case gen_tcp:send(S#eldap.fd, Bytes) of
ok ->
Timer = erlang:start_timer(?CMD_TIMEOUT, self(), {cmd_timeout, Id}),
- New_dict = dict:store(Id, [{Timer, From, Name}], S#eldap.dict),
+ New_dict = dict:store(Id, [{Timer, Command, From, Name}], S#eldap.dict),
{ok, S#eldap{id = Id, dict = New_dict}};
Error ->
get_op_rec(Id, Dict) ->
case dict:find(Id, Dict) of
- {ok, [{Timer, From, Name}|Res]} ->
+ {ok, [{Timer, _Command, From, Name}|Res]} ->
{Timer, From, Name, Res};
error ->
throw({error, unkown_id})
close_and_retry(S) ->
catch gen_tcp:close(S#eldap.fd),
+ Queue = dict:fold(
+ fun(_Id, [{Timer, Command, From, _Name}|_], Q) ->
+ cancel_timer(Timer),
+ queue:in_r({Command, From}, Q);
+ (_, _, Q) ->
+ Q
+ end, S#eldap.req_q, S#eldap.dict),
erlang:send_after(?RETRY_TIMEOUT, self(), {timeout, retry_connect}),
- S#eldap{fd = null}.
+ S#eldap{fd=null, req_q=Queue, dict=dict:new()}.
%% Sort out timed out commands
cmd_timeout(Timer, Id, S) ->
Dict = S#eldap.dict,
case dict:find(Id, Dict) of
- {ok, [{Timer, From, Name}|Res]} ->
+ {ok, [{Timer, _Command, From, Name}|Res]} ->
case Name of
searchRequest ->
{Res1, Ref1} = polish(Res),