#------------------------------------------------- set_up
# merge input data
foreach {lib} $argv {
- set f [open $lib r]
- array set COLORS [read $f [file size $lib]]
- close $f
- foreach {scheme coding} $COLORS() {break}
- array unset COLORS {}
- lappend ALL_STRINGS($scheme) scheme
- foreach {color} [array names COLORS] {
- set value $COLORS($color)
- if {[llength $color] == 1
- && [regexp -- {([a-z]+)([0-9]+)} $color . subscheme index] == 1} {
- unset COLORS($color)
- set color [list $subscheme $index]
- set COLORS($color) $value
- }
- switch [llength $color] {
- 1 {
- lappend ALL_STRINGS($color) color
- set ALL_SCHEMES($scheme) {}
- lappend ALL_VALUES($value) $coding $scheme $color
- }
- 2 {
- foreach {subscheme index} $color {break}
- lappend ALL_STRINGS($subscheme) subscheme
- lappend ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES([list $scheme $subscheme 0]) $index $value
- lappend ALL_INDEXES($value) $coding $scheme $subscheme 0 $index
- }
- 3 {
- foreach {subscheme range index} $color {break}
- lappend ALL_STRINGS($subscheme) subscheme
- lappend ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES([list $scheme $subscheme $range]) $index $value
- lappend ALL_INDEXES($value) $coding $scheme $subscheme $range $index
- }
- default {
- puts stderr "wrong number of keys in: \"$color\""
- }
- }
- }
+ set f [open $lib r]
+ array set COLORS [read $f [file size $lib]]
+ close $f
+ foreach {scheme coding} $COLORS() {break}
+ array unset COLORS {}
+ lappend ALL_STRINGS($scheme) scheme
+ foreach {color} [array names COLORS] {
+ set value $COLORS($color)
+ if {[llength $color] == 1
+ && [regexp -- {([a-z]+)([0-9]+)} $color . subscheme index] == 1} {
+ unset COLORS($color)
+ set color [list $subscheme $index]
+ set COLORS($color) $value
+ }
+ switch [llength $color] {
+ 1 {
+ lappend ALL_STRINGS($color) color
+ set ALL_SCHEMES($scheme) {}
+ lappend ALL_VALUES($value) $coding $scheme $color
+ map C V $color $value $scheme
+ }
+ 2 {
+ foreach {subscheme index} $color {break}
+ lappend ALL_STRINGS($subscheme) subscheme
+ lappend ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES([list $scheme $subscheme 0]) $index $value
+ lappend ALL_INDEXES($value) $coding $scheme $subscheme 0 $index
+ map I V $index $value [list $scheme $subscheme 0]
+ }
+ 3 {
+ foreach {subscheme range index} $color {break}
+ lappend ALL_STRINGS($subscheme) subscheme
+ lappend ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES([list $scheme $subscheme $range]) $index $value
+ lappend ALL_INDEXES($value) $coding $scheme $subscheme $range $index
+ map I V $index $value [list $scheme $subscheme $range]
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "wrong number of keys in: \"$color\""
+ }
+ }
+ }
# crunch the data
-foreach {value} [array names ALL_VALUES] {
- foreach {coding scheme color} $ALL_VALUES($value) {
- lappend ALL_ALTS([list $color $value]) $scheme
- }
-foreach {color_value} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTS]] {
- foreach {color value} $color_value {break}
- # give preference to x11 scheme names, and hope that someone doesn't invent a z11 scheme
- set schemeset [lsort -ascii -decreasing $ALL_ALTS($color_value)]
+ mapc C V
+ mapc I V
- lappend ALL_ALTSETS($color) $value $schemeset
- lappend ALL_MAPSETS($value) $color $schemeset
-foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTSETS]] {
- set altset $ALL_ALTSETS($color)
- lappend ALL_ALTSET_COLORS($altset) $color
- foreach {value schemeset} $altset {
- lappend ALL_VALUE_ALTSETS($value) $altset
+ foreach {v} [map2 I V] {
+ foreach {m} [map21r I V $v] {
+ foreach {index scheme_subscheme_range} $m {
+ foreach {scheme subscheme range} $scheme_subscheme_range {break}
+ map RI V [list $range $index] $v [list $scheme $subscheme]
+ }
-foreach {value} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_MAPSETS]] {
- set mapset $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
- lappend ALL_MAPSET_VALUES($mapset) $value
- foreach {color schemeset} $mapset {
- lappend ALL_COLOR_MAPSETS($color) $mapset
+ }
+ mapc RI V
