' : _Enum_Acce,
+ 'RefP' : _Enum_RefP,
+ 'TxtF' : _Enum_TxtF,
+ 'DbSA' : _Enum_DbSA,
+ 'TmpB' : _Enum_TmpB,
+ 'savo' : _Enum_savo,
+ 'PthF' : _Enum_PthF,
+ 'SrcT' : _Enum_SrcT,
+ 'PXdg' : _Enum_PXdg,
+ 'ErrT' : _Enum_ErrT,
+ 'BXbr' : _Enum_BXbr,
+ 'PPrm' : _Enum_PPrm,
"""Suite Required: Terms that every application should support
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:SWdev:CodeWarrior 6 MPTP:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.1B9
+Generated from Moes:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.6
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
"""Suite Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:SWdev:CodeWarrior 6 MPTP:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.1B9
+Generated from Moes:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.6
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
class insertion_point(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""insertion point - An insertion location between two objects """
want = 'cins'
-# repeated property length length of text object (in characters)
-# repeated property offset offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)
class line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""line - lines of text """
want = 'clin'
-# repeated property index index of a line object from the beginning of the document (first line has index 1)
-# repeated property offset offset (in characters) of a line object from the beginning of the document
-# repeated property length length in characters of this object
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']
lines = line
"""contents - the contents of the selection """
which = 'pcnt'
want = 'type'
-# repeated property length length of text object (in characters)
-# repeated property offset offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang', 'test']
# element 'clin' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']
# element 'ctxt' as ['rang']
class text(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text - Text """
want = 'ctxt'
-# repeated property length length of text object (in characters)
-# repeated property offset offset of a text object from the beginning of the document (first char has offset 1)
# element 'cha ' as ['indx', 'rele', 'rang']
# element 'cins' as ['rele']
# element 'clin' as ['indx', 'rang', 'rele']
class window(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""window - A window """
want = 'cwin'
-# repeated property name the title of the window
-# repeated property index the number of the window
class bounds(aetools.NProperty):
"""bounds - the boundary rectangle for the window """
which = 'pbnd'
window._elemdict = {
-import Metrowerks_Shell_Suite
-from Metrowerks_Shell_Suite import _Enum_savo
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'docu' : document,
- 'cins' : insertion_point,
- 'capp' : application,
+ 'cha ' : character,
'ctxt' : text,
- 'csel' : selection_2d_object,
- 'clin' : line,
- 'file' : file,
'cwin' : window,
- 'cha ' : character,
+ 'file' : file,
+ 'clin' : line,
+ 'csel' : selection_2d_object,
+ 'capp' : application,
+ 'cins' : insertion_point,
+ 'docu' : document,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'pzum' : zoomed,
+ 'inte' : user_interaction,
+ 'pvis' : visible,
'DKND' : kind,
+ 'pbnd' : bounds,
+ 'PERM' : file_permissions,
+ 'docu' : document,
+ 'pidx' : index,
