if (selectImpl(I, CoverageInfo)) {
- if (I.getOpcode() == Mips::MUL) {
- I.getOperand(3).setIsDead(true);
- I.getOperand(4).setIsDead(true);
- }
return true;
--- |
define void @mul_i32(i32 %x, i32 %y) {entry: ret void}
- define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i32* %pmul, i1* %pcarry_flag) { ret void }
+ define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i1* %pcarry_flag) { ret void }
; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1
; MIPS32: [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = COPY $a0
; MIPS32: [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = COPY $a1
- ; MIPS32: [[MUL:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = MUL [[COPY]], [[COPY1]], implicit-def dead $hi0, implicit-def dead $lo0
+ ; MIPS32: [[MUL:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = MUL [[COPY]], [[COPY1]], implicit-def $hi0, implicit-def $lo0
; MIPS32: $v0 = COPY [[MUL]]
; MIPS32: RetRA implicit $v0
%0:gprb(s32) = COPY $a0
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
bb.1 (%ir-block.0):
- liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
+ liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2
; MIPS32-LABEL: name: umul_with_overflow
- ; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
+ ; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2
; MIPS32: [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = COPY $a0
; MIPS32: [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = COPY $a1
; MIPS32: [[COPY2:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = COPY $a2
- ; MIPS32: [[COPY3:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = COPY $a3
- ; MIPS32: [[MUL:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = MUL [[COPY]], [[COPY1]], implicit-def dead $hi0, implicit-def dead $lo0
; MIPS32: [[PseudoMULTu:%[0-9]+]]:acc64 = PseudoMULTu [[COPY]], [[COPY1]]
; MIPS32: [[PseudoMFHI:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = PseudoMFHI [[PseudoMULTu]]
; MIPS32: [[LUi:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = LUi 0
; MIPS32: [[LUi1:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = LUi 0
; MIPS32: [[ORi1:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = ORi [[LUi1]], 1
; MIPS32: [[AND:%[0-9]+]]:gpr32 = AND [[SLTu]], [[ORi1]]
- ; MIPS32: SB [[AND]], [[COPY3]], 0 :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
- ; MIPS32: SW [[MUL]], [[COPY2]], 0 :: (store 4 into %ir.pmul)
+ ; MIPS32: SB [[AND]], [[COPY2]], 0 :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
; MIPS32: RetRA
%0:gprb(s32) = COPY $a0
%1:gprb(s32) = COPY $a1
%2:gprb(p0) = COPY $a2
- %3:gprb(p0) = COPY $a3
- %4:gprb(s32) = G_MUL %0, %1
- %7:gprb(s32) = G_UMULH %0, %1
- %8:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
- %9:gprb(s32) = G_ICMP intpred(ne), %7(s32), %8
- %10:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
- %11:gprb(s32) = COPY %9(s32)
- %6:gprb(s32) = G_AND %11, %10
- G_STORE %6(s32), %3(p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
- G_STORE %4(s32), %2(p0) :: (store 4 into %ir.pmul)
+ %6:gprb(s32) = G_UMULH %0, %1
+ %7:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
+ %8:gprb(s32) = G_ICMP intpred(ne), %6(s32), %7
+ %9:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
+ %10:gprb(s32) = COPY %8(s32)
+ %5:gprb(s32) = G_AND %10, %9
+ G_STORE %5(s32), %2(p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
define void @mul_i16_sext() {entry: ret void}
define void @mul_i16_zext() {entry: ret void}
define void @mul_i16_aext() {entry: ret void}
- define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i32* %pmul, i1* %pcarry_flag) { ret void }
+ define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i1* %pcarry_flag) { ret void }
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
bb.1 (%ir-block.0):
- liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
+ liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2
; MIPS32-LABEL: name: umul_with_overflow
- ; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
+ ; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2
; MIPS32: [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $a0
; MIPS32: [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $a1
; MIPS32: [[COPY2:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = COPY $a2
- ; MIPS32: [[COPY3:%[0-9]+]]:_(p0) = COPY $a3
- ; MIPS32: [[MUL:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_MUL [[COPY]], [[COPY1]]
; MIPS32: [[UMULH:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_UMULH [[COPY]], [[COPY1]]
; MIPS32: [[C:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
; MIPS32: [[ICMP:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_ICMP intpred(ne), [[UMULH]](s32), [[C]]
