-/* NetHack 3.6 vault.c $NHDT-Date: 1545217597 2018/12/19 11:06:37 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.58 $ */
+/* NetHack 3.6 vault.c $NHDT-Date: 1545269451 2018/12/20 01:30:51 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.59 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/*-Copyright (c) Robert Patrick Rankin, 2011. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(move_gold, (struct obj *, int));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(wallify_vault, (struct monst *));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(gd_mv_monaway, (struct monst *, int, int));
+STATIC_OVL void FDECL(gd_pick_corridor_gold, (struct monst *, int, int));
-gd_mv_monaway(grd, nx,ny)
+gd_mv_monaway(grd, nx, ny)
register struct monst *grd;
-int nx,ny;
+int nx, ny;
if (MON_AT(nx, ny) && !(nx == grd->mx && ny == grd->my)) {
if (!Deaf)
+/* have guard pick gold off the floor, possibly moving to the gold's
+ position before message and back to his current spot after */
+gd_pick_corridor_gold(grd, goldx, goldy)
+struct monst *grd;
+int goldx, goldy; /* <gold->ox, gold->oy> */
+ struct obj *gold;
+ coord newcc, bestcc;
+ int gdelta, newdelta, bestdelta, tryct,
+ guardx = grd->mx, guardy = grd->my;
+ boolean under_u = (goldx == u.ux && goldy == u.uy),
+ see_it = cansee(goldx, goldy);
+ if (under_u) {
+ /* Grab the gold from between the hero's feet.
+ If guard is two or more steps away; bring him closer first. */
+ gold = g_at(goldx, goldy);
+ if (!gold) {
+ impossible("vault guard: no gold at hero's feet?");
+ return;
+ }
+ gdelta = distu(guardx, guardy);
+ if (gdelta > 2 && see_it) { /* skip if player won't see it */
+ bestdelta = gdelta;
+ bestcc.x = (xchar) guardx, bestcc.y = (xchar) guardy;
+ tryct = 9;
+ do {
+ /* pick an available spot nearest the hero and also try
+ to find the one meeting that criterium which is nearest
+ the guard's current location */
+ if (enexto(&newcc, goldx, goldy, grd->data)) {
+ if ((newdelta = distu(newcc.x, newcc.y)) < bestdelta
+ || (newdelta == bestdelta
+ && dist2(newcc.x, newcc.y, guardx, guardy)
+ < dist2(bestcc.x, bestcc.y, guardx, guardy))) {
+ bestdelta = newdelta;
+ bestcc = newcc;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (--tryct >= 0);
+ if (bestdelta < gdelta) {
+ remove_monster(guardx, guardy);
+ newsym(guardx, guardy);
+ place_monster(grd, (int) bestcc.x, (int) bestcc.y);
+ newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
+ }
+ }
+ obj_extract_self(gold);
+ add_to_minv(grd, gold);
+ newsym(goldx, goldy);
+ /* guard is already at gold's location */
+ } else if (goldx == guardx && goldy == guardy) {
+ mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
+ /* gold is at some third spot, neither guard's nor hero's */
+ } else {
+ /* just for insurance... */
+ gd_mv_monaway(grd, goldx, goldy); /* make room for guard */
+ if (see_it) { /* skip if player won't see the message */
+ remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
+ newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
+ place_monster(grd, goldx, goldy); /* sets <grd->mx, grd->my> */
+ }
+ mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
+ }
+ if (see_it) { /* cansee(goldx, goldy) */
+ char monnambuf[BUFSZ];
+ Strcpy(monnambuf, Monnam(grd));
+ if (!strcmpi(monnambuf, "It"))
+ Strcpy(monnambuf, "Someone");
+ pline("%s%s picks up the gold%s.", monnambuf,
+ (grd->mpeaceful && EGD(grd)->warncnt > 5)
+ ? " calms down and" : "",
+ under_u ? " from beneath you" : "");
+ }
+ /* if guard was moved to get the gold, move him back */
+ if (grd->mx != guardx || grd->my != guardy) {
+ remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
+ newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
+ place_monster(grd, guardx, guardy);
+ newsym(guardx, guardy);
+ }
+ return;
* return 1: guard moved, 0: guard didn't, -1: let m_move do it, -2: died
m = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fx;
n = egrd->fakecorr[fci].fy;
goldincorridor = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* new gold can appear if it was embedded in stone and hero kicks it
+ (on even via wish and drop) so don't assume hero has been warned */
if (goldincorridor && !egrd->gddone) {
- x = grd->mx;
- y = grd->my;
- if (m == u.ux && n == u.uy) {
- struct obj *gold = g_at(m, n);
- /* Grab the gold from between the hero's feet. */
- obj_extract_self(gold);
- add_to_minv(grd, gold);
- newsym(m, n);
- } else if (m == x && n == y) {
- mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
- } else {
- /* just for insurance... */
- gd_mv_monaway(grd, m,n);
- remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
- newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
- place_monster(grd, m, n);
- mpickgold(grd); /* does a newsym */
- }
- if (cansee(m, n))
- pline("%s%s picks up the gold.", Monnam(grd),
- grd->mpeaceful ? " calms down and" : "");
- if (x != grd->mx || y != grd->my) {
- remove_monster(grd->mx, grd->my);
- newsym(grd->mx, grd->my);
- place_monster(grd, x, y);
- newsym(x, y);
- }
+ gd_pick_corridor_gold(grd, m, n);
if (!grd->mpeaceful)
return -1;
egrd->warncnt = 5;