--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Absinthe" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+navigation.components |= db.bibliography
+list.blocks |= db.bibliolist
+info.elements |= db.bibliomisc | db.bibliomset | db.bibliorelation | db.biblioset
+relation.attribute = attribute relation { text }?
+db.biblioentry = element biblioentry { bibliographic.elements+ }
+db.bibliomixed = element bibliomixed { (text | bibliographic.elements)* }
+biblioset.relation.attrib = relation.attribute
+db.biblioset = element biblioset { bibliographic.elements+ }
+bibliomset.relation.attrib = relation.attribute
+db.bibliomset = element bibliomset { (docbook.text | bibliographic.elements)* }
+db.bibliomisc = element bibliomisc { docbook.text }
+bibliography.status.attrib = status.attribute?
+bibliography.label.attrib = label.attribute?
+bibliography.info = docbook.info
+db.bibliography =
+ element bibliography {
+ bibliography.info,
+ blocks*,
+ (db.bibliodiv+ | (db.biblioentry | db.bibliomixed)+)
+ }
+bibliodiv.status.attrib = status.attribute?
+bibliodiv.label.attrib = label.attribute?
+bibliodiv.info = docbook.info.titlereq
+db.bibliodiv =
+ element bibliodiv {
+ bibliodiv.info,
+ blocks*,
+ (db.biblioentry | db.bibliomixed)+
+ }
+bibliolist.info = docbook.info.titleonly
+db.bibliolist =
+ element bibliolist {
+ bibliolist.info?,
+ blocks*,
+ (db.biblioentry | db.bibliomixed)+
+ }
verbatim.inlines |= db.co
prompt.inlines |= db.co
systemitem.inlines |= db.co
+computeroutput.inlines |= db.co
+userinput.inlines |= db.co
+replaceable.inlines |= db.co
area.units.enumtype.attribute =
attribute units {
cals.table.info = docbook.info.titleonlyreq
cals.table = element table {
- db.indexterm*,
+ indexing.inlines*,
(db.mediaobject+|db.tgroup+) }
cals.informaltable.info = docbook.info.titleforbidden
cals.informaltable = element informaltable {
- db.indexterm*,
+ indexing.inlines*,
(db.mediaobject+|db.tgroup+) }
namespace ctrl = "http://nwalsh.com/xmlns/schema-control/"
start = db.set
- | db.setindex
| db.book
| divisions
| components
| navigation.components
- | db.refentry
| db.section
| db.para
include "hier.rnc"
include "refentry.rnc"
include "pool.rnc"
+include "glossary.rnc"
+include "bibliography.rnc"
+include "index.rnc"
+include "toc.rnc"
include "tasks.rnc"
include "callouts.rnc"
include "ebnf.rnc"
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Absinthe" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+namespace s = "http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"
+general.inlines |= glossary.inlines
+list.blocks |= db.glosslist
+navigation.components |= db.glossary
+glossary.inlines =
+ db.firstterm
+ | db.glossterm
+glosslist.info = docbook.info.titleonly
+db.glosslist = element glosslist { glosslist.info?, blocks*, db.glossentry+ }
+glossentry.sortas.attrib = attribute sortas { text }?
+db.glossentry =
+ element glossentry {
+ db.glossterm,
+ db.acronym?,
+ db.abbrev?,
+ db.indexterm*,
+ (db.glosssee | db.glossdef+)
+ }
+glossdef.subject.attrib = attribute subject { text }?
+db.glossdef = element glossdef { blocks+, db.glossseealso* }
+glosssee.otherterm.attrib = attribute otherterm { xsd:IDREF }?
+db.glosssee =
+ [
+ s:rule [
+ context = "glosssee[@linkend]"
+ s:assert [
+ test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
+ "@linkend on glosssee must point to a glossentry."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ element glosssee { inlines* }
+glossseealso.otherterm.attrib = attribute otherterm { xsd:IDREF }?
