- ejabberd_config:start(),
- ejabberd_mnesia:start(),
- file_queue_init(),
- maybe_add_nameservers(),
- ejabberd_system_monitor:start(),
- case ejabberd_sup:start_link() of
- {ok, SupPid} ->
- register_elixir_config_hooks(),
- ejabberd_cluster:wait_for_sync(infinity),
- {T2, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
- ?INFO_MSG("ejabberd ~s is started in the node ~p in ~.2fs",
- [?VERSION, node(), (T2-T1)/1000]),
- lists:foreach(fun erlang:garbage_collect/1, processes()),
- {ok, SupPid};
- Err ->
- ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to start ejabberd application: ~p", [Err]),
+ case ejabberd_config:start() of
+ ok ->
+ ejabberd_mnesia:start(),
+ file_queue_init(),
+ maybe_add_nameservers(),
+ ejabberd_system_monitor:start(),
+ case ejabberd_sup:start_link() of
+ {ok, SupPid} ->
+ register_elixir_config_hooks(),
+ ejabberd_cluster:wait_for_sync(infinity),
+ {T2, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
+ ?INFO_MSG("ejabberd ~s is started in the node ~p in ~.2fs",
+ [?VERSION, node(), (T2-T1)/1000]),
+ lists:foreach(fun erlang:garbage_collect/1, processes()),
+ {ok, SupPid};
+ Err ->
+ ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to start ejabberd application: ~p", [Err]),
+ ejabberd:halt()
+ end;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to start ejabberd application: ~p", [Reason]),
start(_, _) ->
-callback opt_type(atom()) -> function() | [atom()].
+-type bad_option() :: invalid_option | unknown_option.
-%% @type macro() = {macro_key(), macro_value()}
-%% @type macro_key() = atom().
-%% The atom must have all characters in uppercase.
-%% @type macro_value() = term().
+-spec start() -> ok | {error, bad_option()}.
start() ->
ConfigFile = get_ejabberd_config_path(),
?INFO_MSG("Loading configuration from ~s", [ConfigFile]),
[named_table, public, {read_concurrency, true}]),
catch ets:new(ejabberd_db_modules,
[named_table, public, {read_concurrency, true}]),
- State1 = load_file(ConfigFile),
- UnixTime = p1_time_compat:system_time(seconds),
- SharedKey = case erlang:get_cookie() of
- nocookie ->
- str:sha(randoms:get_string());
- Cookie ->
- str:sha(misc:atom_to_binary(Cookie))
- end,
- State2 = set_option({node_start, global}, UnixTime, State1),
- State3 = set_option({shared_key, global}, SharedKey, State2),
- set_opts(State3).
+ case load_file(ConfigFile) of
+ {ok, State1} ->
+ UnixTime = p1_time_compat:system_time(seconds),
+ SharedKey = case erlang:get_cookie() of
+ nocookie ->
+ str:sha(randoms:get_string());
+ Cookie ->
+ str:sha(misc:atom_to_binary(Cookie))
+ end,
+ State2 = set_option({node_start, global}, UnixTime, State1),
+ State3 = set_option({shared_key, global}, SharedKey, State2),
+ set_opts(State3),
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to load configuration file ~s", [ConfigFile]),
+ Err
+ end.
%% When starting ejabberd for testing, we sometimes want to start a
%% subset of hosts from the one define in the config file.
State1 = lists:foldl(fun process_term/2, State, Head ++ Tail),
State1#state{opts = compact(State1#state.opts)}.
--spec load_file(string()) -> #state{}.
+-spec load_file(string()) -> {ok, #state{}} | {error, bad_option()}.
load_file(File) ->
State0 = read_file(File),
ModOpts = get_modules_with_options(AllMods),
validate_opts(State1, ModOpts).
--spec reload_file() -> ok.
+-spec reload_file() -> ok | {error, bad_option()}.
reload_file() ->
Config = get_ejabberd_config_path(),
OldHosts = get_myhosts(),
- State = load_file(Config),
- set_opts(State),
- NewHosts = get_myhosts(),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(Host) ->
- ejabberd_hooks:run(host_up, [Host])
- end, NewHosts -- OldHosts),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(Host) ->
- ejabberd_hooks:run(host_down, [Host])
- end, OldHosts -- NewHosts),
- ejabberd_hooks:run(config_reloaded, []).
