--- /dev/null
+#include "mediafork.h"
+#include "ffmpeg/avcodec.h"
+struct hb_handle_s
+ /* The "Check for update" thread */
+ int build;
+ char version[16];
+ hb_thread_t * update_thread;
+ /* This thread's only purpose is to check other threads'
+ states */
+ volatile int die;
+ hb_thread_t * main_thread;
+ int pid;
+ /* DVD/file scan thread */
+ hb_list_t * list_title;
+ hb_thread_t * scan_thread;
+ /* The thread which processes the jobs. Others threads are launched
+ from this one (see work.c) */
+ hb_list_t * jobs;
+ int job_count;
+ volatile int work_die;
+ int work_error;
+ hb_thread_t * work_thread;
+ int cpu_count;
+ hb_lock_t * state_lock;
+ hb_state_t state;
+ int paused;
+ hb_lock_t * pause_lock;
+hb_work_object_t * hb_objects = NULL;
+static void thread_func( void * );
+ * Registers work objects, by adding the work object to a liked list.
+ * @param w Handle to hb_work_object_t to register.
+ */
+void hb_register( hb_work_object_t * w )
+ w->next = hb_objects;
+ hb_objects = w;
+ * libhb initialization routine.
+ * @param verbose HB_DEBUG_NONE or HB_DEBUG_ALL.
+ * @param update_check signals libhb to check for updated version from HandBrake website.
+ * @return Handle to hb_handle_t for use on all subsequent calls to libhb.
+ */
+hb_handle_t * hb_init_real( int verbose, int update_check )
+ hb_handle_t * h = calloc( sizeof( hb_handle_t ), 1 );
+ uint64_t date;
+ /* See hb_log() in common.c */
+ if( verbose > HB_DEBUG_NONE )
+ {
+ putenv( "HB_DEBUG=1" );
+ av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG);
+ }
+ /* Check for an update on the website if asked to */
+ h->build = -1;
+ if( update_check )
+ {
+ hb_log( "hb_init: checking for updates" );
+ date = hb_get_date();
+ h->update_thread = hb_update_init( &h->build, h->version );
+ for( ;; )
+ {
+ if( hb_thread_has_exited( h->update_thread ) )
+ {
+ /* Immediate success or failure */
+ hb_thread_close( &h->update_thread );
+ break;
+ }
+ if( hb_get_date() > date + 1000 )
+ {
+ /* Still nothing after one second. Connection problem,
+ let the thread die */
+ hb_log( "hb_init: connection problem, not waiting for "
+ "update_thread" );
+ break;
+ }
+ hb_snooze( 500 );
+ }
+ }
+ /* CPU count detection */
+ hb_log( "hb_init: checking cpu count" );
+ h->cpu_count = hb_get_cpu_count();
+ h->list_title = hb_list_init();
+ h->jobs = hb_list_init();
+ h->state_lock = hb_lock_init();
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_IDLE;
+ h->pause_lock = hb_lock_init();
+ /* libavcodec */
+ avcodec_init();
+ register_avcodec( &mpeg4_encoder );
+ register_avcodec( &mp2_decoder );
+ register_avcodec( &ac3_encoder );
+ /* Start library thread */
+ hb_log( "hb_init: starting libhb thread" );
+ h->die = 0;
+ h->main_thread = hb_thread_init( "libhb", thread_func, h,
+ return h;
+ * Returns current version of libhb.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @return character array of version number.
+ */
+char * hb_get_version( hb_handle_t * h )
+ return HB_VERSION;
+ * Returns current build of libhb.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @return character array of build number.
+ */
+int hb_get_build( hb_handle_t * h )
+ return HB_BUILD;
+ * Checks for needed update.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @param version Pointer to handle where version will be copied.
+ * @return update indicator.
+ */
+int hb_check_update( hb_handle_t * h, char ** version )
+ *version = ( h->build < 0 ) ? NULL : h->version;
+ return h->build;
+ * Sets the cpu count to the desired value.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t
+ * @param cpu_count Number of CPUs to use.