+ foreach {v} [map2 RI V] {
+ foreach {m} [map21r RI V $v] {
+ foreach {index scheme_subscheme} $m {
+ foreach {scheme subscheme} $scheme_subscheme {break}
+ map SRI V [list $subscheme $range $index] $v $scheme
+ }
-foreach {index_scheme} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES]] {
- foreach {index value} $ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES($index_scheme) {
- set indexes($index) $value
- }
- foreach {index} [lsort -dictionary [array names indexes]] {
- lappend valueset $indexes($index)
- }
- lappend ALL_IDXSETS($valueset) $index_scheme
- array unset indexes
- unset valueset
-# some support procs
+ }
+ mapc SRI V
-proc tab_begin {f s} {
- upvar pos pos
- puts $f $s
- set pos 0
+foreach {value} [array names ALL_VALUES] {
+ foreach {coding scheme color} $ALL_VALUES($value) {
+ lappend ALL_ALTS([list $color $value]) $scheme
+ }
+foreach {color_value} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTS]] {
+ foreach {color value} $color_value {break}
-proc tab_end {f s} {
- upvar pos pos
+ # give preference to x11 scheme names, and hope that someone doesn't invent a z11 scheme
+ set schemeset [lsort -ascii -decreasing $ALL_ALTS($color_value)]
- if {$pos} { puts $f "" }
- puts $f $s
- set pos 0
+ lappend ALL_ALTSETS($color) $value $schemeset
+ lappend ALL_MAPSETS($value) $color $schemeset
-# $comment_list needs to be 8 char or less
-proc tab_begin_block {f {comment_list {}}} {
- upvar pos pos
- upvar comments comments
- upvar indent indent
- if {$pos == 0} {
- incr pos [string length $indent]
- if {$comments && [llength $comment_list]} {
- set s [concat "/*" $comment_list "*/"]
- incr pos [string length $s]
- set w [expr 16 - $pos]
- puts -nonewline $f $indent$s[format "%.[set w]s" " "]
- set pos 16
- } {
- puts -nonewline $f $indent
- }
- }
+foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTSETS]] {
+ set altset $ALL_ALTSETS($color)
+ lappend ALL_ALTSET_COLORS($altset) $color
+ foreach {value schemeset} $altset {
+ lappend ALL_VALUE_ALTSETS($value) $altset
+ }
-proc tab_end_block {f {comment_list {}}} {
- upvar pos pos
- upvar comments comments
- upvar target_line_length target_line_length
- if {$comments && [llength $comment_list]} {
- set w [expr 5 - $pos / 8]
- if {$w < 0} {set w 0}
- set s [concat "/*" $comment_list "*/"]
- puts $f [format "%.[set w]s" "\t\t\t\t\t"]$s
- set pos 0
- } {
- if {$pos >= $target_line_length} {
- puts $f ""
- set pos 0
- }
- }
+foreach {value} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_MAPSETS]] {
+ set mapset $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
+ lappend ALL_MAPSET_VALUES($mapset) $value
+ foreach {color schemeset} $mapset {
+ lappend ALL_COLOR_MAPSETS($color) $mapset
+ }
-proc tab_elem {f s} {
- upvar pos pos
- puts -nonewline $f $s
- incr pos [string length $s]
+foreach {index_scheme} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES]] {
+ foreach {index value} $ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES($index_scheme) {
+ set indexes($index) $value
+ }
+ foreach {index} [lsort -dictionary [array names indexes]] {
+ lappend valueset $indexes($index)
+ }
+ lappend ALL_IDXSETS($valueset) $index_scheme
+ array unset indexes
+ unset valueset
-# degug support
-proc print_first {a} {
- upvar $a b
- set size [llength [array names b]]
- set first [lindex [array names b] 0]
- set value $b($first)
- set totelem 0
- set maxelem 0
- foreach {n} [array names b] {
- set elems [llength $b($n)]
- if {$elems > $maxelem} {set maxelem $elems}
- incr totelem $elems
- }
- puts stderr [list $a size:$size maxelem:$maxelem totelem:$totelem first: $a\($first) $value]
#------------------------------------------------- write inkpot_value_table.h
set f [open inkpot_value_table.h w]
puts $f $preamble
# generate TAB_VALUES_24
tab_begin $f "unsigned char TAB_VALUES_24\[SZT_VALUES_24\] = {"
-foreach {value} [lsort -dictionary [array names ALL_VALUES]] {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_VALUES
+foreach {value} [lsort -dictionary [map2 C V]] {
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_VALUES
