// a number value. We handle further, more generic cases below. We need
// to handle some of them here because some fields require extra processing on
// the parsed value.
- if (patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR1_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR0_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_DOW_LOCAL_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_STANDALONE_DAY_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_MONTH_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_STANDALONE_MONTH_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_QUARTER_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_YEAR_FIELD ||
- patternCharIndex == UDAT_YEAR_WOY_FIELD ||
+ if (patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY1_FIELD || // k
+ patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR_OF_DAY0_FIELD || // H
+ patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR1_FIELD || // h
+ patternCharIndex == UDAT_HOUR0_FIELD || // K
+ (patternCharIndex == UDAT_DOW_LOCAL_FIELD && count <= 2) || // e
+ (patternCharIndex == UDAT_STANDALONE_DAY_FIELD && count <= 2) || // c
+ (patternCharIndex == UDAT_MONTH_FIELD && count <= 2) || // M
+ (patternCharIndex == UDAT_STANDALONE_MONTH_FIELD && count <= 2) || // L
+ (patternCharIndex == UDAT_QUARTER_FIELD && count <= 2) || // Q
+ (patternCharIndex == UDAT_STANDALONE_QUARTER_FIELD && count <= 2) || // q
+ patternCharIndex == UDAT_YEAR_FIELD || // y
+ patternCharIndex == UDAT_YEAR_WOY_FIELD || // Y
+ patternCharIndex == UDAT_FRACTIONAL_SECOND_FIELD) // S
int32_t parseStart = pos.getIndex();
// It would be good to unify this with the obeyCount logic below,
- // in strict mode, these can only
- // be a number if count <= 2
- if (!lenient && gotNumber && count > 2) {
- // We have a string pattern in strict mode
- // but the input parsed as a number. Ignore
- // the fact that the input parsed as a number
- // and try to match it as a string. (Some
- // locales have numbers for the month names.)
- gotNumber = FALSE;
- pos.setIndex(start);
- }
- break;
// we check the rest of the fields below.
// Try count == 4 first:
int32_t newStart = 0;
- if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
+ if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH, // try MMMM
fSymbols->fMonths, fSymbols->fMonthsCount, cal)) > 0)
return newStart;
- else // count == 4 failed, now try count == 3
- return matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
- fSymbols->fShortMonths, fSymbols->fShortMonthsCount, cal);
+ else if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH, // try MMM
+ fSymbols->fShortMonths, fSymbols->fShortMonthsCount, cal)) > 0)
+ return newStart;
+ else if (!lenient) // currently we do not try to parse MMMMM: #8860
+ return newStart;
+ // else we allowing parsing as number, below
+ break;
if (gotNumber) // i.e., L or LL.
if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
fSymbols->fStandaloneMonths, fSymbols->fStandaloneMonthsCount, cal)) > 0)
return newStart;
- else // count == 4 failed, now try count == 3
- return matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
- fSymbols->fStandaloneShortMonths, fSymbols->fStandaloneShortMonthsCount, cal);
+ else if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
+ fSymbols->fStandaloneShortMonths, fSymbols->fStandaloneShortMonthsCount, cal)) > 0)
+ return newStart;
+ else if (!lenient) // currently we do not try to parse LLLLL: #8860
+ return newStart;
+ // else we allowing parsing as number, below
+ break;
// [We computed 'value' above.]