+ */
+void hb_set_cpu_count( hb_handle_t * h, int cpu_count )
+ cpu_count = MAX( 1, cpu_count );
+ cpu_count = MIN( cpu_count, 8 );
+ h->cpu_count = cpu_count;
+ * Initializes a scan of the by calling hb_scan_init
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t
+ * @param path location of VIDEO_TS folder.
+ * @param title_index Desired title to scan. 0 for all titles.
+ */
+void hb_scan( hb_handle_t * h, const char * path, int title_index )
+ hb_title_t * title;
+ /* Clean up from previous scan */
+ while( ( title = hb_list_item( h->list_title, 0 ) ) )
+ {
+ hb_list_rem( h->list_title, title );
+ hb_title_close( &title );
+ }
+ hb_log( "hb_scan: path=%s, title_index=%d", path, title_index );
+ h->scan_thread = hb_scan_init( h, path, title_index, h->list_title );
+ * Returns the list of titles found.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t
+ * @return Handle to hb_list_t of the title list.
+ */
+hb_list_t * hb_get_titles( hb_handle_t * h )
+ return h->list_title;
+ * Create preview image of desired title a index of picture.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @param title Handle to hb_title_t of desired title.
+ * @param picture Index in title.
+ * @param buffer Handle to buufer were inage will be drawn.
+ */
+void hb_get_preview( hb_handle_t * h, hb_title_t * title, int picture,
+ uint8_t * buffer )
+ hb_job_t * job = title->job;
+ char filename[1024];
+ FILE * file;
+ uint8_t * buf1, * buf2, * buf3, * buf4, * pen;
+ uint32_t * p32;
+ AVPicture pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4;
+ ImgReSampleContext * context;
+ int i;
+ buf1 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 3 / 2 );
+ buf2 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 3 / 2 );
+ buf3 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 3 / 2 );
+ buf4 = malloc( title->width * title->height * 4 );
+ avpicture_fill( &pic1, buf1, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
+ title->width, title->height );
+ avpicture_fill( &pic2, buf2, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
+ title->width, title->height );
+ avpicture_fill( &pic3, buf3, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
+ job->width, job->height );
+ avpicture_fill( &pic4, buf4, PIX_FMT_RGBA32,
+ job->width, job->height );
+ memset( filename, 0, 1024 );
+ hb_get_tempory_filename( h, filename, "%x%d",
+ (int) title, picture );
+ file = fopen( filename, "r" );
+ if( !file )
+ {
+ hb_log( "hb_get_preview: fopen failed" );
+ return;
+ }
+ fread( buf1, title->width * title->height * 3 / 2, 1, file );
+ fclose( file );
+ context = img_resample_full_init(
+ job->width, job->height, title->width, title->height,
+ job->crop[0], job->crop[1], job->crop[2], job->crop[3],
+ 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ if( job->deinterlace )
+ {
+ avpicture_deinterlace( &pic2, &pic1, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
+ title->width, title->height );
+ img_resample( context, &pic3, &pic2 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ img_resample( context, &pic3, &pic1 );
+ }
+ img_convert( &pic4, PIX_FMT_RGBA32, &pic3, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
+ job->width, job->height );
+ /* Gray background */
+ p32 = (uint32_t *) buffer;
+ for( i = 0; i < ( title->width + 2 ) * ( title->height + 2 ); i++ )
+ {
+ p32[i] = 0xFF808080;
+ }
+ /* Draw the picture, centered, and draw the cropping zone */
+ pen = buffer + ( title->height - job->height ) *
+ ( title->width + 2 ) * 2 + ( title->width - job->width ) * 2;
+ memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 * ( job->width + 2 ) );
+ pen += 4 * ( title->width + 2 );
+ for( i = 0; i < job->height; i++ )
+ {
+ uint8_t * nextLine;
+ nextLine = pen + 4 * ( title->width + 2 );
+ memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 );
+ pen += 4;
+ memcpy( pen, buf4 + 4 * job->width * i, 4 * job->width );
+ pen += 4 * job->width;
+ memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 );
+ pen = nextLine;
+ }
+ memset( pen, 0xFF, 4 * ( job->width + 2 ) );
+ free( buf1 );
+ free( buf2 );
+ free( buf3 );
+ free( buf4 );
+ * Calculates job width, height, and cropping parameters.