- foreach {r g b} $value {break}
- tab_elem $f [format "0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x," $r $g $b]
+ foreach {r g b} $value {break}
+ tab_elem $f [format "0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x," $r $g $b]
- set ALL_VALUES_coded($value) $SZT_VALUES
- tab_end_block $f $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
+ set ALL_VALUES_coded($value) $SZT_VALUES
+ tab_end_block $f [map21r C V $value]
tab_end $f "};\n"
# generate NONAME_VALUES_24
tab_begin $f "unsigned char TAB_NONAME_VALUES_24\[SZT_NONAME_VALUES_24\] = {"
-foreach {value} [lsort -dictionary [array names ALL_INDEXES]] {
- if {! [info exists ALL_VALUES($value)]} {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_NONAME_VALUES
- foreach {r g b} $value {break}
- tab_elem $f [format "0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x," $r $g $b]
- set ALL_VALUES_coded($value) [expr $SZT_NONAME_VALUES + $SZT_VALUES]
- foreach {coding scheme subscheme range index} $ALL_INDEXES($value) {
- set sri [list $subscheme $range $index]
- lappend SRI($sri) $scheme
- }
- set comment [list]
- foreach {sri} [lsort -ascii [array names SRI]] {
- foreach {subscheme range index} $sri {break}
- foreach {scheme} $SRI($sri) {
- set schemes($scheme) {}
- }
- set schemes_s "\([join [lsort -ascii [array names schemes]] ,]\)"
- array unset schemes
- if {$range} {
- lappend comment "$schemes_s$subscheme$range<$index>"
- } {
- lappend comment "$schemes_s$subscheme<$index>"
- }
- }
- unset SRI
- tab_end_block $f $comment
- }
+foreach {value} [lsort -dictionary [map2 I V]] {
+ if {! [info exists ALL_VALUES($value)]} {
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_NONAME_VALUES
+ foreach {r g b} $value {break}
+ tab_elem $f [format "0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x," $r $g $b]
+ set ALL_VALUES_coded($value) [expr $SZT_NONAME_VALUES + $SZT_VALUES]
+if {0} {
+ foreach {coding scheme subscheme range index} $ALL_INDEXES($value) {
+ set sri [list $subscheme $range $index]
+ lappend SRI($sri) $scheme
+ }
+ set comment [list]
+ foreach {sri} [lsort -ascii [array names SRI]] {
+ foreach {subscheme range index} $sri {break}
+ foreach {scheme} $SRI($sri) {
+ set schemes($scheme) {}
+ }
+ set schemes_s "\([join [lsort -ascii [array names schemes]] ,]\)"
+ array unset schemes
+ if {$range} {
+ lappend comment "$schemes_s$subscheme$range<$index>"
+ } {
+ lappend comment "$schemes_s$subscheme<$index>"
+ }
+ }
+ unset SRI
+ tab_end_block $f $comment
+ tab_end_block $f [map21r RI V $value]
+ }
tab_end $f "};\n"
close $f
#------------------------------------------------- write inkpot_scheme_table.h
set f [open inkpot_scheme_table.h w]
puts $f $preamble
tab_begin $f "const char TAB_STRINGS\[SZT_STRINGS\] = {"
foreach {string} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_STRINGS]] {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_STRINGS
- tab_elem $f "\"$string\\0\""
- set len [string length $string]
- # include the null
- incr len
- tab_end_block $f $len
- foreach {usage} $ALL_STRINGS($string) {
- switch $usage {
- scheme {
- set ALL_SCHEME_STRINGS_coded($string) $SZT_STRINGS
- }
- subscheme {
- }
- color {
- set ALL_COLOR_STRINGS_coded($string) $SZT_STRINGS
- }
- default {
- puts stderr "Unknown usage $usage for string \"$string\""
- }
- }
- }
- if {$len > $SZL_STRINGS} {set SZL_STRINGS $len}
- incr SZT_STRINGS $len
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_STRINGS
+ tab_elem $f "\"$string\\0\""
+ set len [string length $string]
+ # include the null
+ incr len
+ tab_end_block $f $len
+ foreach {usage} $ALL_STRINGS($string) {
+ switch $usage {
+ scheme {
+ set ALL_SCHEME_STRINGS_coded($string) $SZT_STRINGS
+ }
+ subscheme {
+ }
+ color {
+ set ALL_COLOR_STRINGS_coded($string) $SZT_STRINGS
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr "Unknown usage $usage for string \"$string\""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$len > $SZL_STRINGS} {set SZL_STRINGS $len}
+ incr SZT_STRINGS $len
tab_end $f "};\n"
