overwrite a symlink or non-regular file with a regular file.
is raised. This function returns the path to byte-compiled file, i.e.
whatever *cfile* value was used.
+ If the path that *cfile* becomes (either explicitly specified or computed)
+ is a symlink or non-regular file, :exc:`FileExistsError` will be raised.
+ This is to act as a warning that import will turn those paths into regular
+ files if it is allowed to write byte-compiled files to those paths. This is
+ a side-effect of import using file renaming to place the final byte-compiled
+ file into place to prevent concurrent file writing issues.
*optimize* controls the optimization level and is passed to the built-in
:func:`compile` function. The default of ``-1`` selects the optimization
level of the current interpreter.
.. versionchanged:: 3.4
Changed code to use :mod:`importlib` for the byte-code cache file writing.
This means file creation/writing semantics now match what :mod:`importlib`
- does, e.g. permissions, write-and-move semantics, etc.
+ does, e.g. permissions, write-and-move semantics, etc. Also added the
+ caveat that :exc:`FileExistsError` is raised if *cfile* is a symlink or
+ non-regular file.
.. function:: main(args=None)
* :c:func:`PyErr_SetImportError` now sets :exc:`TypeError` when its **msg**
argument is not set. Previously only ``NULL`` was returned.
+* :func:`py_compile.compile` now raises :exc:`FileExistsError` if the file path
+ it would write to is a symlink or a non-regular file. This is to act as a
+ warning that import will overwrite those files with a regular file regardless
+ of what type of file path they were originally.
import importlib._bootstrap
import importlib.machinery
import os
+import os.path
import sys
import traceback
See compileall.py for a script/module that uses this module to
byte-compile all installed files (or all files in selected
+ Do note that FileExistsError is raised if cfile ends up pointing at a
+ non-regular file or symlink. Because the compilation uses a file renaming,
+ the resulting file would be regular and thus not the same type of file as
+ it was previously.
if cfile is None:
if optimize >= 0:
cfile = imp.cache_from_source(file, debug_override=not optimize)
cfile = imp.cache_from_source(file)
+ if os.path.islink(cfile):
+ msg = ('{} is a symlink and will be changed into a regular file if '
+ 'import writes a byte-compiled file to it')
+ raise FileExistsError(msg.format(file, cfile))
+ elif os.path.exists(cfile) and not os.path.isfile(cfile):
+ msg = ('{} is a non-regular file and will be changed into a regular '
+ 'one if import writes a byte-compiled file to it')
+ raise FileExistsError(msg.format(file, cfile))
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('<py_compile>', file)
source_bytes = loader.get_data(file)
+ def test_do_not_overwrite_symlinks(self):
+ # In the face of a cfile argument being a symlink, bail out.
+ # Issue #17222
+ try:
+ os.symlink(self.pyc_path + '.actual', self.pyc_path)
+ except OSError:
+ self.skipTest('need to be able to create a symlink for a file')
+ else:
+ assert os.path.islink(self.pyc_path)
+ with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError):
+ py_compile.compile(self.source_path, self.pyc_path)
+ @unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(os.devnull) or os.path.isfile(os.devnull),
+ 'requires os.devnull and for it to be a non-regular file')
+ def test_do_not_overwrite_nonregular_files(self):
+ # In the face of a cfile argument being a non-regular file, bail out.
+ # Issue #17222
+ with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError):
+ py_compile.compile(self.source_path, os.devnull)
def test_cache_path(self):
Python file. Patch by Ben Morgan.
- Have py_compile use importlib as much as possible to avoid code duplication.
+ Code now raises FileExistsError if the file path to be used for the
+ byte-compiled file is a symlink or non-regular file as a warning that import
+ will not keep the file path type if it writes to that path.
- Issue #180022: Have site.addpackage() consider already known paths even when
none are explicitly passed in. Bug report and fix by Kirill.