+ * @param job Handle to hb_job_t.
+ * @param aspect Desired aspect ratio. Value of -1 uses title aspect.
+ * @param pixels Maximum desired pixel count.
+ */
+void hb_set_size( hb_job_t * job, int aspect, int pixels )
+ hb_title_t * title = job->title;
+ int croppedWidth = title->width - title->crop[2] - title->crop[3];
+ int croppedHeight = title->height - title->crop[0] - title->crop[1];
+ int croppedAspect = title->aspect * title->height * croppedWidth /
+ croppedHeight / title->width;
+ int addCrop;
+ int i, w, h;
+ if( aspect <= 0 )
+ {
+ /* Keep the best possible aspect ratio */
+ aspect = croppedAspect;
+ }
+ /* Crop if necessary to obtain the desired ratio */
+ memcpy( job->crop, title->crop, 4 * sizeof( int ) );
+ if( aspect < croppedAspect )
+ {
+ /* Need to crop on the left and right */
+ addCrop = croppedWidth - aspect * croppedHeight * title->width /
+ title->aspect / title->height;
+ if( addCrop & 3 )
+ {
+ addCrop = ( addCrop + 1 ) / 2;
+ job->crop[2] += addCrop;
+ job->crop[3] += addCrop;
+ }
+ else if( addCrop & 2 )
+ {
+ addCrop /= 2;
+ job->crop[2] += addCrop - 1;
+ job->crop[3] += addCrop + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addCrop /= 2;
+ job->crop[2] += addCrop;
+ job->crop[3] += addCrop;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( aspect > croppedAspect )
+ {
+ /* Need to crop on the top and bottom */
+ addCrop = croppedHeight - croppedWidth * title->aspect *
+ title->height / aspect / title->width;
+ if( addCrop & 3 )
+ {
+ addCrop = ( addCrop + 1 ) / 2;
+ job->crop[0] += addCrop;
+ job->crop[1] += addCrop;
+ }
+ else if( addCrop & 2 )
+ {
+ addCrop /= 2;
+ job->crop[0] += addCrop - 1;
+ job->crop[1] += addCrop + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addCrop /= 2;
+ job->crop[0] += addCrop;
+ job->crop[1] += addCrop;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Compute a resolution from the number of pixels and aspect */
+ for( i = 0;; i++ )
+ {
+ w = 16 * i;
+ h = MULTIPLE_16( w * HB_ASPECT_BASE / aspect );
+ if( w * h > pixels )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ i--;
+ job->width = 16 * i;
+ job->height = MULTIPLE_16( 16 * i * HB_ASPECT_BASE / aspect );
+ * Returns the number of jobs in the queue.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @return Number of jobs.
+ */
+int hb_count( hb_handle_t * h )
+ return hb_list_count( h->jobs );
+ * Returns handle to job at index i within the job list.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @param i Index of job.
+ * @returns Handle to hb_job_t of desired job.
+ */
+hb_job_t * hb_job( hb_handle_t * h, int i )
+ return hb_list_item( h->jobs, i );
+ * Adds a job to the job list.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @param job Handle to hb_job_t.