# don't count the null in the length of the longest string
# generate TAB_INDEXES
foreach {valueset} [lsort [array names ALL_IDXSETS]] {
- set first_idx $SZT_INDEXES
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_INDEXES
- foreach {value} $valueset {
- tab_elem $f $ALL_VALUES_coded($value),
- }
- set comment [list]
- foreach {index_scheme} $ALL_IDXSETS($valueset) {
- set ALL_INDEX_RANGES_coded($index_scheme) [list $first_idx [expr $SZT_INDEXES - $first_idx]]
- foreach {scheme subscheme range} $index_scheme {break}
- if {$range} {
- lappend comment $scheme/$subscheme$range
- } {
- lappend comment $scheme/$subscheme
- }
- }
- tab_end_block $f $comment
+ set first_idx $SZT_INDEXES
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_INDEXES
+ foreach {value} $valueset {
+ tab_elem $f $ALL_VALUES_coded($value),
+ }
+ set comment [list]
+ foreach {index_scheme} $ALL_IDXSETS($valueset) {
+ set ALL_INDEX_RANGES_coded($index_scheme) [list $first_idx [expr $SZT_INDEXES - $first_idx]]
+ foreach {scheme subscheme range} $index_scheme {break}
+ if {$range} {
+ lappend comment $scheme/$subscheme$range
+ } {
+ lappend comment $scheme/$subscheme
+ }
+ }
+ tab_end_block $f $comment
tab_end $f "};\n"
foreach {index_scheme} [lsort [array names ALL_INDEX_RANGES_coded]] {
- foreach {scheme subscheme range} $index_scheme {break}
- foreach {first_idx size} $ALL_INDEX_RANGES_coded($index_scheme) {break}
- lappend ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEME_map([list $subscheme $first_idx $size]) $scheme
+ foreach {scheme subscheme range} $index_scheme {break}
+ foreach {first_idx size} $ALL_INDEX_RANGES_coded($index_scheme) {break}
+ lappend ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEME_map([list $subscheme $first_idx $size]) $scheme
foreach {subscheme_first_idx_size} [array names ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEME_map] {
- foreach {subscheme first_idx size} $subscheme_first_idx_size {break}
- foreach {scheme} $ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEME_map($subscheme_first_idx_size) {break}
- lappend ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded([list $scheme $subscheme]) $first_idx $size
+ foreach {subscheme first_idx size} $subscheme_first_idx_size {break}
+ foreach {scheme} $ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEME_map($subscheme_first_idx_size) {break}
+ lappend ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded([list $scheme $subscheme]) $first_idx $size
tab_begin $f "inkpot_scheme_index_t TAB_SUBSCHEMES_INDEX\[SZT_SUBSCHEMES_INDEX\] = {"
foreach {scheme_subscheme} [lsort [array names ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded]] {
- foreach {scheme subscheme} $scheme_subscheme {break}
+ foreach {scheme subscheme} $scheme_subscheme {break}
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_SUBSCHEMES_INDEX
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_SUBSCHEMES_INDEX
- foreach {first_idx size} $ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded($scheme_subscheme) {break}
- tab_elem $f "{$ALL_SUBSCHEME_STRINGS_coded($subscheme),$first_idx,$size},"
+ foreach {first_idx size} $ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded($scheme_subscheme) {break}
+ tab_elem $f "{$ALL_SUBSCHEME_STRINGS_coded($subscheme),$first_idx,$size},"
- tab_end_block $f "$scheme/$subscheme<1-$size>"
+ tab_end_block $f "$scheme/$subscheme<1-$size>"
tab_end $f "};\n"
tab_begin $f "inkpot_scheme_index_t TAB_SCHEMES_INDEX\[SZT_SCHEMES_INDEX\] = {"
foreach {scheme_subscheme} [lsort [array names ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded]] {
- foreach {scheme subscheme} $scheme_subscheme {break}
+ foreach {scheme subscheme} $scheme_subscheme {break}
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_SCHEMES_INDEX
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_SCHEMES_INDEX
- foreach {subschemes_idx} $ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded($scheme_subscheme) {
- tab_elem $f $subschemes_idx,
- }
+ foreach {subschemes_idx} $ALL_INDEX_SUBSCHEMES_coded($scheme_subscheme) {
