$DB = "postgis_reg";
-$SHP2PGSQL = "../loader/shp2pgsql";
-$PGSQL2SHP = "../loader/pgsql2shp";
-$RASTER2PGSQL = "../../loader/raster2pgsql";
+$REGDIR = abs_path(dirname($0));
+$SHP2PGSQL = $REGDIR . "/../loader/shp2pgsql";
+$PGSQL2SHP = $REGDIR . "/../loader/pgsql2shp";
+$RASTER2PGSQL = $REGDIR . "/../../loader/raster2pgsql";
'verbose' => \$VERBOSE,
'clean' => \$OPT_CLEAN,
'nodrop' => \$OPT_NODROP,
+ 'upgrade' => \$OPT_UPGRADE,
'nocreate' => \$OPT_NOCREATE,
'topology' => \$OPT_WITH_TOPO,
'raster' => \$OPT_WITH_RASTER,
# Calculate the regression directory locations
-$REGDIR = abs_path(dirname($0));
$STAGED_INSTALL_DIR = $REGDIR . "/00-regress-install";
$STAGED_SCRIPTS_DIR = $STAGED_INSTALL_DIR . "/share/contrib/postgis";
elsif ( -r "${TEST}.tif" )
- # run_raster_loader_test
+ my $rv = run_raster_loader_test();
+ pass() if $rv;
elsif ( -r "${TEST}.sql" )
my $sql = shift;
- if ( ! -r "$sql" )
+ if ( ! -r $sql )
fail("can't read $sql");
return 0;
+# This runs the loader once and checks the output of it.
+# It will NOT run if neither the expected SQL nor the expected
+# select results file exists, unless you pass true for the final
+# parameter.
+# $1 - Description of this run of the loader, used for error messages.
+# $2 - Table name to load into.
+# $3 - The name of the file containing what the
+# SQL generated by shp2pgsql should look like.
+# $4 - The name of the file containing the expected results of
+# SELECT rast FROM _tblname should look like.
+# $5 - Command line options for raster2pgsql.
+# $6 - If you pass true, this will run the loader even if neither
+# of the expected results files exists (though of course
+# the results won't be compared with anything).
+sub run_raster_loader_and_check_output
+ my $description = shift;
+ my $tblname = shift;
+ my $expected_sql_file = shift;
+ my $expected_select_results_file = shift;
+ my $loader_options = shift;
+ my $run_always = shift;
+ # ON_ERROR_STOP is used by psql to return non-0 on an error
+ my $psql_opts="--no-psqlrc --variable ON_ERROR_STOP=true";
+ my $cmd, $rv;
+ my $outfile = "${TMPDIR}/loader.out";
+ my $errfile = "${TMPDIR}/loader.err";
+ if ( $run_always || -r $expected_sql_file || -r $expected_select_results_file )
+ {
+ show_progress();
+ # Produce the output SQL file.
+ $cmd = "$RASTER2PGSQL $loader_options -C -f the_rast ${TEST}.tif $tblname > $outfile 2> $errfile";
+ $rv = system($cmd);
+ if ( $rv )
+ {
+ fail("$description: running raster2pgsql", $errfile);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( -r $expected_sql_file )
+ {
+ show_progress();
+ my $diff = diff($outfile, $expected_sql_file, {STYLE=>"Unified"});
+ if ( $diff )
+ {
+ fail(" $description: actual SQL does not match expected.", "$outfile");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # Run the loader SQL script.
+ show_progress();
+ $cmd = "psql $psql_opts -f $outfile $DB > $errfile 2>&1";
+ $rv = system($cmd);
+ if ( $rv )
+ {
+ fail(" $description: running raster2pgsql output","$errfile");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Run the select script (if there is one)
+ if ( -r "${TEST}.select.sql" )
+ {
+ $rv = run_simple_test("${TEST}.select.sql",$expected_select_results_file, $description);
+ return 0 if ( ! $rv );
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
# run_loader_test
return 1;
+# run_raster_loader_test
+sub run_raster_loader_test
+ # See if there is a custom command-line options file
+ my $opts_file = "${TEST}.opts";
+ my $custom_opts="";
+ if ( -r $opts_file )
+ {
+ open(FILE, $opts_file);
+ my @opts = <FILE>;
+ close(FILE);
+ @opts = grep(!/^\s*#/, @opts);
+ map(s/\n//, @opts);
+ $custom_opts = join(" ", @opts);
+ }
+ my $tblname="loadedshp";
+ # If we have some expected files to compare with, run in geography mode.