fSymbols->fShortWeekdays, fSymbols->fShortWeekdaysCount, cal)) > 0)
return newStart;
// EEE failed, now try EEEEE
- else
- return matchString(text, start, UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK,
- fSymbols->fNarrowWeekdays, fSymbols->fNarrowWeekdaysCount, cal);
+ else if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK,
+ fSymbols->fNarrowWeekdays, fSymbols->fNarrowWeekdaysCount, cal)) > 0)
+ return newStart;
+ else if (!lenient || patternCharIndex == UDAT_DAY_OF_WEEK_FIELD)
+ return newStart;
+ // else we allowing parsing as number, below
+ break;
if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK,
fSymbols->fStandaloneWeekdays, fSymbols->fStandaloneWeekdaysCount, cal)) > 0)
return newStart;
- else // cccc failed, now try ccc
- return matchString(text, start, UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK,
- fSymbols->fStandaloneShortWeekdays, fSymbols->fStandaloneShortWeekdaysCount, cal);
+ else if ((newStart = matchString(text, start, UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK,
+ fSymbols->fStandaloneShortWeekdays, fSymbols->fStandaloneShortWeekdaysCount, cal)) > 0)
+ return newStart;
+ else if (!lenient)
+ return newStart;
+ // else we allowing parsing as number, below
+ break;
return matchString(text, start, UCAL_AM_PM, fSymbols->fAmPms, fSymbols->fAmPmsCount, cal);
if ((newStart = matchQuarterString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
fSymbols->fQuarters, fSymbols->fQuartersCount, cal)) > 0)
return newStart;
- else // count == 4 failed, now try count == 3
- return matchQuarterString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
- fSymbols->fShortQuarters, fSymbols->fShortQuartersCount, cal);
+ else if ((newStart = matchQuarterString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
+ fSymbols->fShortQuarters, fSymbols->fShortQuartersCount, cal)) > 0)
+ return newStart;
+ else if (!lenient)
+ return newStart;
+ // else we allowing parsing as number, below
+ break;
if (gotNumber) // i.e., q or qq.
if ((newStart = matchQuarterString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
fSymbols->fStandaloneQuarters, fSymbols->fStandaloneQuartersCount, cal)) > 0)
return newStart;
- else // count == 4 failed, now try count == 3
- return matchQuarterString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
- fSymbols->fStandaloneShortQuarters, fSymbols->fStandaloneShortQuartersCount, cal);
+ else if ((newStart = matchQuarterString(text, start, UCAL_MONTH,
+ fSymbols->fStandaloneShortQuarters, fSymbols->fStandaloneShortQuartersCount, cal)) > 0)
+ return newStart;
+ else if (!lenient)
+ return newStart;
+ // else we allowing parsing as number, below
+ break;
// Handle "generic" fields
- int32_t parseStart = pos.getIndex();
- const UnicodeString* src;
- if (obeyCount) {
- if ((start+count) > text.length()) {
+ // this is now handled below, outside the switch block
+ break;
+ }
+ // Handle "generic" fields:
+ // switch default case now handled here (outside switch block) to allow
+ // parsing of some string fields as digits for lenient case
+ int32_t parseStart = pos.getIndex();
+ const UnicodeString* src;
+ if (obeyCount) {
+ if ((start+count) > text.length()) {
+ return -start;
+ }
+ text.extractBetween(0, start + count, temp);
+ src = &temp;
+ } else {
+ src = &text;
+ }
+ parseInt(*src, number, pos, allowNegative,currentNumberFormat);
+ if (pos.getIndex() != parseStart) {
+ int32_t value = number.getLong();
+ // Don't need suffix processing here (as in number processing at the beginning of the function);
+ // the new fields being handled as numeric values (month, weekdays, quarters) should not have suffixes.
+ if (!lenient) {
+ // Check the range of the value
+ int32_t bias = gFieldRangeBias[patternCharIndex];
+ if (bias >= 0 && (value > cal.getMaximum(field) + bias || value < cal.getMinimum(field) + bias)) {
return -start;
- text.extractBetween(0, start + count, temp);
- src = &temp;
- } else {
- src = &text;
- parseInt(*src, number, pos, allowNegative,currentNumberFormat);
- if (pos.getIndex() != parseStart) {
- int32_t value = number.getLong();
- if (!lenient) {
- // Check the range of the value
- int32_t bias = gFieldRangeBias[patternCharIndex];
- if (bias >= 0 && (value > cal.getMaximum(field) + bias || value < cal.getMinimum(field) + bias)) {
- return -start;
+ // For the following, need to repeat some of the "if (gotNumber)" code above:
+ switch (patternCharIndex) {
+ // See notes under UDAT_MONTH_FIELD case above
+ if (!strcmp(cal.getType(),"hebrew")) {
+ HebrewCalendar *hc = (HebrewCalendar*)&cal;
+ if (cal.isSet(UCAL_YEAR)) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ if (!hc->isLeapYear(hc->get(UCAL_YEAR,status)) && value >= 6) {
