Problem: Using "cd" with "exe" may fail.
Solution: Use chdir() instead.
au! DirChanged
set noacd
- exe 'cd ' . cwd
+ call chdir(cwd)
call delete('samples/Xtest')
function s:After_test_dirchanged()
- exe 'cd' s:dir_this
+ call chdir(s:dir_this)
call delete(s:dir_foo, 'd')
call delete(s:dir_bar, 'd')
augroup test_dirchanged
call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged global call add(s:li, "cd:")
autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged global call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
- exe 'cd' s:dir_foo
+ call chdir(s:dir_foo)
call assert_equal(["cd:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
- exe 'cd' s:dir_foo
+ call chdir(s:dir_foo)
call assert_equal(["cd:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
- exe 'lcd' s:dir_bar
+ exe 'lcd ' .. fnameescape(s:dir_bar)
call assert_equal(["cd:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
call s:After_test_dirchanged()
call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged window call add(s:li, "lcd:")
autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged window call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
- exe 'cd' s:dir_foo
+ call chdir(s:dir_foo)
call assert_equal([], s:li)
- exe 'lcd' s:dir_bar
+ exe 'lcd ' .. fnameescape(s:dir_bar)
call assert_equal(["lcd:", s:dir_bar], s:li)
- exe 'lcd' s:dir_bar
+ exe 'lcd ' .. fnameescape(s:dir_bar)
call assert_equal(["lcd:", s:dir_bar], s:li)
call s:After_test_dirchanged()
autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged auto call add(s:li, "auto:")
autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged auto call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
set acd
- exe 'cd ..'
+ cd ..
call assert_equal([], s:li)
exe 'edit ' . s:dir_foo . '/Xfile'
call assert_equal(s:dir_foo, getcwd())
let path = getcwd()
cd ..
call assert_notequal(path, getcwd())
- exe 'cd ' . path
+ exe 'cd ' .. fnameescape(path)
call assert_equal(path, getcwd())
call assert_equal($HOME, getcwd())
call assert_notequal(path, getcwd())
- exe 'cd ' . path
+ exe 'cd ' .. fnameescape(path)
call assert_equal(path, getcwd())
" Test that cd without argument echoes cwd on non-Unix systems.
" :cd should succeed when buffer has been written.
- exe 'cd ' . path
+ exe 'cd ' .. fnameescape(path)
call assert_equal(path, getcwd())
call delete('Xfoo')
call assert_equal("", d)
only | tabonly
- exe 'cd ' . topdir
+ call chdir(topdir)
call delete('Xdir', 'rf')
call assert_true(isdirectory('Xdir ~ dir'))
cd Xdir\ ~\ dir
call assert_true(getcwd() =~ 'Xdir \~ dir')
- exe 'cd ' . fnameescape(dir)
+ call chdir(dir)
call delete('Xdir ~ dir', 'd')
call assert_false(isdirectory('Xdir ~ dir'))
" We shouldn't find any file till this point
call mkdir('in/path', 'p')
- exe 'cd ' . cwd
+ call chdir(cwd)
call writefile(['Holy Grail'], 'Xfind/file.txt')
call writefile(['Jimmy Hoffa'], 'Xfind/in/file.txt')
call writefile(['Another Holy Grail'], 'Xfind/in/stuff.txt')
call assert_equal('Voyager 2', getline(1))
" Check for correct handling of shorten_fname()'s behavior on windows
- exec "cd " . cwd . "/Xfind/in"
+ call chdir(cwd .. "/Xfind/in")
call feedkeys(":find file\t\n", "xt")
call assert_equal('Jimmy Hoffa', getline(1))
" Test for relative to current buffer 'path' item
- exec "cd " . cwd . "/Xfind/"
+ call chdir(cwd . "/Xfind/")
set path=./path
" Open the file where Jimmy Hoffa is found
e in/file.txt
call assert_equal('Another Holy Grail', getline(1))
enew | only
- exe 'cd ' . cwd
+ call chdir(cwd)
call delete('Xfind', 'rf')
set path&
call assert_match('.*/Xdir1/bar', findfile('bar', '**;', 2))
- exe 'cd ' . save_dir
+ call chdir(save_dir)
call CleanFiles()
let &path = save_path
let &shellslash = save_shellslash
call assert_match('.*/Xdir1/Xdir2', finddir('Xdir2', '**;', 2))
call assert_equal('Xdir3', finddir('Xdir3', '**;', 1))
- exe 'cd ' . save_dir
+ call chdir(save_dir)
call CleanFiles()
let &path = save_path
let &shellslash = save_shellslash
let g:cwd=getcwd()
function TearDown()
- exec "cd " . g:cwd
+ call chdir(g:cwd)
call delete("Xtopdir", "rf")
call TestIt(file2, ':p:8', resfile2)
call TestIt(nofile2, ':p:8', resnofile2)
call TestIt(nofile2, ':p:8:h', fnamemodify(resnofile2, ':h'))
- exe 'cd ' . dir1
+ call chdir(dir1)
call TestIt(file1, ':.:8', strpart(resfile1, strlen(resdir1)+1))
call TestIt(nofile1, ':.:8', strpart(resnofile1, strlen(resdir1)+1))
call TestIt(file2, ':.:8', strpart(resfile2, strlen(resdir1)+1))
call delete(dir2, 'd')
call delete(dir1, 'd')
- exe "cd " . save_dir
+ call chdir(save_dir)
func Test_ColonEight_MultiByte()
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2278,