'pOff' : offset,
- 'pLen' : length,
- 'pnam' : name,
- 'FILE' : location,
- 'pcnt' : contents,
'cwin' : window,
+ 'FILE' : location,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'pLen' : length,
'ppos' : position,
- 'pidx' : index,
- 'docu' : document,
- 'PERM' : file_permissions,
- 'pbnd' : bounds,
- 'pvis' : visible,
- 'inte' : user_interaction,
+ 'pzum' : zoomed,
+ 'pcnt' : contents,
_compdeclarations = {
-Package generated from Macintosh HD:SWdev:CodeWarrior 6 MPTP:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.1B9
+Package generated from Moes:Applications (Mac OS 9):Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0:Metrowerks CodeWarrior:CodeWarrior IDE 4.2.6
Resource aete resid 0 AppleEvent Suites
import aetools
+Error = aetools.Error
import Required
import Standard_Suite
import CodeWarrior_suite
"""Suite AppleScript Suite: Standard terms for AppleScript
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
Returns: anything
_code = 'ascr'
- _subcode = '\255 '
+ _subcode = '\xad '
if _arguments: raise TypeError, 'No optional args expected'
_arguments['----'] = _object
class linked_list(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""linked list - An ordered collection of items """
want = 'llst'
-# repeated property length the length of a list
linked_lists = linked_list
class vector(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""vector - An ordered collection of items """
want = 'vect'
-# repeated property length the length of a list
vectors = vector
_Enum_ekst = {
- 'escape_key' : 'ks5\000', #
- 'delete_key' : 'ks3\000', #
- 'tab_key' : 'ks0\000', #
- 'return_key' : 'ks$\000', #
- 'clear_key' : 'ksG\000', #
- 'enter_key' : 'ksL\000', #
- 'up_arrow_key' : 'ks~\000', #
- 'down_arrow_key' : 'ks}\000', #
- 'left_arrow_key' : 'ks{\000', #
- 'right_arrow_key' : 'ks|\000', #
- 'help_key' : 'ksr\000', #
- 'home_key' : 'kss\000', #
- 'page_up_key' : 'kst\000', #
- 'page_down_key' : 'ksy\000', #
- 'forward_del_key' : 'ksu\000', #
- 'end_key' : 'ksw\000', #
- 'F1_key' : 'ksz\000', #
- 'F2_key' : 'ksx\000', #
- 'F3_key' : 'ksc\000', #
- 'F4_key' : 'ksv\000', #
- 'F5_key' : 'ks`\000', #
- 'F6_key' : 'ksa\000', #
- 'F7_key' : 'ksb\000', #
- 'F8_key' : 'ksd\000', #
- 'F9_key' : 'kse\000', #
- 'F10_key' : 'ksm\000', #
- 'F11_key' : 'ksg\000', #
- 'F12_key' : 'kso\000', #
- 'F13_key' : 'ksi\000', #
- 'F14_key' : 'ksk\000', #
- 'F15_key' : 'ksq\000', #
+ 'escape_key' : 'ks5\x00', #
+ 'delete_key' : 'ks3\x00', #
+ 'tab_key' : 'ks0\x00', #
+ 'return_key' : 'ks$\x00', #
+ 'clear_key' : 'ksG\x00', #
+ 'enter_key' : 'ksL\x00', #
+ 'up_arrow_key' : 'ks~\x00', #
+ 'down_arrow_key' : 'ks}\x00', #
+ 'left_arrow_key' : 'ks{\x00', #
+ 'right_arrow_key' : 'ks|\x00', #
+ 'help_key' : 'ksr\x00', #
+ 'home_key' : 'kss\x00', #
+ 'page_up_key' : 'kst\x00', #
+ 'page_down_key' : 'ksy\x00', #
+ 'forward_del_key' : 'ksu\x00', #
+ 'end_key' : 'ksw\x00', #
+ 'F1_key' : 'ksz\x00', #
+ 'F2_key' : 'ksx\x00', #
+ 'F3_key' : 'ksc\x00', #
+ 'F4_key' : 'ksv\x00', #
+ 'F5_key' : 'ks`\x00', #
+ 'F6_key' : 'ksa\x00', #
+ 'F7_key' : 'ksb\x00', #
+ 'F8_key' : 'ksd\x00', #
+ 'F9_key' : 'kse\x00', #
+ 'F10_key' : 'ksm\x00', #
+ 'F11_key' : 'ksg\x00', #
+ 'F12_key' : 'kso\x00', #
+ 'F13_key' : 'ksi\x00', #
+ 'F14_key' : 'ksk\x00', #
+ 'F15_key' : 'ksq\x00', #
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
+ 'jul ' : July,
+ 'may ' : May,
