with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
# Read to the end of file.
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), '')
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), '')
+ def test_readline_binary_mode(self):
+ with open(TESTFN, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(b'A\nB\r\nC\rD')
+ self.addCleanup(safe_unlink, TESTFN)
+ with FileInput(files=TESTFN, mode='rb') as fi:
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'A\n')
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'B\r\n')
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'C\rD')
+ # Read to the end of file.
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'')
+ self.assertEqual(fi.readline(), b'')
def test_context_manager(self):
+- Issue #25510: fileinput.FileInput.readline() now returns b'' instead of ''
+ at the end if the FileInput was opened with binary mode.
+ Patch by Ryosuke Ito.
- Issue #21827: Fixed textwrap.dedent() for the case when largest common
whitespace is a substring of smallest leading whitespace.
Based on patch by Robert Li.