+db.glossseealso =
+ [
+ s:rule [
+ context = "glossseealso[@linkend]"
+ s:assert [
+ test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
+ "@linkend on glossseealso must point to a glossentry."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ element glossseealso { inlines* }
+firstterm.baseform.attrib = glossterm.baseform.attrib
+db.firstterm =
+ [
+ s:rule [
+ context = "firstterm[@linkend]"
+ s:assert [
+ test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
+ "@linkend on firstterm must point to a glossentry."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ element firstterm { inlines* }
+glossterm.baseform.attrib = attribute baseform { text }?
+db.glossterm =
+ [
+ s:rule [
+ context = "glossterm[@linkend]"
+ s:assert [
+ test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
+ "@linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ element glossterm { inlines* }
+glossary.status.attrib = status.attribute?
+glossary.label.attrib = label.attribute?
+glossary.info = docbook.info
+db.glossary =
+ element glossary {
+ glossary.info,
+ blocks*,
+ (db.glossdiv+ | db.glossentry+),
+ db.bibliography?
+ }
+glossdiv.status.attrib = status.attribute?
+glossdiv.label.attrib = label.attribute?
+glossdiv.info = docbook.info.titlereq
+db.glossdiv =
+ element glossdiv { glossdiv.info, blocks*, db.glossentry+ }
| db.article
| db.colophon
-navigation.components =
- db.toc | db.index | db.glossary | db.bibliography
+navigation.components = notAllowed
component.contentmodel =
navigation.components*, blocks.or.sections, navigation.components*
# ======================================================================
+setindex.components = notAllowed
+toc.components = notAllowed
set.status.attrib = status.attribute?
set.label.attrib = label.attribute?
set.info = docbook.info.titlereq
-db.set = element set { set.info, db.toc?, (db.set|db.book)+, db.setindex? }
+db.set = element set { set.info, toc.components?, (db.set|db.book)+, setindex.components? }
book.status.attrib = status.attribute?
book.label.attrib = label.attribute?
db.colophon =
element colophon { colophon.info, blocks+ }
-toc.info = docbook.info.titleonly
-db.toc = element toc { toc.info, blocks*, (db.tocdiv | db.tocentry)* }
-tocdiv.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
-tocdiv.linkend.attrib = linkend.attribute?
-tocdiv.info = docbook.info
-db.tocdiv = element tocdiv { tocdiv.info, blocks*, (db.tocdiv | db.tocentry)+ }
-tocentry.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
-tocentry.linkend.attrib = linkend.attribute?
-db.tocentry = element tocentry { inlines* }
appendix.status.attrib = status.attribute?
appendix.label.attrib = label.attribute?
appendix.info = docbook.info.titlereq
db.simplesect =
element simplesect { simplesect.info, blocks+ }
-bibliography.status.attrib = status.attribute?
-bibliography.label.attrib = label.attribute?
-bibliography.info = docbook.info
-db.bibliography =
- element bibliography {
- bibliography.info,
- blocks*,
- (db.bibliodiv+ | (db.biblioentry | db.bibliomixed)+)
- }
-bibliodiv.status.attrib = status.attribute?
-bibliodiv.label.attrib = label.attribute?
-bibliodiv.info = docbook.info.titlereq
-db.bibliodiv =
- element bibliodiv {
- bibliodiv.info,
- blocks*,
- (db.biblioentry | db.bibliomixed)+
- }
-glossary.status.attrib = status.attribute?
-glossary.label.attrib = label.attribute?
-glossary.info = docbook.info
-db.glossary =
- element glossary {
- glossary.info,
- blocks*,
- (db.glossdiv+ | db.glossentry+),
- db.bibliography?
- }
-glossdiv.status.attrib = status.attribute?
-glossdiv.label.attrib = label.attribute?