+ if ( ! run_raster_loader_and_check_output("test", $tblname, "${TEST}.sql.expected", "${TEST}.select.expected", $custom_opts, "true") )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ drop_table($tblname);
+ return 1;
# Count database objects
-# prepare_spatial_extensions();
+ prepare_spatial_extensions();
sub load_sql_file
my $file = shift;
my $cmd = "psql $psql_opts -Xf $file $DB >> $REGRESS_LOG 2>&1";
print " $file\n" if $VERBOSE;
my $rv = system($cmd);
- if ( $rv )
- {
- die "\nError encountered loading $file, see $REGRESS_LOG for details\n\n";
- }
+ die "\nError encountered loading $file, see $REGRESS_LOG for details\n\n"
+ if $rv;
return 1;
+# Prepare the database for spatial operations (extension method)
+sub prepare_spatial_extensions
+ print "Preparing db '${DB}' using 'CREATE EXTENSION'\n";
+ # ON_ERROR_STOP is used by psql to return non-0 on an error
+ my $psql_opts = "--no-psqlrc --variable ON_ERROR_STOP=true";
+ my $cmd = "psql $psql_opts -c \"CREATE EXTENSION postgis\" $DB >> $REGRESS_LOG 2>&1";
+ my $rv = system($cmd);
+ die "\nError encountered creating EXTENSION POSTGIS, see $REGRESS_LOG for details\n\n"
+ if $rv;
+ if ( $OPT_WITH_TOPO )
+ {
+ $cmd = "psql $psql_opts -c \"CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology\" $DB >> $REGRESS_LOG 2>&1";
+ $rv = system($cmd);
+ die "\nError encountered creating EXTENSION POSTGIS_TOPOLOGY, see $REGRESS_LOG for details\n\n"
+ if $rv;
+ }
+ return 1;
# Prepare the database for spatial operations (old method)
sub prepare_spatial
return 1;
+# Upgrade an existing database (soft upgrade)
+sub upgrade_spatial
+ print "Upgrading PostGIS in '${DB}' \n" ;
+ my $script = `ls ${STAGED_SCRIPTS_DIR}/postgis_upgrade_*_minor.sql`;
+ chomp($script);
+ if ( -e $script )
+ {
+ print "Upgrading core\n";
+ load_sql_file($script);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "$script not found\n";
+ }
+ if ( $OPT_WITH_TOPO )
+ {
+ my $script = `ls ${STAGED_SCRIPTS_DIR}/topology_upgrade_*_minor.sql`;
+ chomp($script);
+ if ( -e $script )
+ {
+ print "Upgrading topology\n";
+ load_sql_file($script);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "$script not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ my $script = `ls ${STAGED_SCRIPTS_DIR}/rtpostgis_upgrade_*_minor.sql`;
+ chomp($script);
+ if ( -e $script )
+ {
+ print "Upgrading raster\n";
+ load_sql_file($script);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "$script not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
sub drop_spatial
my $ok = 1;
return 1;
+sub drop_spatial_extensions
+ # ON_ERROR_STOP is used by psql to return non-0 on an error
+ my $psql_opts="--no-psqlrc --variable ON_ERROR_STOP=true";
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $cmd, $rv;
+ if ( $OPT_WITH_TOPO )
+ {
+ $cmd = "psql $psql_opts -c \"DROP EXTENSION postgis_topology\" $DB >> $REGRESS_LOG 2>&1";
+ $rv = system($cmd);
+ $ok = 0 if $rv;
+ }
+ $cmd = "psql $psql_opts -c \"DROP EXTENSION postgis\" $DB >> $REGRESS_LOG 2>&1";
+ $rv = system($cmd);
+ die "\nError encountered dropping EXTENSION POSTGIS, see $REGRESS_LOG for details\n\n"
+ if $rv;
+ return $ok;
# Drop spatial from an existing database
sub uninstall_spatial