+ */
+void hb_add( hb_handle_t * h, hb_job_t * job )
+ hb_job_t * job_copy;
+ hb_title_t * title, * title_copy;
+ hb_chapter_t * chapter, * chapter_copy;
+ hb_audio_t * audio, * audio_copy;
+ hb_subtitle_t * subtitle, * subtitle_copy;
+ int i;
+ /* Copy the title */
+ title = job->title;
+ title_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_title_t ) );
+ memcpy( title_copy, title, sizeof( hb_title_t ) );
+ title_copy->list_chapter = hb_list_init();
+ for( i = 0; i < hb_list_count( title->list_chapter ); i++ )
+ {
+ chapter = hb_list_item( title->list_chapter, i );
+ chapter_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_chapter_t ) );
+ memcpy( chapter_copy, chapter, sizeof( hb_chapter_t ) );
+ hb_list_add( title_copy->list_chapter, chapter_copy );
+ }
+ /* Copy the audio track(s) we want */
+ title_copy->list_audio = hb_list_init();
+ /* Do nothing about audio during first pass */
+ if( job->pass != 1 )
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
+ {
+ if( job->audios[i] < 0 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if( ( audio = hb_list_item( title->list_audio, job->audios[i] ) ) )
+ {
+ audio_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_audio_t ) );
+ memcpy( audio_copy, audio, sizeof( hb_audio_t ) );
+ hb_list_add( title_copy->list_audio, audio_copy );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Copy the subtitle we want (or not) */
+ title_copy->list_subtitle = hb_list_init();
+ if( ( subtitle = hb_list_item( title->list_subtitle, job->subtitle ) ) )
+ {
+ subtitle_copy = malloc( sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) );
+ memcpy( subtitle_copy, subtitle, sizeof( hb_subtitle_t ) );
+ hb_list_add( title_copy->list_subtitle, subtitle_copy );
+ }
+ /* Copy the job */
+ job_copy = calloc( sizeof( hb_job_t ), 1 );
+ memcpy( job_copy, job, sizeof( hb_job_t ) );
+ job_copy->title = title_copy;
+ job_copy->file = strdup( job->file );
+ job_copy->h = h;
+ job_copy->pause = h->pause_lock;
+ /* Add the job to the list */
+ hb_list_add( h->jobs, job_copy );
+ * Removes a job from the job list.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @param job Handle to hb_job_t.
+ */
+void hb_rem( hb_handle_t * h, hb_job_t * job )
+ hb_list_rem( h->jobs, job );
+ /* XXX free everything XXX */
+ * Starts the conversion process.
+ * Sets state to HB_STATE_WORKING.
+ * calls hb_work_init, to launch work thread. Stores handle to work thread.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ */
+void hb_start( hb_handle_t * h )
+ /* XXX Hack */
+ h->job_count = hb_list_count( h->jobs );
+ hb_lock( h->state_lock );
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_WORKING;
+#define p h->state.param.working
+ p.progress = 0.0;
+ p.job_cur = 1;
+ p.job_count = h->job_count;
+ p.rate_cur = 0.0;
+ p.rate_avg = 0.0;
+ p.hours = -1;
+ p.minutes = -1;
+ p.seconds = -1;
+#undef p
+ hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
+ h->paused = 0;
+ h->work_die = 0;
+ h->work_thread = hb_work_init( h->jobs, h->cpu_count,
+ &h->work_die, &h->work_error );
+ * Pauses the conversion process.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ */
+void hb_pause( hb_handle_t * h )
+ if( !h->paused )
+ {
+ hb_lock( h->pause_lock );
+ h->paused = 1;
+ hb_lock( h->state_lock );
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_PAUSED;
+ hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
+ }
+ * Resumes the conversion process.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ */
+void hb_resume( hb_handle_t * h )
+ if( h->paused )
+ {
+ hb_unlock( h->pause_lock );
+ h->paused = 0;
+ }
+ * Stops the conversion process.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ */
+void hb_stop( hb_handle_t * h )
+ h->work_die = 1;
+ hb_resume( h );
+ * Returns the state of the conversion process.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.
+ * @param s Handle to hb_state_t which to copy the state data.