+ tab_elem $f $subschemes_idx,
+ }
- if {$range} {
- tab_end_block $f $scheme/$subscheme$range
- } {
- tab_end_block $f $scheme/$subscheme
- }
+ if {$range} {
+ tab_end_block $f $scheme/$subscheme$range
+ } {
+ tab_end_block $f $scheme/$subscheme
+ }
tab_end $f "};\n"
tab_begin $f "inkpot_scheme_name_t TAB_SCHEMES\[SZT_SCHEMES\] = {"
foreach {scheme} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_SCHEMES]] {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_SCHEMES
-# tab_elem $f "{$ALL_SCHEME_STRINGS_coded($scheme),$ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES_coded($scheme)},"
- tab_elem $f "{$ALL_SCHEME_STRINGS_coded($scheme)},"
- tab_end_block $f $scheme
- set ALL_SCHEMES($scheme) [list $SZT_SCHEMES [expr 1 << $SZT_SCHEMES]]
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_SCHEMES
+# tab_elem $f "{$ALL_SCHEME_STRINGS_coded($scheme),$ALL_INDEX_SCHEMES_coded($scheme)},"
+ tab_elem $f "{$ALL_SCHEME_STRINGS_coded($scheme)},"
+ tab_end_block $f $scheme
+ set ALL_SCHEMES($scheme) [list $SZT_SCHEMES [expr 1 << $SZT_SCHEMES]]
tab_end $f "};\n"
# generate TAB_ALTS
set SZT_ALTS 0
tab_begin $f "inkpot_name_t TAB_ALTS\[SZT_ALTS\] = {"
foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTSETS]] {
- set cnt 0
- set altset $ALL_ALTSETS($color)
- set aliases [lsort -ascii $ALL_ALTSET_COLORS($altset)]
- foreach {value schemeset} $altset {
- if {[info exists alts($value)]} {
- puts stderr "something weird going on"
- }
- lappend alts($value) $schemeset $aliases
- incr cnt
- }
- foreach {value} [lsort -ascii [array names alts]] {
- set scheme_bits 0
- foreach {schemeset aliases} $alts($value) {break}
- foreach {scheme} $schemeset {
- foreach {scheme_idx scheme_bit} $ALL_SCHEMES($scheme) {break}
- set scheme_bits [expr $scheme_bits | $scheme_bit]
- }
- lappend value_schemebits $value $scheme_bits $aliases
- }
- set isneeded 0
- if {$cnt == 0} {
- puts stderr "shouldn't happen - zero alts: $color"
- } elseif {$cnt == 1} {
- foreach {value scheme_bits} $value_schemebits {break}
- set ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color) "$ALL_VALUES_coded($value),[format {0x%x} $scheme_bits]"
- # don't need entry in TAB_ALTS for this case
- } else {
- set first_idx $SZT_ALTS
- foreach {value scheme_bits aliases} $value_schemebits {
- set firstcolor [lindex $aliases 0]
- if {[string equal $color $firstcolor]} {
- tab_begin_block $f $first_idx
- incr isneeded
- tab_elem $f "{[incr cnt -1],$ALL_VALUES_coded($value),[format {0x%x} $scheme_bits]},"
- set ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color) "$SZT_ALTS,0"
- incr SZT_ALTS
- } {
- # the sorting means that this value has already been saved
- set ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color) $ALL_ALTSETS_coded($firstcolor)
- # don't need entry in TAB_ALTS for this case
- }
- }
- }
- if {$isneeded} {tab_end_block $f $aliases}
- array unset alts
- unset value_schemebits
+ set cnt 0
+ set altset $ALL_ALTSETS($color)
+ set aliases [lsort -ascii $ALL_ALTSET_COLORS($altset)]
+ foreach {value schemeset} $altset {
+ if {[info exists alts($value)]} {
+ puts stderr "something weird going on"
+ }
+ lappend alts($value) $schemeset $aliases
+ incr cnt
+ }
+ foreach {value} [lsort -ascii [array names alts]] {
+ set scheme_bits 0
+ foreach {schemeset aliases} $alts($value) {break}
+ foreach {scheme} $schemeset {
+ foreach {scheme_idx scheme_bit} $ALL_SCHEMES($scheme) {break}
+ set scheme_bits [expr $scheme_bits | $scheme_bit]
+ }
+ lappend value_schemebits $value $scheme_bits $aliases
+ }
+ set isneeded 0
+ if {$cnt == 0} {
+ puts stderr "shouldn't happen - zero alts: $color"
+ } elseif {$cnt == 1} {
+ foreach {value scheme_bits} $value_schemebits {break}
+ set ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color) "$ALL_VALUES_coded($value),[format {0x%x} $scheme_bits]"
+ # don't need entry in TAB_ALTS for this case
+ } else {
+ set first_idx $SZT_ALTS
+ foreach {value scheme_bits aliases} $value_schemebits {
+ set firstcolor [lindex $aliases 0]
+ if {[string equal $color $firstcolor]} {
+ tab_begin_block $f $first_idx
