g := geom;
RETURN _st_asraster(g, scale_x, scale_y, NULL, NULL, $3, $4, $5, NULL, NULL, ul_x, ul_y, skew_x, skew_y, $6);
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE;
-- All arguments supplied, use the C implementation.
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(rast raster, band integer,
- pixeltype text, onerastuserfunc regprocedure, variadic args text[])
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(rast raster, band integer,
+ pixeltype text, onerastuserfunc regprocedure, variadic args text[])
RETURNS raster
RETURNS raster
AS $$ SELECT st_mapalgebrafct($1, $2, NULL, $3, VARIADIC $4) $$
-- Variant 3: missing pixeltype and user args; default to pixeltype of rast
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_mapalgebrafct(rast raster, band integer,
onerastuserfunc regprocedure)
FOR y IN y1+yinc..y2 BY 3 LOOP
-- Check first if the pixel intersects with the geometry. Often many won't.
bintersect := NOT st_isempty(st_intersection(st_pixelaspolygon(rast, nband, x, y), geom));
IF bintersect THEN
-- If the pixel really intersects, check its value. Return TRUE if with value.
pixelval := st_value(rast, nband, x, y);
AS $$ SELECT (gv).geom, (gv).val FROM st_intersection($3, $1, $2) gv; $$
+-- st_union aggregate
+CREATE TYPE rastexpr AS (
+ rast raster,
+ f_expression text,
+ f_nodata1expr text,
+ f_nodata2expr text,
+ f_nodatanodataval double precision
+-- Main state function
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 raster,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text,
+ p_nodata1expr text,
+ p_nodata2expr text,
+ p_nodatanodataval double precision,
+ t_expression text,
+ t_nodata1expr text,
+ t_nodata2expr text,
+ t_nodatanodataval double precision)
+ RETURNS raster AS
+ $$
+ t_raster raster;
+ p_raster raster;
+ -- With the new ST_MapAlgebraExpr we must split the main expression in three expressions: expression, nodata1expr, nodata2expr and a nodatanodataval
+ -- ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1 raster, band1 integer, rast2 raster, band2 integer, expression text, pixeltype text, extentexpr text, nodata1expr text, nodata2expr text, nodatanodatadaval double precision)
+ -- We must make sure that when NULL is passed as the first raster to ST_MapAlgebraExpr, ST_MapAlgebraExpr resolve the nodata1expr
+ IF upper(p_expression) = 'LAST' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, 'rast2'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, 'rast2'::text, 'rast1'::text, NULL::double precision);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'FIRST' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, 'rast1'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, 'rast2'::text, 'rast1'::text, NULL::double precision);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'MIN' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, 'LEAST(rast1, rast2)'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, 'rast2'::text, 'rast1'::text, NULL::double precision);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'MAX' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, 'GREATEST(rast1, rast2)'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, 'rast2'::text, 'rast1'::text, NULL::double precision);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'COUNT' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, 'rast1 + 1'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, '1'::text, 'rast1'::text, 0::double precision);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'SUM' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, 'rast1 + rast2'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, 'rast2'::text, 'rast1'::text, NULL::double precision);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'RANGE' THEN
+ t_raster = ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 2, rast2, 1, 'LEAST(rast1, rast2)'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, 'rast2'::text, 'rast1'::text, NULL::double precision);
+ p_raster := MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1, rast2, 'MAX'::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision);
+ RETURN ST_AddBand(p_raster, t_raster, 1, 2);
+ ELSIF upper(p_expression) = 'MEAN' THEN
+ t_raster = ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 2, rast2, 1, 'rast1 + 1'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, '1'::text, 'rast1'::text, 0::double precision);
+ p_raster := MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1, rast2, 'SUM'::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision);
+ RETURN ST_AddBand(p_raster, t_raster, 1, 2);
+ IF t_expression NOTNULL AND t_expression != '' THEN
+ t_raster = ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 2, rast2, 1, t_expression, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, t_nodata1expr, t_nodata2expr, t_nodatanodataval::double precision);
+ p_raster = ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, p_expression, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, p_nodata1expr, p_nodata2expr, p_nodatanodataval::double precision);
+ RETURN ST_AddBand(p_raster, t_raster, 1, 2);
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast1, 1, rast2, 1, p_expression, NULL, 'UNION'::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision);
+ END;
+ $$
+ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- Final function with three expression
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionFinal3(rast rastexpr)
