+ if (partexprs_item == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "wrong number of partition key expressions");
key->parttypid[i] = exprType(lfirst(partexprs_item));
key->parttypmod[i] = exprTypmod(lfirst(partexprs_item));
key->parttypcoll[i] = exprCollation(lfirst(partexprs_item));
+ partexprs_item = lnext(partexprs_item);
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
-- partitioned table cannot participate in regular inheritance
CREATE TABLE partitioned2 (
- a int
+ a int,
+ b text
+) PARTITION BY RANGE ((a+1), substr(b, 1, 5));
CREATE TABLE fail () INHERITS (partitioned2);
ERROR: cannot inherit from partitioned table "partitioned2"
-- Partition key in describe output
Number of partitions: 0
\d+ partitioned2
- Table "public.partitioned2"
- Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
- a | integer | | | | plain | |
-Partition key: LIST (((a + 1)))
+ Table "public.partitioned2"
+ Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
+ a | integer | | | | plain | |
+ b | text | | | | extended | |
+Partition key: RANGE (((a + 1)), substr(b, 1, 5))
Number of partitions: 0
+INSERT INTO partitioned2 VALUES (1, 'hello');
+ERROR: no partition of relation "partitioned2" found for row
+DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains ((a + 1), substr(b, 1, 5)) = (2, hello).
+CREATE TABLE part2_1 PARTITION OF partitioned2 FOR VALUES FROM (-1, 'aaaaa') TO (100, 'ccccc');
+\d+ part2_1
+ Table "public.part2_1"
+ Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
+ a | integer | | | | plain | |
+ b | text | | | | extended | |
+Partition of: partitioned2 FOR VALUES FROM ('-1', 'aaaaa') TO (100, 'ccccc')
+Partition constraint: (((a + 1) IS NOT NULL) AND (substr(b, 1, 5) IS NOT NULL) AND (((a + 1) > '-1'::integer) OR (((a + 1) = '-1'::integer) AND (substr(b, 1, 5) >= 'aaaaa'::text))) AND (((a + 1) < 100) OR (((a + 1) = 100) AND (substr(b, 1, 5) < 'ccccc'::text))))
DROP TABLE partitioned, partitioned2;
-- Partitions
-- partitioned table cannot participate in regular inheritance
CREATE TABLE partitioned2 (
- a int
+ a int,
+ b text
+) PARTITION BY RANGE ((a+1), substr(b, 1, 5));
CREATE TABLE fail () INHERITS (partitioned2);
-- Partition key in describe output
\d partitioned
\d+ partitioned2
+INSERT INTO partitioned2 VALUES (1, 'hello');
+CREATE TABLE part2_1 PARTITION OF partitioned2 FOR VALUES FROM (-1, 'aaaaa') TO (100, 'ccccc');
+\d+ part2_1
DROP TABLE partitioned, partitioned2;