+ incr isneeded
+ tab_elem $f "{[incr cnt -1],$ALL_VALUES_coded($value),[format {0x%x} $scheme_bits]},"
+ set ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color) "$SZT_ALTS,0"
+ incr SZT_ALTS
+ } {
+ # the sorting means that this value has already been saved
+ set ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color) $ALL_ALTSETS_coded($firstcolor)
+ # don't need entry in TAB_ALTS for this case
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$isneeded} {tab_end_block $f $aliases}
+ array unset alts
+ unset value_schemebits
tab_end $f "};\n"
# generate TAB_NAMES
tab_begin $f "inkpot_name_t TAB_NAMES\[SZT_NAMES\] = {"
foreach {color} [lsort -ascii [array names ALL_ALTSETS]] {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_NAMES
- tab_elem $f "{$ALL_COLOR_STRINGS_coded($color),$ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color)},"
- tab_end_block $f $color
- set ALL_NAMES_coded($color) $SZT_NAMES
- incr SZT_NAMES
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_NAMES
+ tab_elem $f "{$ALL_COLOR_STRINGS_coded($color),$ALL_ALTSETS_coded($color)},"
+ tab_end_block $f $color
+ set ALL_NAMES_coded($color) $SZT_NAMES
+ incr SZT_NAMES
tab_end $f "};\n"
# generate TAB_TO_NAMES
tab_begin $f "IDX_NAMES TAB_TO_NAMES\[SZT_TO_NAMES\] = {"
foreach {value} [lsort -dictionary [array names ALL_VALUES]] {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_TO_NAMES
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_TO_NAMES
- set mapset $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
- set ALL_TO_NAMES_coded($value) $SZT_TO_NAMES
+ set mapset $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
+ set ALL_TO_NAMES_coded($value) $SZT_TO_NAMES
- set comment [list]
- foreach {color schemeset} $mapset {
+ set comment [list]
+ foreach {color schemeset} $mapset {
- tab_elem $f $ALL_NAMES_coded($color),
+ tab_elem $f $ALL_NAMES_coded($color),
- lappend comment $color
- }
+ lappend comment $color
+ }
- tab_end_block $f $comment
+ tab_end_block $f $comment
tab_end $f "};\n"
- puts stderr "That's weird! SZT_TO_NAMES $SZT_TO_NAMES != SZT_NAMES $SZT_NAMES"
+ puts stderr "That's weird! SZT_TO_NAMES $SZT_TO_NAMES != SZT_NAMES $SZT_NAMES"
tab_begin $f "IDX_TO_NAMES TAB_VALUE_TO\[SZT_VALUE_TO\] = {"
# NB - this sort order must match TAB_VALUES
foreach {value} [lsort -dictionary [array names ALL_VALUES]] {
- tab_begin_block $f $SZT_VALUE_TO
+ tab_begin_block $f $SZT_VALUE_TO
- set mapset $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
- tab_elem $f $ALL_TO_NAMES_coded($value),
- tab_end_block $f $ALL_TO_NAMES_coded($value)
+ set mapset $ALL_MAPSETS($value)
+ tab_elem $f $ALL_TO_NAMES_coded($value),
+ tab_end_block $f $ALL_TO_NAMES_coded($value)
tab_end $f "};\n"
- puts stderr "That's weird! SZT_VALUE_TO $SZT_VALUE_TO != SZT_VALUES $SZT_VALUES"
+ puts stderr "That's weird! SZT_VALUE_TO $SZT_VALUE_TO != SZT_VALUES $SZT_VALUES"
if {1} {
- puts stderr ""
- print_first ALL_STRINGS
- print_first ALL_NAMES_coded
- print_first ALL_ALTS
- print_first ALL_VALUES
- print_first ALL_ALTSETS
- print_first ALL_MAPSETS
- print_first ALL_ALTSET_COLORS
- print_first ALL_MAPSET_VALUES
- print_first ALL_VALUE_ALTSETS
- print_first ALL_COLOR_MAPSETS
- puts stderr ""
+ puts stderr ""
+ print_first ALL_STRINGS
+ print_first ALL_NAMES_coded
+ print_first ALL_ALTS
+ print_first ALL_VALUES
+ print_first ALL_ALTSETS
+ print_first ALL_MAPSETS
+ print_first ALL_ALTSET_COLORS
+ print_first ALL_MAPSET_VALUES
+ print_first ALL_VALUE_ALTSETS
+ print_first ALL_COLOR_MAPSETS
+ puts stderr ""
#------------------------------------------------- write inkpot_define.h
puts $f "\#define SZW_STRINGS $SZW_STRINGS"
puts $f ""
foreach {i} {
} {
- if {[set SZT_$i] < 256} {
- set int "unsigned char"
- } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 65536} {
- set int "unsigned short"
- } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 65536*65536} {
- set int "unsigned int"
- } else {
- set int "unsigned long"
- }
- puts $f "\#define SZT_$i [set SZT_$i]"
- puts $f "typedef $int IDX_$i\;"
