-postgresql 6.5 multi-byte (MB) support README Mar 23 1999
+postgresql 6.5.1 multi-byte (MB) support README July 11 1999
Tatsuo Ishii
LATIN4 ISO 8859-4 English and some European languages
LATIN5 ISO 8859-5 English and some European languages
- WIN CP1251
- ALT CP866
+ WIN Windows CP1251
+ ALT Windows CP866
LATIN4 ISO 8859-4 English and some European languages
LATIN5 ISO 8859-5 English and some European languages
- WIN CP1251
- ALT CP866
+ WIN Windows CP1251
+ ALT Windows CP866
+ WIN1250 Windows CP1250 (Czech)
Note that UNICODE is not supported(yet). Also note that the
translation is not always possible. Suppose you choose EUC_JP for the
5. History
+July 11, 1999
+ * Add support for WIN1250 (Windows Czech) as a client encoding
+ (contributed by Pavel Behal)
+ * fix some compiler warnings (contributed by Tomoaki Nishiyama)
Mar 23, 1999
* Add support for KOI8(KOI8-R), WIN(CP1251), ALT(CP866)
(thanks Oleg Broytmann for testing)
* fix problems concerning 8-bit single byte characters
Mar 1, 1998 PL1 released
+[Here is a good documentation explaining how to use WIN1250 on
+Windows/ODBC from Pavel Behal. Please note that Installation step 1)
+is not necceary in 6.5.1 -- Tatsuo]
+Version: 0.91 for PgSQL 6.5
+Author: Pavel Behal
+Revised by: Tatsuo Ishii
+Email: behal@opf.slu.cz
+Licence: The Same as PostgreSQL
+Sorry for my Eglish and C code, I'm not native :-)
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WARRANTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1) Change three affected files in source directories
+ (I don't have time to create proper patch diffs, I don't know how)
+2) Compile with enabled locale and multibyte set to LATIN2
+3) Setup properly your instalation, do not forget to create locale
+ variables in your profile (environment). Ex. (may not be exactly true):
+ LC_ALL=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_COLLATE=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_CTYPE=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_NUMERIC=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_TIME=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+4) You have to start the postmaster with locales set!
+5) Try it with Czech language, it have to sort
+5) Install ODBC driver for PgSQL into your M$ Windows
+6) Setup properly your data source. Include this line in your ODBC
+ configuration dialog in field "Connect Settings:" :
+7) Now try it again, but in Windows with ODBC.
+- Depends on proper system locales, tested with RH6.0 and Slackware 3.6,
+ with cs_CZ.iso8859-2 loacle
+- Never try to set-up server multibyte database encoding to WIN1250,
+ always use LATIN2 instead. There is not WIN1250 locale in Unix
+- WIN1250 encoding is useable only for M$W ODBC clients. The characters are
+ on thy fly re-coded, to be displayed and stored back properly
+- it reorders your sort order depending on your LC_... setting, so don't be
+ confused with regression tests, they don't use locale
+- "ch" is corectly sorted only in some newer locales (Ex. RH6.0)
+- you have to insert money as '162,50' (with comma in aphostrophes!)