-glossdiv.info = docbook.info.titlereq
-db.glossdiv =
- element glossdiv { glossdiv.info, blocks*, db.glossentry+ }
-index.info = docbook.info
-db.index =
- element index {
- index.info,
- blocks*,
- (db.indexdiv* | db.indexentry* | db.segmentedlist)
- }
-setindex.info = docbook.info
-db.setindex =
- element setindex { setindex.info, blocks*, (db.indexdiv* | db.indexentry*) }
-indexdiv.info = docbook.info.titlereq
-db.indexdiv =
- element indexdiv { indexdiv.info, blocks*, (db.indexentry+|db.segmentedlist) }
-db.indexentry =
- element indexentry {
- db.primaryie,
- (db.seeie | db.seealsoie)*,
- (db.secondaryie, (db.seeie | db.seealsoie | db.tertiaryie)*)*
- }
-primaryie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
-db.primaryie = element primaryie { inlines* }
-secondaryie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
-db.secondaryie = element secondaryie { inlines* }
-tertiaryie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
-db.tertiaryie = element tertiaryie { inlines* }
-seeie.linkend.attrib = linkend.attribute?
-db.seeie = element seeie { inlines* }
-seealsoie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
-db.seealsoie = element seealsoie { inlines* }
db.ackno = element ackno { para.blocks+ }
article.components.optional = db.section* | db.simplesect*
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Absinthe" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+start |= db.setindex
+ubiq.inlines |= db.indexterm
+indexing.inlines |= db.indexterm
+blocks.nopara |= db.indexterm
+navigation.components |= db.index
+setindex.components = db.setindex
+info.elements |= db.itermset
+significance.attribute = attribute significance { "normal" | "preferred" }
+zone.attribute = attribute zone { xsd:IDREFS }
+pagenum.attribute = attribute pagenum { text }
+scope.attribute = attribute scope { "all" | "global" | "local" }
+db.itermset = element itermset { indexterm.singular+ }
+indexterm.singular.significance.attrib = significance.attribute?
+indexterm.startofrange.significance.attrib = significance.attribute?
+indexterm.endofrange.significance.attrib = significance.attribute?
+indexterm.singular.zone.attrib = zone.attribute?
+indexterm.startofrange.zone.attrib = zone.attribute?
+indexterm.endofrange.zone.attrib = zone.attribute?
+indexterm.singular.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
+indexterm.startofrange.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
+indexterm.endofrange.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
+indexterm.singular.scope.attrib = scope.attribute?
+indexterm.startofrange.scope.attrib = scope.attribute?
+indexterm.endofrange.scope.attrib = scope.attribute?
+indexterm.singular.class.attrib = attribute class { "singular" }?
+indexterm.startofrange.class.attrib = attribute class { "startofrange" }
+indexterm.endofrange.class.attrib = attribute class { "endofrange" }
+indexterm.endofrange.startref.attrib = attribute startref { xsd:IDREF }
+indexterm.contentmodel =
+ db.primary?,
+ ((db.secondary,
+ ((db.tertiary, (db.see | db.seealso+)?)
+ | db.see
+ | db.seealso+)?)
+ | db.see
+ | db.seealso+)?
+indexterm.singular =
+ element indexterm {
+ indexterm.contentmodel
+ }
+indexterm.startofrange =
+ element indexterm {
+ indexterm.contentmodel
+ }
+indexterm.endofrange =
+ element indexterm {
+ indexterm.contentmodel
+ }
+db.indexterm = (indexterm.singular|indexterm.startofrange|indexterm.endofrange)
+sortas.attribute = attribute sortas { text }?