+ */
+void hb_get_state( hb_handle_t * h, hb_state_t * s )
+ hb_lock( h->state_lock );
+ memcpy( s, &h->state, sizeof( hb_state_t ) );
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_IDLE;
+ hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
+ * Closes access to libhb by freeing the hb_handle_t handle ontained in hb_init_real.
+ * @param _h Pointer to handle to hb_handle_t.
+ */
+void hb_close( hb_handle_t ** _h )
+ hb_handle_t * h = *_h;
+ hb_title_t * title;
+ h->die = 1;
+ hb_thread_close( &h->main_thread );
+ while( ( title = hb_list_item( h->list_title, 0 ) ) )
+ {
+ hb_list_rem( h->list_title, title );
+ hb_title_close( &title );
+ }
+ hb_list_close( &h->list_title );
+ hb_list_close( &h->jobs );
+ hb_lock_close( &h->state_lock );
+ hb_lock_close( &h->pause_lock );
+ free( h );
+ *_h = NULL;
+ * Monitors the state of the update, scan, and work threads.
+ * Sets scan done state when scan thread exits.
+ * Sets work done state when work thread exits.
+ * @param _h Handle to hb_handle_t
+ */
+static void thread_func( void * _h )
+ hb_handle_t * h = (hb_handle_t *) _h;
+ char dirname[1024];
+ DIR * dir;
+ struct dirent * entry;
+ h->pid = getpid();
+ /* Create folder for temporary files */
+ memset( dirname, 0, 1024 );
+ hb_get_tempory_directory( h, dirname );
+ hb_mkdir( dirname );
+ while( !h->die )
+ {
+ /* In case the check_update thread hangs, it'll die sooner or
+ later. Then, we join it here */
+ if( h->update_thread &&
+ hb_thread_has_exited( h->update_thread ) )
+ {
+ hb_thread_close( &h->update_thread );
+ }
+ /* Check if the scan thread is done */
+ if( h->scan_thread &&
+ hb_thread_has_exited( h->scan_thread ) )
+ {
+ hb_thread_close( &h->scan_thread );
+ hb_log( "libhb: scan thread found %d valid title(s)",
+ hb_list_count( h->list_title ) );
+ hb_lock( h->state_lock );
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_SCANDONE;
+ hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
+ }
+ /* Check if the work thread is done */
+ if( h->work_thread &&
+ hb_thread_has_exited( h->work_thread ) )
+ {
+ hb_thread_close( &h->work_thread );
+ hb_log( "libhb: work result = %d",
+ h->work_error );
+ hb_lock( h->state_lock );
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_WORKDONE;
+ h->state.param.workdone.error = h->work_error;
+ hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
+ }
+ hb_snooze( 50 );
+ }
+ if( h->work_thread )
+ {
+ hb_stop( h );
+ hb_thread_close( &h->work_thread );
+ }
+ /* Remove temp folder */
+ dir = opendir( dirname );
+ while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) )
+ {
+ char filename[1024];
+ if( entry->d_name[0] == '.' )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ memset( filename, 0, 1024 );
+ snprintf( filename, 1023, "%s/%s", dirname, entry->d_name );
+ unlink( filename );
+ }
+ closedir( dir );
+ rmdir( dirname );
+ * Returns the PID.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t
+ */
+int hb_get_pid( hb_handle_t * h )
+ return h->pid;
+ * Sets the current state.
+ * @param h Handle to hb_handle_t
+ * @param s Handle to new hb_state_t
+ */
+void hb_set_state( hb_handle_t * h, hb_state_t * s )
+ hb_lock( h->pause_lock );
+ hb_lock( h->state_lock );
+ memcpy( &h->state, s, sizeof( hb_state_t ) );
+ if( h->state.state == HB_STATE_WORKING )
+ {
+ /* XXX Hack */
+ h->state.param.working.job_cur =
+ h->job_count - hb_list_count( h->jobs );
+ h->state.param.working.job_count = h->job_count;
+ }
+ hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
+ hb_unlock( h->pause_lock );