+ case load_file(Config) of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ {ok, State} ->
+ set_opts(State),
+ NewHosts = get_myhosts(),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Host) ->
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(host_up, [Host])
+ end, NewHosts -- OldHosts),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(Host) ->
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(host_down, [Host])
+ end, OldHosts -- NewHosts),
+ ejabberd_hooks:run(config_reloaded, [])
+ end.
-spec convert_to_yaml(file:filename()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
end, dict:new(), Modules).
+-spec validate_opts(#state{}, dict:dict()) -> {ok, #state{}} | {error, bad_option()}.
validate_opts(#state{opts = Opts} = State, ModOpts) ->
- NewOpts = lists:filtermap(
- fun(#local_config{key = {Opt, _Host}, value = Val} = In) ->
- case dict:find(Opt, ModOpts) of
- {ok, [Mod|_]} ->
- VFun = Mod:opt_type(Opt),
- try VFun(Val) of
- NewVal ->
- {true, In#local_config{value = NewVal}}
- catch {invalid_syntax, Error} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("ignoring option '~s' with "
- "invalid value: ~p: ~s",
- [Opt, Val, Error]),
- false;
- _:_ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("ignoring option '~s' with "
- "invalid value: ~p",
- [Opt, Val]),
- false
- end;
- _ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("unknown option '~s' will be likely"
- " ignored", [Opt]),
- true
- end
- end, Opts),
- State#state{opts = NewOpts}.
+ try
+ NewOpts = lists:map(
+ fun(#local_config{key = {Opt, _Host}, value = Val} = In) ->
+ case dict:find(Opt, ModOpts) of
+ {ok, [Mod|_]} ->
+ VFun = Mod:opt_type(Opt),
+ try VFun(Val) of
+ NewVal ->
+ In#local_config{value = NewVal}
+ catch {invalid_syntax, Error} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid value '~p' for "
+ "option '~s': ~s",
+ [Val, Opt, Error]),
+ erlang:error(invalid_option);
+ _:_ ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid value '~p' for "
+ "option '~s'",
+ [Val, Opt]),
+ erlang:error(invalid_option)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown option '~s'", [Opt]),
+ erlang:error(unknown_option)
+ end
+ end, Opts),
+ {ok, State#state{opts = NewOpts}}
+ catch _:invalid_option ->
+ {error, invalid_option};
+ _:unknown_option ->
+ {error, unknown_option}
+ end.
%% @spec (Path::string()) -> true | false
is_file_readable(Path) ->
catch _:undef -> []
end, [Module|SubMods]),
- Required = lists:filter(fun is_atom/1, DefaultOpts),
Opts = merge_opts(Opts0, DefaultOpts, Module),
{ok, case get_validators(Host, {Module, SubMods}) of
undef ->
Validators ->
- Opts1 = validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts, Required, Validators),
+ Opts1 = validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts, Validators),
catch _:{missing_required_option, Opt} ->
ErrTxt = io_lib:format("Module '~s' is missing required option '~s'",
[Module, Opt]),
- ?ERROR_MSG(ErrTxt, []),
- {error, ErrTxt}
+ module_error(ErrTxt);
+ _:{invalid_option, Opt, Val} ->
+ ErrTxt = io_lib:format("Invalid value '~p' for option '~s' of "
+ "module '~s'", [Val, Opt, Module]),
+ module_error(ErrTxt);
+ _:{invalid_option, Opt, Val, Reason} ->
+ ErrTxt = io_lib:format("Invalid value '~p' for option '~s' of "
+ "module '~s': ~s", [Val, Opt, Module, Reason]),
+ module_error(ErrTxt);
+ _:{unknown_option, Opt, []} ->
+ ErrTxt = io_lib:format("Unknown option '~s' of module '~s': "
+ "the module doesn't have any options",
+ [Opt, Module]),
+ module_error(ErrTxt);
+ _:{unknown_option, Opt, KnownOpts} ->
+ ErrTxt = io_lib:format("Unknown option '~s' of module '~s',"
+ " available options are: ~s",
+ [Opt, Module,
+ misc:join_atoms(KnownOpts, <<", ">>)]),
+ module_error(ErrTxt)
-validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts, Required, Validators) when is_list(Opts) ->
+-spec module_error(iolist()) -> {error, iolist()}.