+primary.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
+db.primary = element primary { inlines* }
+secondary.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
+db.secondary = element secondary { inlines* }
+tertiary.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
+db.tertiary = element tertiary { inlines* }
+db.see = element see { inlines* }
+db.seealso = element seealso { inlines* }
+index.info = docbook.info
+db.index =
+ element index {
+ index.info,
+ blocks*,
+ (db.indexdiv* | db.indexentry* | db.segmentedlist)
+ }
+setindex.info = docbook.info
+db.setindex =
+ element setindex { setindex.info, blocks*, (db.indexdiv* | db.indexentry*) }
+indexdiv.info = docbook.info.titlereq
+db.indexdiv =
+ element indexdiv { indexdiv.info, blocks*, (db.indexentry+|db.segmentedlist) }
+db.indexentry =
+ element indexentry {
+ db.primaryie,
+ (db.seeie | db.seealsoie)*,
+ (db.secondaryie, (db.seeie | db.seealsoie | db.tertiaryie)*)*
+ }
+primaryie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
+db.primaryie = element primaryie { inlines* }
+secondaryie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
+db.secondaryie = element secondaryie { inlines* }
+tertiaryie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
+db.tertiaryie = element tertiaryie { inlines* }
+seeie.linkend.attrib = linkend.attribute?
+db.seeie = element seeie { inlines* }
+seealsoie.linkends.attrib = linkends.attribute?
+db.seealsoie = element seealsoie { inlines* }
# ======================================================================
-relation.attribute = attribute relation { text }?
linenumbering.attribute = attribute linenumbering { "numbered" | "unnumbered" }
startinglinenumber.attribute = attribute startinglinenumber { xsd:integer }
verb-language.attribute = attribute language { text }
biblio.class.attrib = (biblio.class-enum.attribute | biblio.class-other.attributes)
-significance.attribute = attribute significance { "normal" | "preferred" }
-zone.attribute = attribute zone { xsd:IDREFS }
-pagenum.attribute = attribute pagenum { text }
-scope.attribute = attribute scope { "all" | "global" | "local" }
# ======================================================================
-ubiq.inlines = db.inlinemediaobject | db.anchor | db.indexterm | db.remark
+ubiq.inlines = db.inlinemediaobject | db.anchor | db.remark
text.phrase = element phrase { docbook.text }
| product.inlines
| bibliography.inlines
- | glossary.inlines
| graphic.inlines
| indexing.inlines
| link.inlines
| db.orgname
| db.editor
-# TEI: no class
-glossary.inlines =
- db.firstterm
- | db.glossterm
# TEI: hqPhrase
publishing.inlines =
# TEI: metadata
-indexing.inlines = db.indexterm
+indexing.inlines = notAllowed
# TEI:
| technical.blocks
| verbatim.blocks
| synopsis.blocks
- | db.indexterm
| db.bridgehead
| db.remark
| db.revhistory
+ | db.highlights
blocks =
| db.simplelist
| db.variablelist
| db.qandaset
- | db.glosslist
| db.segmentedlist
verbatim.blocks =
info.elements =
+ | db.bibliosource
| db.artpagenums
| db.copyright
| db.subjectset
| db.keywordset
| db.subjectset
| db.keywordset
- | db.itermset
| db.abstract
| db.authorgroup
| db.author
| db.editor
| db.othercredit
| db.bibliocoverage
- | db.bibliomisc
- | db.bibliomset
- | db.bibliorelation
- | db.biblioset
| db.collab
| db.confgroup
| db.date
| db.productnumber
| db.publishername
-db.biblioentry = element biblioentry { bibliographic.elements+ }
-db.bibliomixed = element bibliomixed { (text | bibliographic.elements)* }
db.info = element info { docbook.title, info.elements* }
db.info.titlereq = element info { docbook.titlereq, info.elements* }
db.info.titleonly = element info { docbook.titleonly, info.elements* }
-biblioset.relation.attrib = relation.attribute
-db.biblioset = element biblioset { bibliographic.elements+ }
-bibliomset.relation.attrib = relation.attribute
-db.bibliomset = element bibliomset { (docbook.text | bibliographic.elements)* }
-db.bibliomisc = element bibliomisc { docbook.text }
subjectset.scheme.attrib = attribute scheme { xsd:NMTOKEN }?