; MIPS32: [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
- ; MIPS32: [[COPY4:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY [[ICMP]](s32)
- ; MIPS32: [[AND:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_AND [[COPY4]], [[C1]]
- ; MIPS32: G_STORE [[AND]](s32), [[COPY3]](p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
- ; MIPS32: G_STORE [[MUL]](s32), [[COPY2]](p0) :: (store 4 into %ir.pmul)
+ ; MIPS32: [[COPY3:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY [[ICMP]](s32)
+ ; MIPS32: [[AND:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_AND [[COPY3]], [[C1]]
+ ; MIPS32: G_STORE [[AND]](s32), [[COPY2]](p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
; MIPS32: RetRA
%0:_(s32) = COPY $a0
%1:_(s32) = COPY $a1
%2:_(p0) = COPY $a2
- %3:_(p0) = COPY $a3
- %4:_(s32), %5:_(s1) = G_UMULO %0, %1
- G_STORE %5(s1), %3(p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
- G_STORE %4(s32), %2(p0) :: (store 4 into %ir.pmul)
+ %3:_(s32), %4:_(s1) = G_UMULO %0, %1
+ G_STORE %4(s1), %2(p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
declare { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32, i32)
-define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i32* %pmul, i1* %pcarry_flag) {
+define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i1* %pcarry_flag) {
; MIPS32-LABEL: umul_with_overflow:
; MIPS32: # %bb.0:
-; MIPS32-NEXT: mul $1, $4, $5
; MIPS32-NEXT: multu $4, $5
; MIPS32-NEXT: mfhi $4
; MIPS32-NEXT: lui $5, 0
; MIPS32-NEXT: lui $5, 0
; MIPS32-NEXT: ori $5, $5, 1
; MIPS32-NEXT: and $4, $4, $5
-; MIPS32-NEXT: sb $4, 0($7)
-; MIPS32-NEXT: sw $1, 0($6)
+; MIPS32-NEXT: sb $4, 0($6)
; MIPS32-NEXT: jr $ra
; MIPS32-NEXT: nop
%res = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs)
%carry_flag = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %res, 1
- %mul = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %res, 0
store i1 %carry_flag, i1* %pcarry_flag
- store i32 %mul, i32* %pmul
ret void
--- |
define void @mul_i32(i32 %x, i32 %y) {entry: ret void}
- define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i32* %pmul, i1* %pcarry_flag) { ret void }
+ define void @umul_with_overflow(i32 %lhs, i32 %rhs, i1* %pcarry_flag) { ret void }
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
bb.1 (%ir-block.0):
- liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
+ liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2
; MIPS32-LABEL: name: umul_with_overflow
- ; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
+ ; MIPS32: liveins: $a0, $a1, $a2
; MIPS32: [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = COPY $a0
; MIPS32: [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = COPY $a1
; MIPS32: [[COPY2:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(p0) = COPY $a2
- ; MIPS32: [[COPY3:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(p0) = COPY $a3
- ; MIPS32: [[MUL:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_MUL [[COPY]], [[COPY1]]
; MIPS32: [[UMULH:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_UMULH [[COPY]], [[COPY1]]
; MIPS32: [[C:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
; MIPS32: [[ICMP:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_ICMP intpred(ne), [[UMULH]](s32), [[C]]
; MIPS32: [[C1:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
- ; MIPS32: [[COPY4:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = COPY [[ICMP]](s32)
- ; MIPS32: [[AND:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_AND [[COPY4]], [[C1]]
- ; MIPS32: G_STORE [[AND]](s32), [[COPY3]](p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
- ; MIPS32: G_STORE [[MUL]](s32), [[COPY2]](p0) :: (store 4 into %ir.pmul)
+ ; MIPS32: [[COPY3:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = COPY [[ICMP]](s32)
+ ; MIPS32: [[AND:%[0-9]+]]:gprb(s32) = G_AND [[COPY3]], [[C1]]
+ ; MIPS32: G_STORE [[AND]](s32), [[COPY2]](p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
; MIPS32: RetRA
%0:_(s32) = COPY $a0
%1:_(s32) = COPY $a1
%2:_(p0) = COPY $a2
- %3:_(p0) = COPY $a3
- %4:_(s32) = G_MUL %0, %1
- %7:_(s32) = G_UMULH %0, %1
- %8:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
- %9:_(s32) = G_ICMP intpred(ne), %7(s32), %8
- %10:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
- %11:_(s32) = COPY %9(s32)
- %6:_(s32) = G_AND %11, %10
- G_STORE %6(s32), %3(p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)
- G_STORE %4(s32), %2(p0) :: (store 4 into %ir.pmul)
+ %6:_(s32) = G_UMULH %0, %1
+ %7:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 0
+ %8:_(s32) = G_ICMP intpred(ne), %6(s32), %7
+ %9:_(s32) = G_CONSTANT i32 1
+ %10:_(s32) = COPY %8(s32)
+ %5:_(s32) = G_AND %10, %9
+ G_STORE %5(s32), %2(p0) :: (store 1 into %ir.pcarry_flag)