" Test for the :bunload command with an offset
func Test_bunload_with_offset()
- call writefile(['B1'], 'b1')
- call writefile(['B2'], 'b2')
- call writefile(['B3'], 'b3')
- call writefile(['B4'], 'b4')
+ call writefile(['B1'], 'Xb1', 'D')
+ call writefile(['B2'], 'Xb2', 'D')
+ call writefile(['B3'], 'Xb3', 'D')
+ call writefile(['B4'], 'Xb4', 'D')
" Load four buffers. Unload the second and third buffers and then
" execute .+3bunload to unload the last buffer.
- edit b1
- new b2
- new b3
- new b4
- bunload b2
- bunload b3
- exe bufwinnr('b1') . 'wincmd w'
+ edit Xb1
+ new Xb2
+ new Xb3
+ new Xb4
+ bunload Xb2
+ bunload Xb3
+ exe bufwinnr('Xb1') . 'wincmd w'
- call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('b4')[0].loaded)
- call assert_equal('b1',
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xb4')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal('Xb1',
\ fnamemodify(getbufinfo({'bufloaded' : 1})[0].name, ':t'))
" Load four buffers. Unload the third and fourth buffers. Execute .+3bunload
" and check whether the second buffer is unloaded.
- bunload b3
- bunload b4
- exe bufwinnr('b1') . 'wincmd w'
+ bunload Xb3
+ bunload Xb4
+ exe bufwinnr('Xb1') . 'wincmd w'
- call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('b2')[0].loaded)
- call assert_equal('b1',
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xb2')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal('Xb1',
\ fnamemodify(getbufinfo({'bufloaded' : 1})[0].name, ':t'))
" Load four buffers. Unload the second and third buffers and from the last
" buffer execute .-3bunload to unload the first buffer.
- bunload b2
- bunload b3
- exe bufwinnr('b4') . 'wincmd w'
+ bunload Xb2
+ bunload Xb3
+ exe bufwinnr('Xb4') . 'wincmd w'
- call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('b1')[0].loaded)
- call assert_equal('b4',
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xb1')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal('Xb4',
\ fnamemodify(getbufinfo({'bufloaded' : 1})[0].name, ':t'))
" Load four buffers. Unload the first and second buffers. Execute .-3bunload
" from the last buffer and check whether the third buffer is unloaded.
- bunload b1
- bunload b2
- exe bufwinnr('b4') . 'wincmd w'
+ bunload Xb1
+ bunload Xb2
+ exe bufwinnr('Xb4') . 'wincmd w'
- call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('b3')[0].loaded)
- call assert_equal('b4',
+ call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('Xb3')[0].loaded)
+ call assert_equal('Xb4',
\ fnamemodify(getbufinfo({'bufloaded' : 1})[0].name, ':t'))
- call delete('b1')
- call delete('b2')
- call delete('b3')
- call delete('b4')
call assert_fails('1,4bunload', 'E16:')
call assert_fails(',100bunload', 'E16:')
call assert_fails('buffer 1000', 'E86:')
- call writefile(['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'foo4'], 'Xbrowse1')
- call writefile(['bar1', 'bar2', 'bar3', 'bar4'], 'Xbrowse2')
- call writefile(['baz1', 'baz2', 'baz3', 'baz4'], 'Xbrowse3')
+ call writefile(['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3', 'foo4'], 'Xbrowse1', 'D')
+ call writefile(['bar1', 'bar2', 'bar3', 'bar4'], 'Xbrowse2', 'D')
+ call writefile(['baz1', 'baz2', 'baz3', 'baz4'], 'Xbrowse3', 'D')
edit Xbrowse1
let b1 = bufnr()
edit Xbrowse2
call assert_fails('sandbox bnext', 'E48:')
- call delete('Xbrowse1')
- call delete('Xbrowse2')
- call delete('Xbrowse3')
" Test for quitting the 'swapfile exists' dialog with the split buffer
" command.
func Test_buffer_sbuf_cleanup()
- call writefile([], 'XsplitCleanup')
+ call writefile([], 'XsplitCleanup', 'D')
" first open the file in a buffer
new XsplitCleanup
let bnr = bufnr()
" create the swap file
- call writefile([], '.XsplitCleanup.swp')
+ call writefile([], '.XsplitCleanup.swp', 'D')
" Remove the catch-all that runtest.vim adds
au! SwapExists
augroup BufTest
call assert_equal(0, getbufinfo('XsplitCleanup')[0].loaded)
set shortmess&
- call delete('XsplitCleanup')
- call delete('.XsplitCleanup.swp')
augroup BufTest
augroup END
" Test for using CTRL-^ to edit the alternative file keeping the cursor
" position with 'nostartofline'. Also test using the 'buf' command.
func Test_buffer_edit_altfile()
- call writefile(repeat(['one two'], 50), 'Xaltfile1')
- call writefile(repeat(['five six'], 50), 'Xaltfile2')
+ call writefile(repeat(['one two'], 50), 'Xaltfile1', 'D')
+ call writefile(repeat(['five six'], 50), 'Xaltfile2', 'D')
set nosol
edit Xaltfile1
call cursor(25, 5)
buf Xaltfile2
call assert_equal([0, 30, 4, 0], getpos('.'))
set sol&
- call delete('Xaltfile1')
- call delete('Xaltfile2')
" Test for running the :sball command with a maximum window count and a
call assert_fails('%bw!', 'E342:')
" test for :checktime loading the buffer
- call writefile(['one'], 'XallocFail5')
+ call writefile(['one'], 'XallocFail5', 'D')
if has('unix')
edit XallocFail5
" sleep for some time to make sure the timestamp is different
" test for :vimgrep loading a dummy buffer
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newbuf_bvars'), 0, 0)
call assert_fails('vimgrep two XallocFail5', 'E342:')
- call delete('XallocFail5')
" test for quickfix command loading a buffer
call test_alloc_fail(GetAllocId('newbuf_bvars'), 0, 0)