Problem: Ruler is not updated if win_execute() moves cursor.
Solution: Update the status line. (closes #5022)
if (wp != NULL && tp != NULL)
+ pos_T curpos = wp->w_cursor;
if (switch_win_noblock(&save_curwin, &save_curtab, wp, tp, TRUE) == OK)
execute_common(argvars, rettv, 1);
restore_win_noblock(save_curwin, save_curtab, TRUE);
+ // Update the status line if the cursor moved.
+ if (win_valid(wp) && !EQUAL_POS(curpos, wp->w_cursor))
+ wp->w_redr_status = TRUE;
" test execute()
+source view_util.vim
func NestedEval()
let nested = execute('echo "nested\nlines"')
echo 'got: "' . nested . '"'
+func Test_win_execute_update_ruler()
+ enew
+ call setline(1, range(500))
+ 20
+ split
+ let winid = win_getid()
+ set ruler
+ wincmd w
+ let height = winheight(winid)
+ redraw
+ call assert_match('20,1', Screenline(height + 1))
+ let line = win_execute(winid, 'call cursor(100, 1)')
+ redraw
+ call assert_match('100,1', Screenline(height + 1))
+ bwipe!
func Test_win_execute_other_tab()
let thiswin = win_getid()
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2124,