1.20 (2008/mm/dd)
- All Platforms
+ + Support https tracker connections
+ IP blocking using the Bluetack Level1 blocklist
+ Ability to reset global statistics
+ + Various bugfixes
- Mac
+ Display of decimal numbers matches system international settings
+ Updated Dock badge images
const int port = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int( spin );
char url[256];
snprintf( url, sizeof(url), "http://portcheck.transmissionbt.com/%d", port );
- gtk_label_set_markup( GTK_LABEL( data->label ), _( "<i>Testing port...</i>" ) );
tr_webRun( handle, url, testing_port_done, data );
return FALSE;
static void
testing_port_cb( GtkWidget * unused UNUSED, gpointer l )
+ gtk_label_set_markup( GTK_LABEL( l ), _( "<i>Testing port...</i>" ) );
/* wait three seconds to give the port forwarding time to kick in */
struct test_port_data * data = g_new0( struct test_port_data, 1 );
data->label = l;