- Moved extensions to PECL (http://pear.php.net/): (James, Derick)
. ext/vpopmail
. ext/cybermut
+- Fixed bug #20785 (crash when using pdf_open_memory_image() to load a
+ true-color image). (Ilia)
+- Fixed a crash when converting between true-color images (peg/jpeg) and
+ gd1/gd2 image formats, png/jpeg -> gd1/gd2 -> png/jpeg conversion now
+ works correctly. (Ilia, (Pierre-Alain Joye).
+- Fixed a memory leak in the bundled GD library inside
+ gdImageTrueColorToPalette(). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #12776 (array_walk crash). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bugs #20270, #15702, #18600 (segfaults in ext/java). (Tony J. White)
- Fixed bug #19566 (get_declared_classes() segfaults). (Moriyoshi, Marcus, Andi)