+ 'TEXT' : string,
+ 'cmet' : cubic_metres,
+ 'STXT' : styled_text,
+ 'nds ' : number_2c__date_or_text,
+ 'feet' : feet,
+ 'feb ' : February,
'nmbr' : number,
- 'ctxt' : text,
- 'fss ' : file_specification,
- 'sat ' : Saturday,
- 'ccmt' : cubic_centimetres,
- 'cfet' : cubic_feet,
- 'lbs ' : pounds,
- 'yard' : yards,
- 'sqyd' : square_yards,
- 'mach' : machine,
- 'utxt' : Unicode_text,
- 'cstr' : C_string,
- 'rdat' : data,
- 'doub' : real,
- 'hand' : handler,
- 'sutx' : styled_Unicode_text,
- 'sqmi' : square_miles,
- 'undf' : _empty_ae_name,
- 'reco' : record,
- 'cha ' : character,
- 'cobj' : item,
- 'kfrm' : reference_form,
- 'enum' : constant,
- 'inch' : inches,
- 'sqrm' : square_metres,
- 'bool' : boolean,
- 'prop' : property,
- '****' : anything,
- 'scpt' : script,
- 'kgrm' : kilograms,
- 'sep ' : September,
- 'snd ' : sound,
- 'mon ' : Monday,
- 'capp' : app,
- 'lr ' : list_or_record,
- 'fri ' : Friday,
- 'cuin' : cubic_inches,
- 'mar ' : March,
- 'galn' : gallons,
- 'encs' : encoded_string,
+ 'mile' : miles,
+ 'kprs' : keystroke,
+ 'psct' : writing_code,
+ 'degf' : degrees_Fahrenheit,
+ 'lrs ' : list_2c__record_or_text,
+ 'ldt ' : date,
'litr' : litres,
- 'case' : upper_case,
- 'styl' : styled_Clipboard_text,
- 'llst' : linked_list,
- 'pcls' : _class,
- 'jun ' : June,
- 'ns ' : number_or_string,
- 'ozs ' : ounces,
- 'mnth' : month,
- 'metr' : metres,
- 'jan ' : January,
+ 'nd ' : number_or_date,
+ 'cmtr' : centimetres,
+ 'evnt' : event,
'pstr' : Pascal_string,
- 'alis' : alias,
- 'gram' : grams,
- 'msng' : missing_value,
- 'qrts' : quarts,
- 'nov ' : November,
- 'list' : list,
- 'sqft' : square_feet,
- 'kmtr' : kilometres,
+ 'zone' : zone,
+ 'PICT' : picture,
+ 'ls ' : list_or_string,
+ 'long' : integer,
+ 'sf ' : alias_or_string,
+ 'citl' : writing_code_info,
+ 'citm' : text_item,
+ 'mach' : machine,
+ 'type' : type_class,
+ 'prep' : preposition,
+ 'tue ' : Tuesday,
+ 'case' : upper_case,
+ 'vers' : version,
+ 'wed ' : Wednesday,
+ 'dec ' : December,
+ 'sqkm' : square_kilometres,
+ 'obj ' : reference,
+ 'vect' : vector,
+ 'wkdy' : weekday,
'cRGB' : RGB_color,
+ 'sun ' : Sunday,
'itxt' : international_text,
'scnd' : seconds,
- 'apr ' : April,
- 'nd ' : number_or_date,
- 'wkdy' : weekday,
- 'vect' : vector,
- 'obj ' : reference,
- 'sqkm' : square_kilometres,
- 'dec ' : December,
- 'wed ' : Wednesday,
- 'cyrd' : cubic_yards,
- 'vers' : version,
- 'tue ' : Tuesday,
- 'prep' : preposition,
- 'type' : type_class,
- 'citm' : text_item,
- 'citl' : writing_code_info,
- 'sf ' : alias_or_string,
+ 'mar ' : March,
+ 'kmtr' : kilometres,
+ 'sqft' : square_feet,
+ 'list' : list,
+ 'doub' : real,
+ 'nov ' : November,
+ 'qrts' : quarts,
'degc' : degrees_Celsius,
- 'long' : integer,
- 'ls ' : list_or_string,
- 'PICT' : picture,
- 'zone' : zone,
- 'psct' : writing_code,
- 'lrs ' : list_2c__record_or_text,
- 'cmtr' : centimetres,
- 'evnt' : event,
- 'oct ' : October,
+ 'msng' : missing_value,
+ 'alis' : alias,
+ 'jan ' : January,
+ 'metr' : metres,
+ 'mnth' : month,
+ 'ns ' : number_or_string,
+ 'jun ' : June,
+ 'aug ' : August,
+ 'llst' : linked_list,
+ 'styl' : styled_Clipboard_text,
+ 'encs' : encoded_string,
+ 'galn' : gallons,
+ 'cuin' : cubic_inches,
+ 'fri ' : Friday,
+ 'sutx' : styled_Unicode_text,
+ 'lr ' : list_or_record,
'degk' : degrees_Kelvin,
- 'ldt ' : date,
+ 'mon ' : Monday,
+ 'snd ' : sound,
+ 'pcls' : _class,
+ 'kgrm' : kilograms,
