2.4.x patch:
- +1: jim
+ +1: jim, druggeri
druggeri: (Discussion started on dev@ list)
- * This can not be fully verified until bug 52402 is fixed
- jim: 52402 is fixed and is part of the backport for persist below
* This doesn't seem to do anything for ProxyPass at server level
but doc seems to imply it does.
* Can you elaborate more in docs about issues and inconsistences?
* Doc for 2.4 patch notes version 2.5.0
jim: are we OK with changing the 2.4.x docs async?
+ druggeri: sure - just noting that as-applied it would be incorrect
* mod_proxy: Persist balancer and worker data across restarts and stop/start.
trunk patch:
2.4.x patch:
+1: jim, druggeri
druggeri: Doc for 2.4 patch says version 2.5.0
+ Worth noting in CHANGES that fix for 52402 is in here?
* mod_status: Add useful mod_status info... try to determine last time
a specific vhost was accessed/used.