- puts $f ""
+ if {[set SZT_$i] < 256} {
+ set int "unsigned char"
+ } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 65536} {
+ set int "unsigned short"
+ } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 65536*65536} {
+ set int "unsigned int"
+ } else {
+ set int "unsigned long"
+ }
+ puts $f "\#define SZT_$i [set SZT_$i]"
+ puts $f "typedef $int IDX_$i\;"
+ puts $f ""
foreach {i} {SCHEMES} {
- if {[set SZT_$i] < 8} {
- set int "unsigned char"
- } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 16} {
- set int "unsigned short"
- } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 32} {
- set int "unsigned int"
- } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 64} {
- set int "unsigned long"
- } else {
- puts stderr "more that 64 bits in MSK_$i"
- }
- puts $f "typedef $int MSK_$i\;"
- puts $f ""
+ if {[set SZT_$i] < 8} {
+ set int "unsigned char"
+ } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 16} {
+ set int "unsigned short"
+ } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 32} {
+ set int "unsigned int"
+ } elseif {[set SZT_$i] < 64} {
+ set int "unsigned long"
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "more that 64 bits in MSK_$i"
+ }
+ puts $f "typedef $int MSK_$i\;"
+ puts $f ""
close $f
# TAB support formatting of outputput tables
proc tab_begin {f s} {
- upvar pos pos
+ upvar pos pos
- puts $f $s
- set pos 0
+ puts $f $s
+ set pos 0
proc tab_end {f s} {
- upvar pos pos
+ upvar pos pos
- if {$pos} { puts $f "" }
- puts $f $s
- set pos 0
+ if {$pos} { puts $f "" }
+ puts $f $s
+ set pos 0
# $comment_list needs to be 8 char or less
proc tab_begin_block {f {comment_list {}}} {
- upvar pos pos
- upvar comments comments
- upvar indent indent
- if {$pos == 0} {
- incr pos [string length $indent]
- if {$comments && [llength $comment_list]} {
- set s [concat "/*" $comment_list "*/"]
- incr pos [string length $s]
- set w [expr 16 - $pos]
- puts -nonewline $f $indent$s[format "%.[set w]s" " "]
- set pos 16
- } {
- puts -nonewline $f $indent
- }
- }
+ upvar pos pos
+ upvar comments comments
+ upvar indent indent
+ if {$pos == 0} {
+ incr pos [string length $indent]
+ if {$comments && [llength $comment_list]} {
+ set s [concat "/*" $comment_list "*/"]
+ incr pos [string length $s]
+ set w [expr 16 - $pos]
+ puts -nonewline $f $indent$s[format "%.[set w]s" " "]
+ set pos 16
+ } {
+ puts -nonewline $f $indent
+ }
+ }
proc tab_end_block {f {comment_list {}}} {
- upvar pos pos
- upvar comments comments
- upvar target_line_length target_line_length
- if {$comments && [llength $comment_list]} {
- set w [expr 5 - $pos / 8]
- if {$w < 0} {set w 0}
- set s [concat "/*" $comment_list "*/"]
- puts $f [format "%.[set w]s" "\t\t\t\t\t"]$s
- set pos 0
- } {
- if {$pos >= $target_line_length} {
- puts $f ""
- set pos 0
- }
- }
+ upvar pos pos
+ upvar comments comments
+ upvar target_line_length target_line_length
+ if {$comments && [llength $comment_list]} {
+ set w [expr 5 - $pos / 8]
+ if {$w < 0} {set w 0}
+ set s [concat "/*" $comment_list "*/"]
+ puts $f [format "%.[set w]s" "\t\t\t\t\t"]$s
+ set pos 0
+ } {
+ if {$pos >= $target_line_length} {
+ puts $f ""
+ set pos 0
+ }
+ }
proc tab_elem {f s} {
- upvar pos pos
+ upvar pos pos
- puts -nonewline $f $s
- incr pos [string length $s]
+ puts -nonewline $f $s
+ incr pos [string length $s]
# print some summary information about an array
proc print_first {a} {
- upvar $a b
- set size [llength [array names b]]
- set first [lindex [array names b] 0]
- set value $b($first)
- set totelem 0
- set maxelem 0
- foreach {n} [array names b] {
- set elems [llength $b($n)]
- if {$elems > $maxelem} {set maxelem $elems}
- incr totelem $elems
- }
- puts stderr [list $a size:$size maxelem:$maxelem totelem:$totelem first: $a\($first) $value]
+ upvar $a b
+ set size [llength [array names b]]
+ set first [lindex [array names b] 0]
+ set value $b($first)
+ set totelem 0
+ set maxelem 0
+ foreach {n} [array names b] {
+ set elems [llength $b($n)]
+ if {$elems > $maxelem} {set maxelem $elems}
+ incr totelem $elems
+ }