+ 'scpt' : script,
+ '****' : anything,
+ 'prop' : property,
+ 'reco' : record,
+ 'bool' : boolean,
+ 'oct ' : October,
+ 'sqrm' : square_metres,
+ 'inch' : inches,
+ 'kfrm' : reference_form,
+ 'cobj' : item,
+ 'gram' : grams,
+ 'cha ' : character,
+ 'apr ' : April,
+ 'undf' : _empty_ae_name,
+ 'capp' : app,
+ 'enum' : constant,
+ 'hand' : handler,
+ 'sqmi' : square_miles,
+ 'rdat' : data,
+ 'cstr' : C_string,
+ 'utxt' : Unicode_text,
'thu ' : Thursday,
- 'degf' : degrees_Fahrenheit,
- 'kprs' : keystroke,
- 'mile' : miles,
- 'feb ' : February,
- 'feet' : feet,
- 'nds ' : number_2c__date_or_text,
- 'STXT' : styled_text,
- 'cmet' : cubic_metres,
- 'sun ' : Sunday,
- 'aug ' : August,
- 'may ' : May,
- 'jul ' : July,
- 'TEXT' : string,
+ 'sqyd' : square_yards,
+ 'yard' : yards,
+ 'cyrd' : cubic_yards,
+ 'ozs ' : ounces,
+ 'lbs ' : pounds,
+ 'cfet' : cubic_feet,
+ 'ccmt' : cubic_centimetres,
+ 'sat ' : Saturday,
+ 'sep ' : September,
+ 'fss ' : file_specification,
+ 'ctxt' : text,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'pscd' : script_code,
- 'rslt' : result,
- 'pnam' : name,
- 'time' : time,
- 'txdl' : text_item_delimiters,
- 'prln' : print_length,
- 'prdp' : print_depth,
+ 'week' : weeks,
'kMod' : modifiers,
- 'days' : days,
- 'spac' : space,
- 'kMsg' : key,
- 'plcd' : language_code,
- 'ret ' : _return,
- 'tstr' : time_string,
+ 'pare' : parent,
+ 'leng' : length,
'hour' : hours,
- 'tab ' : tab,
- 'rvse' : reverse,
+ 'mnth' : month,
+ 'min ' : minutes,
'wkdy' : weekday,
- 'day ' : day,
- 'ID ' : id,
- 'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
- 'kknd' : key_kind,
- 'ascr' : AppleScript,
- 'rest' : rest,
'dstr' : date_string,
- 'min ' : minutes,
- 'pi ' : pi,
- 'leng' : length,
+ 'rest' : rest,
+ 'ascr' : AppleScript,
+ 'kknd' : key_kind,
+ 'c@#^' : _3c_Inheritance_3e_,
+ 'ID ' : id,
'year' : year,
- 'pare' : parent,
- 'mnth' : month,
- 'week' : weeks,
+ 'rvse' : reverse,
+ 'tab ' : tab,
+ 'tstr' : time_string,
+ 'pi ' : pi,
+ 'ret ' : _return,
+ 'plcd' : language_code,
+ 'kMsg' : key,
+ 'spac' : space,
+ 'days' : days,
+ 'txdl' : text_item_delimiters,
+ 'prdp' : print_depth,
+ 'prln' : print_length,
+ 'pscd' : script_code,
+ 'time' : time,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'rslt' : result,
+ 'day ' : day,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
- 'boov' : _Enum_boov,
- 'ekst' : _Enum_ekst,
- 'misc' : _Enum_misc,
- 'cons' : _Enum_cons,
'eMds' : _Enum_eMds,
+ 'cons' : _Enum_cons,
+ 'misc' : _Enum_misc,
+ 'ekst' : _Enum_ekst,
+ 'boov' : _Enum_boov,
"""Suite Macintosh Connectivity Classes: Classes relating to Apple Macintosh personal computer connectivity
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
class address_specification(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""address specification - Unique designation of a device or service connected to this computer """
want = 'cadr'
-# repeated property properties property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties
class conduit(aetools.NProperty):
"""conduit - How the addressee is physically connected """
which = 'pcon'
class AppleTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""AppleTalk address - Addresses a device or service connected via the AppleTalk protocol """
want = 'cat '
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class AppleTalk_machine(aetools.NProperty):
