. Fixed bug #72463 (mail fails with invalid argument). (Anatol)
- Standard:
+ . Implemented RFC: More precise float values. (Jakub Zelenka, Yasuo)
. array_multisort now uses zend_sort instead zend_qsort. (Laruence)
23 Jun 2016, PHP 7.1.0alpha2
the notice level only.
+ . The serialize_precision is used instead of precision when encoding double
+ valuse.
. An empty key is decoded as an empty property name instead of using _empty_
property name when decoding object to stdClass.
. When calling json_encode with JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE option, U+2028 and
11. Changes to INI File Handling
+- serialize_precision
+ . If value -1 is set, then the dtoa mode 0 is used. The value -1 is now
+ used by defualt.
+- precision
+ . If value -1 is set, then the dtoa mode 0 is used. No changes in default
+ value which is still 14.
12. Windows Support