+ puts stderr [list $a size:$size maxelem:$maxelem totelem:$totelem first: $a\($first) $value]
# MAP --mapping m:n relationships between elemenets of 2 sets
#populate the map
-proc mapw {XY x y r} {
- upvar MAP_[set XY] MAP_XY
- lappend MAP_XY([list $x $y]) $r
+proc map {X Y x y r} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y] MAP_XY
+ lappend MAP_XY([list $x $y]) $r
#crunch the map
-proc maps {XY} {
- foreach {X Y} [split $XY {}] {break}
- upvar MAP_[set XY] MAP_XY
- upvar MAP_2[set X] MAP_2X
- upvar MAP_2[set Y] MAP_2Y
- upvar MAP_[set X]2 MAP_X2
- upvar MAP_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2
- #obtain sorted r_sets and use them as keys to the map
- foreach {xy} [array names MAP_XY] {
- foreach {x y} $xy {break}
- set r_set [lsort -ascii $MAP_XY($xy)]
- # set up for finding X and Y from r_sets
- #using arrays removes duplicate r_sets
- lappend MAP_2X($r_set) $x
- lappend MAP_2Y($r_set) $y
- }
- #set up for finding rsets from X
- set MAP_X2() $Y
- foreach {r_set} [lsort -ascii [array names MAP_2X]] {
- foreach {x} $MAP_2X($r_set) {
- lappend MAP_X2($x) $r_set
- }
- }
- #set up for finding rsets from Y
- set MAP_Y2() $X
- foreach {r_set} [lsort -ascii [array names MAP_2Y]] {
- foreach {y} $MAP_2Y($r_set) {
- lappend MAP_Y2($y) $r_set
- }
- }
-if {1} {
- foreach {map up} [list MAP_XY [set XY]
- MAP_2X 2[set X]
- MAP_2Y 2[set Y]
- MAP_X2 [set X]2
- MAP_Y2 [set Y]2] {
- puts "size MAP_$up = [llength [array names $map]]"
- }
-#use the map
-proc mapr {K {k {}}} {
- upvar MAP_[set K]2 MAP_K2
- set J $MAP_K2()
- upvar MAP_2[set J] MAP_2J
- set res [list]
- foreach {r_set} $MAP_K2($k) {
- lappend res $MAP_2J($r_set)
- }
- set res
+proc mapc {X Y} {
+ set M MAP_[set X][set Y]
+ upvar [set M] MAP_XY
+ upvar [set M]_2[set X] MAP_2X
+ upvar [set M]_2[set Y] MAP_2Y
+ upvar [set M]_[set X]2 MAP_X2
+ upvar [set M]_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2
+ #obtain sorted r_sets and use them as keys to the map
+ foreach {xy} [array names MAP_XY] {
+ foreach {x y} $xy {break}
+ set r_set [lsort -ascii $MAP_XY($xy)]
+ # set up for finding X and Y from r_sets
+ #using arrays removes duplicate r_sets
+ lappend MAP_2X([list $y $r_set]) $x
+ lappend MAP_2Y([list $x $r_set]) $y
+ }
+ #set up for finding maps from X
+ foreach {m} [lsort -ascii [array names MAP_2X]] {
+ foreach {x} $MAP_2X($m) {
+ lappend MAP_X2($x) $m
+ }
+ }
+ #set up for finding maps from Y
+ foreach {m} [lsort -ascii [array names MAP_2Y]] {
+ foreach {y} $MAP_2Y($m) {
+ lappend MAP_Y2($y) $m
+ }
+ }
+if {0} {
+ foreach {up map} [list [set M] MAP_XY \
+ [set M]_2[set X] MAP_2X \
+ [set M]_2[set Y] MAP_2Y \
+ [set M]_[set X]2 MAP_X2 \
+ [set M]_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2 ] {
+ puts "size $up = [llength [array names $map]]"
+ }
+#list all x
+proc map1 {X Y} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set X]2 MAP_X2
+ array names MAP_X2
+#list all y
+proc map2 {X Y} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2
+ array names MAP_Y2
+#list the r_sets for X
+proc map1r {X Y x} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set X]2 MAP_X2
+ set MAP_X2($x)
+#list the r_sets for Y
+proc map2r {X Y y} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2
+ set MAP_Y2($y)
+#use the map to go from x to {y}'s
+proc map12 {X Y x} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set X]2 MAP_X2
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_2[set Y] MAP_2Y
+ set res [list]
+ foreach {m} $MAP_X2($x) {
+ foreach {y r_set} $m {break}
+ lappend res $y
+ }
+ set res
+#use the map to go from y to {x}'s
+proc map21 {X Y y} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_2[set X] MAP_2X
+ set res [list]
+ foreach {m} $MAP_Y2($y) {
+ foreach {x r_set} $m {break}
+ lappend res $x
+ }
+ set res
+#use the map to go from x to {y{r_set}}'s
+proc map12r {X Y x} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set X]2 MAP_X2
+ set MAP_X2($x)
+#use the map to go from y to {x{r_set}}'s
+proc map21r {X Y y} {
+ upvar MAP_[set X][set Y]_[set Y]2 MAP_Y2
+ set MAP_Y2($y)