"""AppleTalk machine - the machine name part of the address """
which = 'patm'
class bus_slot(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""bus slot - Addresses a PC, PCI, or NuBus card """
want = 'cbus'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
-# repeated property ID the slot number
bus_slots = bus_slot
class Ethernet_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Ethernet address - Addresses a device by its Ethernet address """
want = 'cen '
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
-# repeated property ID the Ethernet address
Ethernet_addresses = Ethernet_address
class FireWire_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""FireWire address - Addresses a device on the FireWire bus """
want = 'cfw '
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
-# repeated property ID the FireWire device ID
FireWire_addresses = FireWire_address
class IP_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""IP address - Addresses a device or service via the Internet Protocol (IP) """
want = 'cip '
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
-# repeated property ID the address in the form ""
class DNS_form(aetools.NProperty):
"""DNS form - the address in the form "apple.com" """
which = 'pdns'
class LocalTalk_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""LocalTalk address - Addresses a device by its LocalTalk address """
want = 'clt '
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class network(aetools.NProperty):
"""network - the LocalTalk network number """
which = 'pnet'
class SCSI_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""SCSI address - Addresses a SCSI device """
want = 'cscs'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class SCSI_bus(aetools.NProperty):
"""SCSI bus - the SCSI bus number """
which = 'pscb'
want = 'shor'
-# repeated property ID the SCSI ID
class LUN(aetools.NProperty):
"""LUN - the SCSI logical unit number """
which = 'pslu'
class Token_Ring_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""Token Ring address - Addresses a device or service via the Token Ring protocol """
want = 'ctok'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
-# repeated property ID the Token Ring ID
Token_Ring_addresses = Token_Ring_address
class USB_address(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""USB address - Addresses a device on the Universal Serial Bus """
want = 'cusb'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the USB device name """
which = 'pnam'
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'cen ' : Ethernet_address,
- 'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
- 'cip ' : IP_address,
- 'cusb' : USB_address,
- 'cadb' : ADB_address,
- 'cscs' : SCSI_address,
- 'cbus' : bus_slot,
- 'cdev' : device_specification,
+ 'cat ' : AppleTalk_address,
+ 'cadr' : address_specification,
'ctok' : Token_Ring_address,
'cfw ' : FireWire_address,
- 'cadr' : address_specification,
- 'cat ' : AppleTalk_address,
+ 'cbus' : bus_slot,
+ 'cscs' : SCSI_address,
+ 'cadb' : ADB_address,
+ 'cusb' : USB_address,
+ 'cdev' : device_specification,
+ 'clt ' : LocalTalk_address,
+ 'cip ' : IP_address,
+ 'cen ' : Ethernet_address,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'pnod' : node,
- 'pslu' : LUN,
- 'patm' : AppleTalk_machine,
- 'pdva' : device_address,
- 'pscb' : SCSI_bus,
+ 'pdns' : DNS_form,
'ppor' : port,
- 'pALL' : properties,
