<Someone> reported: You kill it! A potion of invisibility shatters!
Change the rule in hero_breaks() to avoid giving info for things out of
sight, except when from_invent is set, to preserve desired behavior.
green slime should not affect noncorporeal monsters
land mine explosion will destroy a drawbridge at same location
avoid some more buffer overflows in query buffers containing object names
+avoid giving extra information about things that break out of sight
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
xchar x, y; /* object location (ox, oy may not be right) */
boolean from_invent; /* thrown or dropped by player; maybe on shop bill */
- boolean in_view = !Blind;
+ boolean in_view = Blind ? FALSE : (from_invent || cansee(x, y));
if (!breaktest(obj)) return 0;
breakmsg(obj, in_view);
breakobj(obj, x, y, TRUE, from_invent);