The new option is called <literal>NOT VALID</>, which can
later be modified to <literal>VALIDATED</> and validation
- checks performed.
+ checks performed. Together these allow you to add a Foreign Key
+ with minimal impact on read and write operations.
- This feature can be used to implement updatable views.
+ This feature can be used to implement fully updatable views.
- Reduce lock levels for <link
+ Minimise lock levels for <link
linkend="SQL-CREATETRIGGER"><command>CREATE TRIGGER</></link>
- and some <link linkend="SQL-ALTERTABLE"><command>ALTER
+ and many <link linkend="SQL-ALTERTABLE"><command>ALTER
TABLE</></link> and <link linkend="SQL-CREATERULE"><command>CREATE
RULE</></link> operations (Simon Riggs)
- This improves concurrency.
+ This improves database availability when altering active databases.
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Extensive proofreading and documentation improvements
+ (Thom Brown, Josh Kupershmidt, Susanne Ebrecht)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
Add documentation for <link