db.subjectset = element subjectset { db.subject+ }
db.keyword = element keyword { text }
-db.itermset = element itermset { indexterm.singular+ }
qandaset.defaultlabel.attrib = attribute defaultlabel { "none" | "number" | "qanda" }?
qandaset.info = docbook.info.titleonly
db.qandaset =
db.footnote = element footnote { blocks+ }
db.highlights = element highlights {
- (list.blocks | admonition.blocks | para.blocks | db.indexterm)+
+ (list.blocks | admonition.blocks | para.blocks | indexing.inlines)+
para.blocks =
| db.simpara
formalpara.info = docbook.info.titleonlyreq
-db.formalpara = element formalpara { formalpara.info, db.indexterm*, db.para }
+db.formalpara = element formalpara { formalpara.info, indexing.inlines*, db.para }
para.info = docbook.info.titleforbidden
db.para = element para { para.info, (inlines | blocks.nopara)* }
db.warning = element warning { admonition.contentmodel }
-glosslist.info = docbook.info.titleonly
-db.glosslist = element glosslist { glosslist.info?, blocks*, db.glossentry+ }
-glossentry.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
-db.glossentry =
- element glossentry {
- db.glossterm,
- db.acronym?,
- db.abbrev?,
- db.indexterm*,
- (db.glosssee | db.glossdef+)
- }
-glossdef.subject.attrib = attribute subject { text }?
-db.glossdef = element glossdef { blocks+, db.glossseealso* }
-glosssee.otherterm.attrib = attribute otherterm { xsd:IDREF }?
-db.glosssee =
- [
- s:rule [
- context = "glosssee[@linkend]"
- s:assert [
- test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
- "@linkend on glosssee must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- element glosssee { inlines* }
-glossseealso.otherterm.attrib = attribute otherterm { xsd:IDREF }?
-db.glossseealso =
- [
- s:rule [
- context = "glossseealso[@linkend]"
- s:assert [
- test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
- "@linkend on glossseealso must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- element glossseealso { inlines* }
itemizedlist.mark.attrib = attribute mark { text }?
itemizedlist.spacing.attrib = attribute spacing { "compact" | "normal" }?
videodata.width.attrib = attribute width { text }?
videodata.contentwidth.attrib = attribute contentwidth { text }?
videodata.scalefit.attrib = attribute scalefit { "0" | "1" }?
-vidoedata.scale.attrib = attribute scale { text }?
+videodata.scale.attrib = attribute scale { text }?
videodata.depth.attrib = attribute depth { text }?
videodata.contentdepth.attrib = attribute contentdepth { text }?
textdata.info = docbook.info.titleforbidden
db.textdata = element textdata { textdata.info }
-db.caption = element caption { blocks+ }
+# db.caption = element caption { blocks+ }
equation.content = db.mediaobject
db.confsponsor = element confsponsor { docbook.text }
-db.contractnum = element contractnum { docbook.text }
+# db.contractnum = element contractnum { docbook.text }
-db.contractsponsor = element contractsponsor { docbook.text }
+# db.contractsponsor = element contractsponsor { docbook.text }
db.copyright = element copyright { db.year+, db.holder* }
db.command = element command { inlines* }
-computeroutput.inlines = (inlines|db.co)
+computeroutput.inlines = (inlines)
db.computeroutput = element computeroutput { computeroutput.inlines* }
parameter.class.attrib = attribute class { "command" | "function" | "option" }?
db.parameter = element parameter { docbook.text }
-prompt.inlines = (docbook.text|db.co)
+prompt.inlines = (docbook.text)
db.prompt = element prompt { prompt.inlines* }
+replaceable.inlines = (docbook.text)
replaceable.class.attrib =
attribute class { "command" | "function" | "option" | "parameter" }?
