expert fireball/cone of cold could not target a monster seen only with
infravision or ESP
display "lotus juice", not "lotu juice" for the fruit juice name
+statue of Stone golem hit with stone-to-flesh spell animates as flesh golem
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (mon && mon->mtame && !mon->isminion)
wary_dog(mon, TRUE);
} else {
+ /* statue of Stone golem hit with Stone-to-flesh becomes flesh golem */
+ if (statue->corpsenm == PM_STONE_GOLEM && cause == ANIMATE_SPELL)
+ mptr = &mons[PM_FLESH_GOLEM];
+ else
+ mptr = &mons[statue->corpsenm];
* Guard against someone wishing for a statue of a unique monster
* (which is allowed in normal play) and then tossing it onto the
* [detected or guessed] location of a statue trap. Normally the
* uppermost statue is the one which would be activated.
- mptr = &mons[statue->corpsenm];
if (mptr->geno & G_UNIQ) {
if (fail_reason) *fail_reason = AS_MON_IS_UNIQUE;
return (struct monst *)0;