#include <sys/types.h> /* stat */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <unistd.h> /* stat */
+#include <dirent.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h> /* INT_MAX */
#include "fdlimit.h" /* tr_fdFileClose */
#include "metainfo.h"
#include "peer-mgr.h"
+#include "platform.h" /* TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR */
+#include "ptrarray.h"
#include "ratecontrol.h"
#include "torrent.h"
#include "tracker.h"
-tr_torrentDeleteLocalData( tr_torrent * tor )
- tr_file_index_t i;
- for( i=0; i<tor->info.fileCount; ++i )
- {
- const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[i];
- char * path = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, file->name, NULL );
- tr_fdFileClose( path );
- unlink( path );
- tr_free( path );
- }
tr_torrentStop( tr_torrent * tor )
return bytesLeft;
+***** Removing the torrent's local data
+static int
+vstrcmp( const void * a, const void * b )
+ return strcmp( a, b );
+static int
+compareLongestFirst( const void * a, const void * b )
+ const size_t alen = strlen( a );
+ const size_t blen = strlen( b );
+ if( alen != blen )
+ return alen > blen ? -1 : 1;
+ return vstrcmp( a, b );
+static void
+addDirtyFile( const char * root,
+ const char * filename,
+ tr_ptrArray * dirtyFolders )
+ char * dir = tr_dirname( filename );
+ /* add the parent folders to dirtyFolders until we reach the root or a known-dirty */
+ while ( ( dir != NULL )
+ && ( strlen( root ) <= strlen( dir ) )
+ && ( tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( dirtyFolders, dir, vstrcmp ) == NULL ) )
+ {
+ char * tmp;
+ tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( dirtyFolders, tr_strdup( dir ), vstrcmp );
+ tmp = tr_dirname( dir );
+ tr_free( dir );
+ dir = tmp;
+ }
+ tr_free( dir );
+static void
+walkLocalData( const tr_torrent * tor,
+ const char * root,
+ const char * dir,
+ const char * base,
+ tr_ptrArray * torrentFiles,
+ tr_ptrArray * folders,
+ tr_ptrArray * dirtyFolders )
+ int i;
+ struct stat sb;
+ char * buf;
+ buf = tr_buildPath( dir, base, NULL );
+ i = stat( buf, &sb );
+ if( !i )
+ {
+ DIR * odir = NULL;
+ if( S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && ( ( odir = opendir ( buf ) ) ) )
+ {
+ struct dirent *d;
+ tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( folders, tr_strdup( buf ), vstrcmp );
+ for( d = readdir( odir ); d != NULL; d = readdir( odir ) )
+ if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0] != '.' ) /* skip dotfiles */
+ walkLocalData( tor, root, buf, d->d_name, torrentFiles, folders, dirtyFolders );
+ closedir( odir );
+ }
+ else if( S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) && ( sb.st_size > 0 ) )
+ {
+ const char * sub = buf + strlen( tor->downloadDir ) + strlen( TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR );
+ const tr_bool isTorrentFile = tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( torrentFiles, sub, vstrcmp ) != NULL;
+ if( !isTorrentFile )
+ addDirtyFile( root, buf, dirtyFolders );
+ }
+ }
+ tr_free( buf );
+static void
+deleteLocalData( tr_torrent * tor, tr_fileFunc fileFunc )
+ int i, n;
+ char ** s;
+ tr_file_index_t f;
+ tr_ptrArray * torrentFiles = tr_ptrArrayNew( );
+ tr_ptrArray * folders = tr_ptrArrayNew( );
+ tr_ptrArray * dirtyFolders = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); /* dirty == contains non-torrent files */
+ const char * firstFile = tor->info.files[0].name;
+ const char * cpch = strchr( firstFile, TR_PATH_DELIMITER );
+ char * tmp = cpch ? tr_strndup( firstFile, cpch - firstFile ) : NULL;
+ char * root = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, tmp, NULL );
+ for( f=0; f<tor->info.fileCount; ++f )
+ tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( torrentFiles, tor->info.files[f].name, vstrcmp );
+ /* build the set of folders and dirtyFolders */
+ walkLocalData( tor, root, root, NULL, torrentFiles, folders, dirtyFolders );
+ /* close all the files because we're about to delete them */
+ for( f=0; f<tor->info.fileCount; ++f ) {
+ char * path = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, tor->info.files[f].name, NULL );
+ tr_fdFileClose( path );
+ tr_free( path );
+ }
+ /* try to remove entire folders first, so that the recycle bin will be tidy */
+ s = (char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( folders, &n );
+ for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
+ if( tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( dirtyFolders, s[i], vstrcmp ) == NULL )
+ fileFunc( s[i] );
+ /* now blow away any remaining torrent files, such torrent files in dirty folders */
+ for( f=0; f<tor->info.fileCount; ++f ) {
+ char * path = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, tor->info.files[f].name, NULL );
+ fileFunc( path );
+ tr_free( path );
+ }
+ /* Now clean out the directories left empty from the previous step.
+ * Work from deepest to shallowest s.t. lower folders
+ * won't prevent the upper folders from being deleted */
+ {
+ tr_ptrArray * cleanFolders = tr_ptrArrayNew( );
+ s = (char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( folders, &n );
+ for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
+ if( tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( dirtyFolders, s[i], vstrcmp ) == NULL )
+ tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( cleanFolders, s[i], compareLongestFirst );
+ s = (char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( cleanFolders, &n );
+ for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
+ fileFunc( s[i] );
+ tr_ptrArrayFree( cleanFolders, NULL );
+ }
+ /* cleanup */
+ tr_ptrArrayFree( dirtyFolders, tr_free );
+ tr_ptrArrayFree( folders, tr_free );
+ tr_ptrArrayFree( torrentFiles, NULL );
+ tr_free( root );
+ tr_free( tmp );
+tr_torrentDeleteLocalData( tr_torrent * tor, tr_fileFunc fileFunc )
+ if( fileFunc == NULL )
+ fileFunc = unlink;
+ if( tor->info.fileCount > 1 )
+ deleteLocalData( tor, fileFunc );
+ else {
+ char * path = tr_buildPath( tor->downloadDir, tor->info.files[0].name, NULL );
+ fileFunc( path );
+ tr_free( path );
+ }