- 'ID ' : ID,
- 'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
- 'pdvt' : device_type,
- 'pnet' : network,
+ 'patt' : AppleTalk_type,
+ 'pprt' : protocol,
+ 'pcon' : conduit,
'patz' : AppleTalk_zone,
+ 'pnet' : network,
+ 'pdvt' : device_type,
'pnam' : name,
- 'pcon' : conduit,
- 'pprt' : protocol,
- 'patt' : AppleTalk_type,
+ 'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
+ 'ID ' : ID,
+ 'pALL' : properties,
+ 'pscb' : SCSI_bus,
+ 'pdva' : device_address,
+ 'patm' : AppleTalk_machine,
'psoc' : socket,
- 'pdns' : DNS_form,
+ 'pslu' : LUN,
+ 'pnod' : node,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
'econ' : _Enum_econ,
- 'epro' : _Enum_epro,
'edvt' : _Enum_edvt,
+ 'epro' : _Enum_epro,
"""Suite QuickDraw Graphics Suite: A set of basic classes for graphics
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
class pixel(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""pixel - A pixel """
want = 'cpxl'
-# repeated property color the color
pixels = pixel
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'crec' : rectangle,
- 'cpix' : pixel_map,
- 'carc' : arc,
+ 'cpic' : graphic_group,
+ 'covl' : oval,
+ 'cgtx' : graphic_text,
'cgsh' : graphic_shape,
+ 'glin' : graphic_line,
+ 'cgob' : graphic_object,
+ 'cdrw' : drawing_area,
+ 'cpgn' : polygon,
'cpxl' : pixel,
'crrc' : rounded_rectangle,
- 'cpgn' : polygon,
- 'cdrw' : drawing_area,
- 'cgob' : graphic_object,
- 'glin' : graphic_line,
- 'cgtx' : graphic_text,
- 'covl' : oval,
- 'cpic' : graphic_group,
+ 'carc' : arc,
+ 'cpix' : pixel_map,
+ 'crec' : rectangle,
_propdeclarations = {
+ 'pbpt' : background_pattern,
+ 'flcl' : fill_color,
+ 'parc' : arc_angle,
+ 'pbnd' : bounds,
+ 'colr' : color,
+ 'flpt' : fill_pattern,
+ 'ustl' : uniform_styles,
+ 'font' : font,
'pend' : end_point,
- 'pupd' : update_on_change,
'pstp' : start_point,
- 'pdrt' : definition_rect,
- 'pnam' : name,
- 'pbcl' : background_color,
+ 'pang' : start_angle,
'pptm' : transfer_mode,
- 'pnel' : default_location,
- 'pdpt' : pixel_depth,
- 'gobs' : ordering,
- 'ustl' : uniform_styles,
- 'ptlt' : point_list,
- 'pdst' : dash_style,
- 'psct' : writing_code,
- 'txst' : style,
- 'font' : font,
- 'pchd' : corner_curve_height,
- 'arro' : arrow_style,
- 'ppwd' : pen_width,
- 'ptps' : default_size,
- 'ppcl' : pen_color,
+ 'cltb' : color_table,
+ 'ptxc' : text_color,
'ptxf' : default_font,
+ 'ppcl' : pen_color,
+ 'ptps' : default_size,
+ 'ppwd' : pen_width,
+ 'arro' : arrow_style,
'pcwd' : corner_curve_width,
- 'ptxc' : text_color,
- 'cltb' : color_table,
- 'pppa' : pen_pattern,
- 'pang' : start_angle,
- 'flpt' : fill_pattern,
- 'colr' : color,
- 'pbnd' : bounds,
+ 'txst' : style,
+ 'psct' : writing_code,
+ 'pdst' : dash_style,
+ 'ptlt' : point_list,
+ 'gobs' : ordering,
+ 'pdpt' : pixel_depth,
+ 'pnel' : default_location,
+ 'pchd' : corner_curve_height,
+ 'pbcl' : background_color,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'pdrt' : definition_rect,
'ptsz' : size,
- 'parc' : arc_angle,
- 'flcl' : fill_color,
- 'pbpt' : background_pattern,
+ 'pupd' : update_on_change,
+ 'pppa' : pen_pattern,
_compdeclarations = {
_enumdeclarations = {
- 'tran' : _Enum_tran,
'arro' : _Enum_arro,
+ 'tran' : _Enum_tran,
"""Suite QuickDraw Graphics Supplemental Suite: Defines transformations of graphic objects
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
_propdeclarations = {
'prot' : rotation,
- 'pscl' : scale,