+ cal.set(UCAL_MONTH, value);
+ } else {
+ cal.set(UCAL_MONTH, value - 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ saveHebrewMonth = value;
+ } else {
+ cal.set(UCAL_MONTH, value - 1);
+ break;
+ cal.set(UCAL_MONTH, value - 1);
+ break;
+ cal.set(UCAL_DOW_LOCAL, value);
+ break;
+ cal.set(UCAL_MONTH, (value - 1) * 3);
+ break;
+ default:
cal.set(field, value);
- return pos.getIndex();
+ break;
- return -start;
+ return pos.getIndex();
+ return -start;
if (U_SUCCESS(status))
UnicodeString format;
+ UnicodeString pattern;
+ SimpleDateFormat* sdtfmt = dynamic_cast<SimpleDateFormat*>(df);
+ if (sdtfmt != NULL) {
+ sdtfmt->toPattern(pattern);
+ }
full->format(when, format);
logln(prefix + "OK: " + format);
if (0!=format.compareBetween(0, expected.length(), expected, 0, expected.length()))
- errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected " + expected + " got " + format);
+ errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Parse \"" + text + "\", pattern \"" + pattern + "\", expected " + expected + " got " + format);
//catch(ParseException e) {
if (expected == 0)
errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected parse failure, got " + result);
else if (!(result == expected))
- errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Expected ") + expected + UnicodeString(", got ") + result);
+ errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Parse \"") + s + UnicodeString("\", expected ") + expected + UnicodeString(", got ") + result);
else if (expected != 0) {
// pattern, input, expected parse or NULL if expect parse failure
"MMMM d yy", " 04 05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "04 05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
"MM d yy", " 04 05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "04 05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "04/05/06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "Apr / 05/ 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "Apr-05-06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "Apr 05, 2006", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
"MMMM d yy", " Apr 05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
NULL, "Apr 05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
- NULL, "Apr05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
- "hh:mm:ss a", "12:34:56 PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
- NULL, "12:34:56PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
+ NULL, "Apr05 06", "2006 04 05 00:00:00",
+ "hh:mm:ss a", "12:34:56 PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
+ NULL, "12:34:56PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
NULL, "12.34.56PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
NULL, "12-34-56 PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
- NULL, "12 : 34 : 56 PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
+ NULL, "12 : 34 : 56 PM", "1970 01 01 12:34:56",
"MM d yy 'at' hh:mm:ss a", "04/05/06 12:34:56 PM", "2006 04 05 12:34:56",
delete fmt;
+typedef struct {
+ const char * localeStr;
+ UBool lenient;
+ UBool expectFail;
+ UnicodeString datePattern;
+ UnicodeString dateString;
+} NumAsStringItem;
void DateFormatTest::TestNumberAsStringParsing()
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- UnicodeString dateString("2009 7 2 08:14:16");
- UnicodeString datePattern("y MMMM d HH:mm:ss");
- SimpleDateFormat *formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(datePattern, Locale(""), status);
- UDate date1 = 0;
- if (formatter == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)) {
- dataerrln("Unable to create SimpleDateFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
- return;
- }
- formatter->setLenient(FALSE);
- date1 = formatter->parse(dateString, status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- errln("FAIL: Could not parse \"2009 7 2 08:14:16\" with pattern \"y MMMM d HH:mm:ss\"");
- } else {
- UnicodeString formatted;
- formatter->format(date1, formatted);
- if (formatted != dateString) {
- errln("FAIL: parsed string did not match input.");
+ const NumAsStringItem items[] = {
+ // loc lenient fail? datePattern dateString
+ { "", FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString("y MMMM d HH:mm:ss"), UnicodeString("2009 7 14 08:43:57") },
+ { "", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("y MMMM d HH:mm:ss"), UnicodeString("2009 7 14 08:43:57") },
+ { "en", FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString("MMM d, y"), UnicodeString("Jul 14, 2009") },
+ { "en", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("MMM d, y"), UnicodeString("Jul 14, 2009") },