+module_error(ErrTxt) ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG(ErrTxt, []),
+ {error, ErrTxt}.
+-spec err_invalid_option(atom(), any()) -> no_return().
+err_invalid_option(Opt, Val) ->
+ erlang:error({invalid_option, Opt, Val}).
+-spec err_invalid_option(atom(), any(), iolist()) -> no_return().
+err_invalid_option(Opt, Val, Reason) ->
+ erlang:error({invalid_option, Opt, Val, Reason}).
+-spec err_unknown_option(atom(), [atom()]) -> no_return().
+err_unknown_option(Opt, KnownOpts) ->
+ erlang:error({unknown_option, Opt, KnownOpts}).
+-spec err_missing_required_option(atom()) -> no_return().
+err_missing_required_option(Opt) ->
+ erlang:error({missing_required_option, Opt}).
+validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts, Validators) when is_list(Opts) ->
fun({Opt, Val}) when is_atom(Opt) ->
case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Validators) of
{_, L} ->
case lists:partition(fun is_function/1, L) of
{[VFun|_], []} ->
- validate_opt(Module, Opt, Val, Required, VFun);
+ validate_opt(Opt, Val, VFun);
{[VFun|_], SubValidators} ->
- try validate_opts(Host, Module, Val, Required, SubValidators) of
+ try validate_opts(Host, Module, Val, SubValidators) of
SubOpts ->
- validate_opt(Module, Opt, SubOpts, Required, VFun)
+ validate_opt(Opt, SubOpts, VFun)
catch _:bad_option ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring invalid value '~p' for "
- "option '~s' of module '~s'",
- [Val, Opt, Module]),
- fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required),
- []
+ err_invalid_option(Opt, Val)
false ->
- case Validators of
- [] ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring unknown option '~s' of '~s':"
- " the module doesn't have any options",
- [Opt, Module]);
- _ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring unknown option '~s' of '~s',"
- " available options are: ~s",
- [Opt, Module,
- misc:join_atoms(
- [K || {K, _} <- Validators],
- <<", ">>)])
- end,
- []
+ err_unknown_option(Opt, [K || {K, _} <- Validators])
(_) ->
end, Opts);
-validate_opts(_, _, _, _, _) ->
+validate_opts(_, _, _, _) ->
--spec validate_opt(module(), atom(), any(), [atom()],
- [{atom(), check_fun(), any()}]) -> [{atom(), any()}].
-validate_opt(Module, Opt, Val, Required, VFun) ->
+-spec validate_opt(atom(), any(), check_fun()) -> [{atom(), any()}].
+validate_opt(Opt, Val, VFun) ->
try VFun(Val) of
NewVal -> [{Opt, NewVal}]
catch {invalid_syntax, Error} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring invalid value '~p' for "
- "option '~s' of module '~s': ~s",
- [Val, Opt, Module, Error]),
- fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required),
- [];
+ err_invalid_option(Opt, Val, Error);
_:_ ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring invalid value '~p' for "
- "option '~s' of module '~s'",
- [Val, Opt, Module]),
- fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required),
- []
- end.
--spec fail_if_option_is_required(atom(), [atom()]) -> ok | no_return().
-fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required) ->
- case lists:member(Opt, Required) of
- true -> erlang:error({missing_required_option, Opt});
- false -> ok
+ err_invalid_option(Opt, Val)
-spec list_known_opts(binary(), module()) -> [atom() | {atom(), atom()}].
true ->
[{Opt, merge_opts(Val, Default, Module)}|Acc];
false ->
- "Ignoring invalid value '~p' for "
- "option '~s' of module '~s'",
- [Val, Opt, Module]),
- [{Opt, Default}|Acc]
+ err_invalid_option(Opt, Val)
Val ->
[{Opt, Default}|Acc];
{_, Val} ->
[{Opt, Val}|Acc];
false ->
- erlang:error({missing_required_option, Opt})
+ err_missing_required_option(Opt)
end, [], DefaultOpts),