'ptrs' : translation,
+ 'pscl' : scale,
_compdeclarations = {
"""Suite Required Suite: Every application supports open, print, run, and quit
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
_code = 'reqd'
-class Required_Suite_Events:
+from _builtinSuites.builtin_Suite import *
+class Required_Suite_Events(builtin_Suite_Events):
"""Suite Standard Suite: Common terms for most applications
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
_code = 'core'
-class Standard_Suite_Events:
+from _builtinSuites.builtin_Suite import *
+class Standard_Suite_Events(builtin_Suite_Events):
def open(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""open: Open the specified object(s)
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'docu' : document,
- 'cins' : insertion_point,
- 'capp' : application,
- 'alis' : alias,
- 'csel' : selection_2d_object,
- 'file' : file,
'cwin' : window,
+ 'file' : file,
+ 'csel' : selection_2d_object,
+ 'alis' : alias,
+ 'capp' : application,
+ 'cins' : insertion_point,
+ 'docu' : document,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'ptit' : titled,
+ 'prsz' : resizable,
+ 'vers' : version,
'pidx' : index,
- 'pnam' : name,
- 'pzum' : zoomed,
- 'pcnt' : contents,
- 'pcli' : clipboard,
- 'hclb' : closeable,
- 'iszm' : zoomable,
- 'isfl' : floating,
- 'pspd' : stationery,
- 'pisf' : frontmost,
- 'sele' : selection,
- 'pbnd' : bounds,
- 'imod' : modified,
'pvis' : visible,
+ 'imod' : modified,
+ 'pbnd' : bounds,
+ 'sele' : selection,
+ 'pisf' : frontmost,
+ 'pspd' : stationery,
+ 'isfl' : floating,
+ 'iszm' : zoomable,
+ 'hclb' : closeable,
+ 'pcli' : clipboard,
'pmod' : modal,
- 'vers' : version,
- 'prsz' : resizable,
+ 'pcnt' : contents,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'pzum' : zoomed,
+ 'ptit' : titled,
_compdeclarations = {
- '> ' : _3e_,
- 'bgwt' : starts_with,
+ '< ' : _3c_,
+ 'ends' : ends_with,
'>= ' : _b3_,
- '= ' : _3d_,
- '<= ' : _b2_,
'cont' : contains,
- 'ends' : ends_with,
- '< ' : _3c_,
+ '<= ' : _b2_,
+ '= ' : _3d_,
+ 'bgwt' : starts_with,
+ '> ' : _3e_,
_enumdeclarations = {
- 'styl' : _Enum_styl,
'savo' : _Enum_savo,
+ 'styl' : _Enum_styl,
'kfrm' : _Enum_kfrm,
"""Suite Table Suite: Classes for manipulating tables
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
_classdeclarations = {
'ccel' : cell,
- 'ctbl' : table,
'ccol' : column,
+ 'ctbl' : table,
'crow' : row,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'ppro' : protection,
- 'pfor' : formula,
'pnam' : name,
+ 'pfor' : formula,
+ 'ppro' : protection,
_compdeclarations = {
"""Suite Text Suite: A set of basic classes for text processing
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
class line(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""line - A line of text """
want = 'clin'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class justification(aetools.NProperty):
"""justification - the justification of the text """
which = 'pjst'
class paragraph(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""paragraph - A paragraph """
want = 'cpar'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
paragraphs = paragraph
class text_flow(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""text flow - A contiguous block of text. Page layout applications call this a \95story.Õ """
want = 'cflo'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
class name(aetools.NProperty):