+ { "en", FALSE, TRUE, UnicodeString("MMM d, y"), UnicodeString("7 14, 2009") },
+ { "en", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("MMM d, y"), UnicodeString("7 14, 2009") },
+ { "ja", FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy/MM/dd"), UnicodeString("2009/07/14") },
+ { "ja", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy/MM/dd"), UnicodeString("2009/07/14") },
+ //{ "ja", FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy/MMMMM/d"), UnicodeString("2009/7/14") }, // #8860 covers test failure
+ { "ja", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy/MMMMM/d"), UnicodeString("2009/7/14") },
+ { "ja", FALSE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\u5E74M\\u6708d\\u65E5"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\u5E747\\u670814\\u65E5") },
+ { "ja", TRUE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\u5E74M\\u6708d\\u65E5"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\u5E747\\u670814\\u65E5") },
+ { "ja", FALSE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\u5E74MMMd\\u65E5"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\u5E747\\u670814\\u65E5") },
+ { "ja", TRUE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\u5E74MMMd\\u65E5"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\u5E747\\u670814\\u65E5") }, // #8820 fixes test failure
+ { "ko", FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy. M. d."), UnicodeString("2009. 7. 14.") },
+ { "ko", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy. M. d."), UnicodeString("2009. 7. 14.") },
+ { "ko", FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy. MMMMM d."), CharsToUnicodeString("2009. 7\\uC6D4 14.") },
+ { "ko", TRUE, FALSE, UnicodeString("yyyy. MMMMM d."), CharsToUnicodeString("2009. 7\\uC6D4 14.") }, // #8820 fixes test failure
+ { "ko", FALSE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\uB144 M\\uC6D4 d\\uC77C"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\uB144 7\\uC6D4 14\\uC77C") },
+ { "ko", TRUE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\uB144 M\\uC6D4 d\\uC77C"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\uB144 7\\uC6D4 14\\uC77C") },
+ { "ko", FALSE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\uB144 MMM d\\uC77C"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\uB144 7\\uC6D4 14\\uC77C") },
+ { "ko", TRUE, FALSE, CharsToUnicodeString("y\\uB144 MMM d\\uC77C"), CharsToUnicodeString("2009\\uB144 7\\uC6D4 14\\uC77C") }, // #8820 fixes test failure
+ { NULL, FALSE, FALSE, UnicodeString(""), UnicodeString("") }
+ };
+ const NumAsStringItem * itemPtr;
+ for (itemPtr = items; itemPtr->localeStr != NULL; itemPtr++ ) {
+ Locale locale = Locale::createFromName(itemPtr->localeStr);
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ SimpleDateFormat *formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(itemPtr->datePattern, locale, status);
+ if (formatter == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ dataerrln("Unable to create SimpleDateFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ formatter->setLenient(itemPtr->lenient);
+ UDate date1 = formatter->parse(itemPtr->dateString, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ if (!itemPtr->expectFail) {
+ errln("FAIL, err when expected success: Locale \"" + UnicodeString(itemPtr->localeStr) + "\", lenient " + itemPtr->lenient +
+ ": using pattern \"" + itemPtr->datePattern + "\", could not parse \"" + itemPtr->dateString + "\"; err: " + u_errorName(status) );
+ }
+ } else if (itemPtr->expectFail) {
+ errln("FAIL, expected err but got none: Locale \"" + UnicodeString(itemPtr->localeStr) + "\", lenient " + itemPtr->lenient +
+ ": using pattern \"" + itemPtr->datePattern + "\", did parse \"" + itemPtr->dateString + "\"." );
+ } else if (!itemPtr->lenient) {
+ UnicodeString formatted;
+ formatter->format(date1, formatted);
+ if (formatted != itemPtr->dateString) {
+ errln("FAIL, mismatch formatting parsed date: Locale \"" + UnicodeString(itemPtr->localeStr) + "\", lenient " + itemPtr->lenient +
+ ": using pattern \"" + itemPtr->datePattern + "\", did parse \"" + itemPtr->dateString + "\", formatted result \"" + formatted + "\".");
+ }
+ }
+ delete formatter;
- delete formatter;
void DateFormatTest::TestISOEra() {
- delete fmt1;
+ delete fmt1;
void DateFormatTest::TestFormalChineseDate() {
input += TestData[i][3];
ParsePosition pos(startPos);
- UDate d = sdf->parse(input, pos);
+ //UDate d = sdf->parse(input, pos);
+ (void)sdf->parse(input, pos);
if (pos.getIndex() != resPos) {
errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Parsing [") + input + "] with pattern [" + TestData[i][0] + "] returns position - "