- @unittest.skip
def test_forced_io_encoding(self):
# Checks forced configuration of embedded interpreter IO streams
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("forced_io_encoding")
--- Use defaults ---
Expected encoding: default
Expected errors: default
- stdin: {0.stdin.encoding}:strict
- stdout: {0.stdout.encoding}:strict
- stderr: {0.stderr.encoding}:backslashreplace
+ stdin: {0.__stdin__.encoding}:strict
+ stdout: {0.__stdout__.encoding}:strict
+ stderr: {0.__stderr__.encoding}:backslashreplace
--- Set errors only ---
Expected encoding: default
Expected errors: surrogateescape
- stdin: {0.stdin.encoding}:surrogateescape
- stdout: {0.stdout.encoding}:surrogateescape
- stderr: {0.stderr.encoding}:backslashreplace
+ stdin: {0.__stdin__.encoding}:surrogateescape
+ stdout: {0.__stdout__.encoding}:surrogateescape
+ stderr: {0.__stderr__.encoding}:backslashreplace
--- Set encoding only ---
Expected encoding: latin-1
Expected errors: default
stdin: latin-1:surrogateescape
stdout: latin-1:surrogateescape
stderr: latin-1:backslashreplace""").format(sys)
- # Looks like this overspecifies the output :(
+ # This is useful if we ever trip over odd platform behaviour
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), expected_output)