--- /dev/null
+#include <string>
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include <cgraph/cgraph.h>
+#include <gvc/gvc.h>
+#include "svg_analyzer.h"
+ "simple directed and undirected graph with different layout engines") {
+ const auto directed_graph = GENERATE(false, true);
+ const std::string graph_type = directed_graph ? "digraph" : "graph";
+ const std::string edge_op = directed_graph ? "->" : "--";
+ std::string dot = fmt::format("{} {{a {} b}}", graph_type, edge_op);
+ INFO(fmt::format("DOT source: {}", dot));
+ auto g = agmemread(dot.c_str());
+ REQUIRE(g != nullptr);
+ const std::string engine = GENERATE("dot", //
+ "neato", //
+ "fdp", //
+ "sfdp", //
+ "circo", //
+ "twopi", //
+ "osage", //
+ "patchwork" //
+ );
+ INFO("Layout engine: " + engine);
+ auto gvc = gvContextPlugins(lt_preloaded_symbols, false);
+ {
+ const auto rc = gvLayout(gvc, g, engine.c_str());
+ REQUIRE(rc == 0);
+ }
+ char *result = nullptr;
+ unsigned length = 0;
+ {
+ const auto rc = gvRenderData(gvc, g, "svg", &result, &length);
+ REQUIRE(rc == 0);
+ }
+ REQUIRE(result != nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(length > 0);
+ SVGAnalyzer svg_analyzer{result};
+ const std::size_t num_nodes = 2;
+ const std::size_t num_edges = engine == "patchwork" ? 0 : 1;
+ const std::size_t num_arrowheads = directed_graph ? num_edges : 0;
+ const std::size_t num_svgs = 1;
+ const std::size_t num_groups = 1 + num_nodes + num_edges;
+ const std::size_t num_ellipses = engine == "patchwork" ? 0 : num_nodes;
+ const std::size_t num_polygons =
+ 1 + (engine == "patchwork" ? num_nodes : 0) + num_arrowheads;
+ const std::size_t num_paths = num_edges;
+ const std::size_t num_titles = num_nodes + num_edges;
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_svgs() == num_svgs);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_groups() == num_groups);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_circles() == 0);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_ellipses() == num_ellipses);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_lines() == 0);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_paths() == num_paths);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_polygons() == num_polygons);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_polylines() == 0);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_rects() == 0);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_titles() == num_titles);
+ CHECK(svg_analyzer.num_unknowns() == 0);
+ gvFreeRenderData(result);
+ gvFreeLayout(gvc, g);
+ agclose(g);
+ gvFreeContext(gvc);