-db.replaceable = element replaceable { (docbook.text|db.co)* }
+db.replaceable = element replaceable { replaceable.inlines* }
db.returnvalue = element returnvalue { docbook.text }
| "username"
-systemitem.inlines = (docbook.text|db.co)
+systemitem.inlines = (docbook.text)
db.systemitem = element systemitem { systemitem.inlines* }
db.type = element type { docbook.text }
-db.userinput = element userinput { (inlines|db.co)* }
+userinput.inlines = inlines
+db.userinput = element userinput { userinput.inlines* }
db.abbrev = element abbrev {
db.emphasis = element emphasis { inlines* }
-firstterm.baseform.attrib = glossterm.baseform.attrib
-db.firstterm =
- [
- s:rule [
- context = "firstterm[@linkend]"
- s:assert [
- test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
- "@linkend on firstterm must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- element firstterm { inlines* }
db.foreignphrase = element foreignphrase { inlines* }
-glossterm.baseform.attrib = attribute baseform { text }?
-db.glossterm =
- [
- s:rule [
- context = "glossterm[@linkend]"
- s:assert [
- test = "name(//*[@id=current()/@linkend]) = 'glossentry'"
- "@linkend on glossterm must point to a glossentry."
- ]
- ]
- ]
- element glossterm { inlines* }
db.phrase = element phrase { inlines* }
db.quote = element quote { inlines* }
db.anchor = element anchor { empty }
-indexterm.singular.significance.attrib = significance.attribute?
-indexterm.startofrange.significance.attrib = significance.attribute?
-indexterm.endofrange.significance.attrib = significance.attribute?
-indexterm.singular.zone.attrib = zone.attribute?
-indexterm.startofrange.zone.attrib = zone.attribute?
-indexterm.endofrange.zone.attrib = zone.attribute?
-indexterm.singular.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
-indexterm.startofrange.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
-indexterm.endofrange.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
-indexterm.singular.scope.attrib = scope.attribute?
-indexterm.startofrange.scope.attrib = scope.attribute?
-indexterm.endofrange.scope.attrib = scope.attribute?
-indexterm.singular.class.attrib = attribute class { "singular" }?
-indexterm.startofrange.class.attrib = attribute class { "startofrange" }
-indexterm.endofrange.class.attrib = attribute class { "endofrange" }
-indexterm.endofrange.startref.attrib = attribute startref { xsd:IDREF }
-indexterm.contentmodel =
- db.primary?,
- ((db.secondary,
- ((db.tertiary, (db.see | db.seealso+)?)
- | db.see
- | db.seealso+)?)
- | db.see
- | db.seealso+)?
-indexterm.singular =
- element indexterm {
- indexterm.contentmodel
- }
-indexterm.startofrange =
- element indexterm {
- indexterm.contentmodel
- }
-indexterm.endofrange =
- element indexterm {
- indexterm.contentmodel
- }
-db.indexterm = (indexterm.singular|indexterm.startofrange|indexterm.endofrange)
-sortas.attribute = attribute sortas { text }?
-primary.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
-db.primary = element primary { inlines* }
-secondary.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
-db.secondary = element secondary { inlines* }
-tertiary.sortas.attrib = sortas.attribute?
-db.tertiary = element tertiary { inlines* }
-db.see = element see { inlines* }
-db.seealso = element seealso { inlines* }
# ======================================================================
+start |= db.refentry
divisions |= db.reference
part.components |= db.refentry | db.reference
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Absinthe" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook V.next. Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+navigation.components |= db.toc
+toc.components |= db.toc
+toc.info = docbook.info.titleonly
+db.toc = element toc { toc.info, blocks*, (db.tocdiv | db.tocentry)* }
+tocdiv.pagenum.attrib = attribute pagenum { text }
+tocdiv.linkend.attrib = linkend.attribute?
+tocdiv.info = docbook.info
+db.tocdiv = element tocdiv { tocdiv.info, blocks*, (db.tocdiv | db.tocentry)+ }
+tocentry.pagenum.attrib = pagenum.attribute?
+tocentry.linkend.attrib = linkend.attribute?
+db.tocentry = element tocentry { inlines* }