for t in a:tests
let start = line('.') + 1
let end = start + len(t[2]) - 1
- " TODO: why is there a one second delay the first time we get here?
exe "normal o" . t[0]
call cursor(start, 1)
exe t[1]
\ ['sSs', 's/S/\c/', ['scs']],
\ ['tTt', "s/T/\<C-V>\<C-J>/", ["t\<C-V>\<C-J>t"]],
\ ['U', 's/U/\L\uuUu\l\EU/', ['UuuU']],
- \ ['V', 's/V/\U\lVvV\u\Ev/', ['vVVv']]
+ \ ['V', 's/V/\U\lVvV\u\Ev/', ['vVVv']],
+ \ ['\', 's/\\/\\\\/', ['\\']]
\ ]
call Run_SubCmd_Tests(tests)
\ ['sSs', 's/S/\c/', ['scs']],
\ ['tTt', "s/T/\<C-V>\<C-J>/", ["t\<C-V>\<C-J>t"]],
\ ['U', 's/U/\L\uuUu\l\EU/', ['UuuU']],
- \ ['V', 's/V/\U\lVvV\u\Ev/', ['vVVv']]
+ \ ['V', 's/V/\U\lVvV\u\Ev/', ['vVVv']],
+ \ ['\', 's/\\/\\\\/', ['\\']]
\ ]
call Run_SubCmd_Tests(tests)
call setline(1, ['1 aaa', '2 aaa', '3 aaa'])
- %s/aaa/\=Foo()/g
+ " need silent! to avoid a delay when entering Insert mode
+ silent! %s/aaa/\=Foo()/g
call assert_equal(['1 0', '2 0', '3 0'], getline(1, 3))
- " Trow without try-catch causes abort after the first line.
+ " Throw without try-catch causes abort after the first line.
" We cannot test this, since it would stop executing the test script.
" try/catch does not result in any changes