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+Driver: cw1200 - ST-E CW1100/CW1200 WLAN driver
+File: sdd_sagrad_1091_1098.bin
+ Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Sagrad, Inc.
+ This SDD ("Static Dynamic Data") file is licensed strictly for use with
+ the Sagrad WiFi modules (such as the SG901-1091/1098) that utilize the
+ cw1200 driver. There is no warranty expressed or implied about its
+ fitness for any purpose.
+ Permission is hereby granted for the distribution of this SDD file as
+ part of Linux or other Open Source operating system kernel in text or
+ binary form as required.
+ (Please note that the actual device firmware is separately licensed by
+ ST-E, who has not provided explicit permission for general redistibution)