- (BOOL) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView writeItems: (NSArray *) items toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *) pasteboard
//only allow reordering of rows if sorting by order
- if ([[fDefaults stringForKey: @"Sort"] isEqualToString: SORT_ORDER])
+ if (([fDefaults boolForKey: @"SortByGroup"] && [NSApp isOnLeopardOrBetter])
+ || [[fDefaults stringForKey: @"Sort"] isEqualToString: SORT_ORDER])
NSMutableIndexSet * indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
NSEnumerator * enumerator = [items objectEnumerator];
else if ([item isKindOfClass: [Torrent class]])
NSDictionary * group = [fTableView parentForItem: item];
- index = [[group objectForKey: @"Torrents"] indexOfObject: item] + 1;
+ if ([[fDefaults stringForKey: @"Sort"] isEqualToString: SORT_ORDER])
+ index = [[group objectForKey: @"Torrents"] indexOfObject: item] + 1;
+ else
+ index = NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex;
item = group;
- else;
+ else
+ {
+ if (![[fDefaults stringForKey: @"Sort"] isEqualToString: SORT_ORDER])
+ index = NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex;
+ }
for (i = [indexes firstIndex]; i != NSNotFound; i = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex: i])
[movingTorrents addObject: [fTableView itemAtRow: i]];
- //find torrent to place under
- NSArray * groupTorrents = item ? [item objectForKey: @"Torrents"] : fDisplayedTorrents;
- Torrent * topTorrent = nil;
- for (i = newRow-1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- Torrent * tempTorrent = [groupTorrents objectAtIndex: i];
- if (![movingTorrents containsObject: tempTorrent])
- {
- topTorrent = tempTorrent;
- break;
- }
- }
//reset groups
if (item)
[torrent setGroupValue: groupValue];
- //part 1 of avoiding weird crash
+ //part 2 of avoiding weird crash
[fTableView reloadItem: nil reloadChildren: YES];
- //remove objects to reinsert
- [fTorrents removeObjectsInArray: movingTorrents];
- //get all torrents to reorder
- NSSortDescriptor * orderDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"orderValue" ascending: YES] autorelease];
- [fTorrents sortUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: orderDescriptor]];
- //insert objects at new location
- int insertIndex = topTorrent ? [fTorrents indexOfObject: topTorrent] + 1 : 0;
- for (i = 0; i < [movingTorrents count]; i++)
- [fTorrents insertObject: [movingTorrents objectAtIndex: i] atIndex: insertIndex + i];
- //redo order values
- for (i = 0; i < [fTorrents count]; i++)
- [[fTorrents objectAtIndex: i] setOrderValue: i];
+ //reorder queue order
+ if ([[fDefaults stringForKey: @"Sort"] isEqualToString: SORT_ORDER])
+ {
+ //find torrent to place under
+ NSArray * groupTorrents = item ? [item objectForKey: @"Torrents"] : fDisplayedTorrents;
+ Torrent * topTorrent = nil;
+ for (i = newRow-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ Torrent * tempTorrent = [groupTorrents objectAtIndex: i];
+ if (![movingTorrents containsObject: tempTorrent])
+ {
+ topTorrent = tempTorrent;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //remove objects to reinsert
+ [fTorrents removeObjectsInArray: movingTorrents];
+ //get all torrents to reorder
+ NSSortDescriptor * orderDescriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"orderValue" ascending: YES] autorelease];
+ [fTorrents sortUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: orderDescriptor]];
+ //insert objects at new location
+ int insertIndex = topTorrent ? [fTorrents indexOfObject: topTorrent] + 1 : 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < [movingTorrents count]; i++)
+ [fTorrents insertObject: [movingTorrents objectAtIndex: i] atIndex: insertIndex + i];
+ //redo order values
+ for (i = 0; i < [fTorrents count]; i++)
+ [[fTorrents objectAtIndex: i] setOrderValue: i];
+ }
[self applyFilter: nil];