Problem: Options test fails with some window width.
Solution: Adjust what text the test checks with. (closes #12111)
norm! g'a
call assert_equal('>', a[-1:])
call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
+ let v:errmsg = ''
call assert_nobeep("normal! g`\<Esc>")
+ call assert_equal('', v:errmsg)
call assert_nobeep("normal! g'\<Esc>")
+ call assert_equal('', v:errmsg)
" Test for g; and g,
norm! g;
exe "normal \<C-c>"
call assert_equal('Beep!', Screenline(&lines))
call assert_equal('line 4:', Screenline(&lines - 1))
- " only match the final colon in the line that shows the source
- call assert_match(':$', Screenline(&lines - 2))
+ " also check a line above, with a certain window width the colon is there
+ call assert_match('Test_debug_option:$',
+ \ Screenline(&lines - 3) .. Screenline(&lines - 2))
set debug&
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1386,