- Fixed ext/yaz to not log if "yaz.log_file" php.ini option is not set. (Adam)
- Fixed a bug in bundled libmysql (mysql bug #564). (Georg)
- Fixed ext/exif to honor "magic_quotes_runtime" php.ini option. (Marcus)
+- Fixed bug #24198 (Invalid recursion detection in array_merge_recurcive()).
+ (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #24155 (gdImageRotate270 incorrectly use x parameter for y axis).
(tom@gksystems.com, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #24150 (crash in imap_fetch_overview() &
+ imap_rfc822_write_address()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #24060 (ncurses_del_panel() causes segfault). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #24054 (Integer overflow failure with GCC/x86 for *=). (Sascha)
- Fixed bug #24007 (Problem with register_globals & arrays). (Ilia)