int PyObject_IsTrue(PyObject *o);
- Returns 1 if the object, o, is considered to be true, and
- 0 otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression:
- not not o
+ Returns 1 if the object, o, is considered to be true, 0 if o is
+ considered to be false and -1 on failure. This is equivalent to the
+ Python expression: not not o
- This function always succeeds.
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_Not(PyObject *o);
- Returns 0 if the object, o, is considered to be true, and
- 1 otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression:
- not o
+ Returns 0 if the object, o, is considered to be true, 1 if o is
+ considered to be false and -1 on failure. This is equivalent to the
+ Python expression: not o
- This function always succeeds.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Type(PyObject *o);