+- not tested properly
-postgresql 6.5 multi-byte (MB) support README 1999/3/23 \e$B:n@.\e(B
+postgresql 6.5.1 multi-byte (MB) support README 1999/7/11 \e$B:n@.\e(B
\e$B4D6-JQ?t\e(B PGCLIENTENCODING \e$B$,@_Dj$5$l$F$$$k>l9g$O$=$NCM$,M%@h$5$l!"%P%C\e(B
- \e$B%G%#%s%0$O!">e5-$K2C$(!"\e(BSJIS (\e$B%7%U%H\e(BJIS)\e$B$H\e(B BiG5 \e$B$,;XDj$G$-$^$9!#\e(B
+ \e$B%G%#%s%0$O!">e5-$K2C$(!"\e(BSJIS (\e$B%7%U%H\e(BJIS)\e$B!"\e(BBiG5 \e$B$=$l$K\e(B WIN1250
+ (Windows\e$BMQ$N%A%'%38l\e(B)\e$B$,;XDj$G$-$^$9!#\e(B
\e$B$A$J$_$K!"\e(BSJIS \e$B$O\e(B JISX0201 \e$B$N\e(B 1\e$B%P%$%H%+%J!"$$$o$f$k!VH>3Q%+%?\e(B
\e$B$^$?!"\e(BSJIS \e$BBP1~$K$D$$$F$O!";T@n\e(B@\e$B$*CcBg$5$s$N%Q%C%A$r;29M$K$5$;$F$$\e(B
+ Pavel Behal\e$B;a$K$h$jDs6!$5$l$?\e(BWIN1250\e$B%5%]!<%H$G$9$,!"\e(BWindows\e$B4D6-$G$N\e(B
+ \e$BMxMQ$N;EJ}$K$D$$$F;29M$K$J$k%I%-%e%a%s%H$,IUB0$7$F$$$k$N$G!"$3$3$KE:\e(B
+ \e$BIU$7$F$*$-$^$9!#\e(B
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+Version: 0.91 for PgSQL 6.5
+Author: Pavel Behal
+Revised by: Tatsuo Ishii
+Email: behal@opf.slu.cz
+Licence: The Same as PostgreSQL
+Sorry for my Eglish and C code, I'm not native :-)
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WARRANTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1) Change three affected files in source directories
+ (I don't have time to create proper patch diffs, I don't know how)
+ [PostgreSQL 6.5.1\e$B$G$O$3$N%9%F%C%W$OI,MW$"$j$^$;$s!#\e(B-- \e$B@P0f\e(B]
+2) Compile with enabled locale and multibyte set to LATIN2
+3) Setup properly your instalation, do not forget to create locale
+ variables in your profile (environment). Ex. (may not be exactly true):
+ LC_ALL=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_COLLATE=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_CTYPE=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_NUMERIC=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+ LC_TIME=cs_CZ.ISO8859-2
+4) You have to start the postmaster with locales set!
+5) Try it with Czech language, it have to sort
+5) Install ODBC driver for PgSQL into your M$ Windows
+6) Setup properly your data source. Include this line in your ODBC
+ configuration dialog in field "Connect Settings:" :
+7) Now try it again, but in Windows with ODBC.
+- Depends on proper system locales, tested with RH6.0 and Slackware 3.6,
+ with cs_CZ.iso8859-2 loacle
+- Never try to set-up server multibyte database encoding to WIN1250,
+ always use LATIN2 instead. There is not WIN1250 locale in Unix
+- WIN1250 encoding is useable only for M$W ODBC clients. The characters are
+ on thy fly re-coded, to be displayed and stored back properly
+- it reorders your sort order depending on your LC_... setting, so don't be
+ confused with regression tests, they don't use locale
+- "ch" is corectly sorted only in some newer locales (Ex. RH6.0)
+- you have to insert money as '162,50' (with comma in aphostrophes!)
+- not tested properly
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1999/7/11 WIN1250(Windows\e$BMQ$N%A%'%38l\e(B)\e$B%5%]!<%H$rDI2C$7$^$7$?!#\e(B
+ * WIN1250 \e$B$,%U%m%s%H%(%s%IB&$N%(%s%3!<%G%#%s%0$H$7$FMxMQ$G$-$k$h\e(B
+ \e$B$&$K$J$j$^$7$?!#$3$N>l9g!"%P%C%/%(%s%IB&$N%(%s%3!<%G%#%s%0$O\e(B
+ LATIN2 \e$B$^$?$O\e(B MULE_INTERNAL \e$B$H$7$^$9!#\e(B
+ (contributed by Pavel Behal)
+ * backend/utils/mb/conv.c\e$B$K$*$1$k7?$NIT@09g$r=$@5$7$^$7$?!#\e(B
+ (contributed by Tomoaki Nishiyama)
+ * \e$B$3$l$i$O\e(B6.5.1\e$B$KH?1G$5$l$^$9!#\e(B
1999/3/23 \e$B%-%j%kJ8;z%5%]!<%HDI2CB>\e(B(6.5 \e$B$KH?1G:Q\e(B)
* \e$B%(%s%3!<%G%#%s%0$H$7$F\e(B KOI8(KOI8-R), WIN(CP1251), ALT(CP866) \e$B$r\e(B