"""name - the name """
which = 'pnam'
class word(aetools.ComponentItem):
"""word - A word """
want = 'cwor'
-# repeated property _3c_inheritance_3e_ inherits some of its properties from this class
words = word
character._propdict = {
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'clin' : line,
- 'ctxt' : text,
- 'cwor' : word,
- 'cflo' : text_flow,
'cpar' : paragraph,
- 'tsty' : text_style_info,
'cha ' : character,
+ 'cflo' : text_flow,
+ 'tsty' : text_style_info,
+ 'clin' : line,
+ 'cwor' : word,
+ 'ctxt' : text,
_propdeclarations = {
- 'psct' : writing_code,
- 'txst' : style,
+ 'ptsz' : size,
+ 'ofst' : off_styles,
+ 'pjst' : justification,
'colr' : color,
- 'font' : font,
- 'pnam' : name,
+ 'txst' : style,
+ 'psct' : writing_code,
'ustl' : uniform_styles,
- 'pjst' : justification,
- 'ofst' : off_styles,
- 'onst' : on_styles,
- 'ptsz' : size,
'c@#^' : _3c_inheritance_3e_,
+ 'pnam' : name,
+ 'font' : font,
+ 'onst' : on_styles,
_compdeclarations = {
"""Suite Type Names Suite: Terminology for Registry data types
Level 1, version 1
-Generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0
# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
- 'targ' : target_id,
- 'null' : null,
- 'lfxd' : long_fixed,
- 'TIFF' : TIFF_picture,
+ 'shor' : small_integer,
+ 'tr16' : RGB16_color,
'vers' : version,
+ 'aeut' : system_dictionary,
+ 'clrt' : color_table,
+ 'fpnt' : fixed_point,
+ 'TEXT' : plain_text,
+ 'elin' : type_element_info,
+ 'insl' : location_reference,
+ 'mLoc' : machine_location,
+ 'EPS ' : PostScript_picture,
+ 'QDpt' : point,
+ 'cmen' : menu_item,
+ 'tpmm' : pixel_map_record,
+ 'aete' : application_dictionary,
'magn' : unsigned_integer,
- 'exte' : extended_real,
- 'qdrt' : bounding_rectangle,
- 'lrct' : long_rectangle,
- 'lfpt' : long_fixed_point,
- 'pmin' : type_parameter_info,
- 'pinf' : type_property_info,
- 'tdas' : dash_style,
- 'tr96' : RGB96_color,
'cmnu' : menu,
- 'gcli' : type_class_info,
- 'lpnt' : long_point,
- 'suin' : type_suite_info,
- 'trot' : rotation,
- 'fixd' : fixed,
- 'lfrc' : long_fixed_rectangle,
'frct' : fixed_rectangle,
+ 'lfrc' : long_fixed_rectangle,
'evin' : type_event_info,
'sing' : small_real,
- 'aete' : application_dictionary,
- 'tpmm' : pixel_map_record,
- 'cmen' : menu_item,
- 'QDpt' : point,
- 'EPS ' : PostScript_picture,
- 'mLoc' : machine_location,
- 'insl' : location_reference,
- 'elin' : type_element_info,
- 'comp' : double_integer,
- 'fpnt' : fixed_point,
- 'clrt' : color_table,
+ 'suin' : type_suite_info,
+ 'trot' : rotation,
+ 'pmin' : type_parameter_info,
+ 'fixd' : fixed,
'styl' : scrap_styles,
- 'aeut' : system_dictionary,
- 'tr16' : RGB16_color,
- 'shor' : small_integer,
- 'TEXT' : plain_text,
+ 'lpnt' : long_point,
+ 'gcli' : type_class_info,
+ 'TIFF' : TIFF_picture,
+ 'tr96' : RGB96_color,
+ 'tdas' : dash_style,
+ 'exte' : extended_real,
+ 'pinf' : type_property_info,
+ 'lfpt' : long_fixed_point,
+ 'lrct' : long_rectangle,
+ 'qdrt' : bounding_rectangle,
+ 'comp' : double_integer,
+ 'lfxd' : long_fixed,
+ 'null' : null,
+ 'targ' : target_id,
_propdeclarations = {
-Package generated from Macintosh HD:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
+Package generated from Moes:Systeemmap:Extensies:AppleScript
Resource aeut resid 0 Standard Event Suites for English
import aetools
+Error = aetools.Error
import AppleScript_Suite
import Required_Suite
import Standard_Suite