+ RETURNS raster AS
+ $$
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast.rast, 1, rast.rast, 2, rast.f_expression, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, rast.f_nodata1expr, rast.f_nodata2expr, rast.f_nodatanodataval);
+ END;
+ $$
+ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- Final function with only the primary expression
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionFinal1(rast rastexpr)
+ RETURNS raster AS
+ $$
+ IF upper(rast.f_expression) = 'RANGE' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast.rast, 1, rast.rast, 2, 'rast1 - rast2'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision);
+ ELSEIF upper(rast.f_expression) = 'MEAN' THEN
+ RETURN ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast.rast, 1, rast.rast, 2, 'CASE WHEN rast2 > 0 THEN rast1 / rast2::float8 ELSE NULL END'::text, NULL::text, 'UNION'::text, NULL::text, NULL::text, NULL::double precision);
+ RETURN rast.rast;
+ END;
+ $$
+ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
+-- Main state function removing the final expression
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text,
+ p_nodata1expr text,
+ p_nodata2expr text,
+ p_nodatanodataval double precision,
+ t_expression text,
+ t_nodata1expr text,
+ t_nodata2expr text,
+ t_nodatanodataval double precision,
+ f_expression text,
+ f_nodata1expr text,
+ f_nodata2expr text,
+ f_nodatanodataval double precision)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10), $11, $12, $13, $14)::rastexpr
+-- State function when there is no alternative nodata expressions
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text,
+ t_expression text,
+ f_expression text)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, $3, NULL, NULL, NULL, $4, NULL, NULL, NULL), $5, NULL, NULL, NULL)::rastexpr
+-- State function when there is no final expression
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text,
+ p_nodata1expr text,
+ p_nodata2expr text,
+ p_nodatanodataval double precision,
+ t_expression text,
+ t_nodata1expr text,
+ t_nodata2expr text,
+ t_nodatanodataval double precision)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)::rastexpr
+-- State function when there is no alternative nodata and final expression
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text,
+ t_expression text)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, $3, NULL, NULL, NULL, $4, NULL, NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)::rastexpr
+-- State function when there is no temporary and final expressions
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text,
+ p_nodata1expr text,
+ p_nodata2expr text,
+ p_nodatanodataval double precision)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)::rastexpr
+-- State function when there is only a primary expression without alternative nodata expressions
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster,
+ p_expression text)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, $3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), $3, NULL, NULL, NULL)::rastexpr
+-- State function when there is no expressions
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION MapAlgebra4UnionState(rast1 rastexpr,
+ rast2 raster)
+ RETURNS rastexpr
+ AS $$
+ SELECT (MapAlgebra4UnionState(($1).rast, $2, 'LAST', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)::rastexpr
+-- Variant with all the parameters
+-- raster - set of raster to union
+-- text - primary raster expression
+-- text - primary raster nodata1expr
+-- text - primary raster nodata2expr
+-- double precision - primary raster nodatanodataval
+-- text - temporary raster expression
+-- text - temporary raster nodata1expr
+-- text - temporary raster nodata2expr
+-- double precision - temporary raster nodatanodataval
+-- text - final raster expression
+-- text - final raster nodata1expr
+-- text - final raster nodata2expr
+-- double precision - final raster nodatanodataval
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal3
+-- Variant with primary, temporary and final expression without nodata alternative expressions
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster, text, text, text) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal3
+-- Variant without final expressions
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster, text, text, text, double precision, text, text, text, double precision) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal1
+-- Variant with primary and temporary expression but witout alternative nodata and final expressions
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster, text, text) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal1
+-- Variant with full primary and alternative nodata expressions but without temporary and final expressions
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster, text, text, text, double precision) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal1
+-- Variant with simple primary expressions but without alternative nodata, temporary and final expressions
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster, text) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal1
+-- Variant with primary expression defaulting to 'LAST'
+CREATE AGGREGATE ST_Union(raster) (
+ SFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionState,
+ STYPE = rastexpr,
+ FINALFUNC = MapAlgebra4UnionFinal1