return 1;
+ * Return zero if error occurred in function.
+ * Parameter overlaps returns non-zero if two rasters overlap
+ *
+ * @param rast1 : the first raster whose band will be tested
+ * @param nband1 : the 0-based band of raster rast1 to use
+ * if value is less than zero, bands are ignored.
+ * if nband1 gte zero, nband2 must be gte zero
+ * @param rast2 : the second raster whose band will be tested
+ * @param nband2 : the 0-based band of raster rast2 to use
+ * if value is less than zero, bands are ignored
+ * if nband2 gte zero, nband1 must be gte zero
+ * @param overlaps : non-zero value if the two rasters' bands overlaps
+ *
+ * @return if zero, an error occurred in function
+ */
+int rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rt_raster rast1, int nband1,
+ rt_raster rast2, int nband2,
+ int *overlaps
+) {
+ LWMPOLY *surface1 = NULL;
+ LWMPOLY *surface2 = NULL;
+ GEOSGeometry *geom1 = NULL;
+ GEOSGeometry *geom2 = NULL;
+ int rtn = 0;
+ RASTER_DEBUG(3, "Starting");
+ assert(NULL != rast1);
+ assert(NULL != rast2);
+ if (nband1 < 0 && nband2 < 0) {
+ nband1 = -1;
+ nband2 = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(nband1 >= 0 && nband1 < rt_raster_get_num_bands(rast1));
+ assert(nband2 >= 0 && nband2 < rt_raster_get_num_bands(rast2));
+ }
+ /* initialize to zero, two rasters do not overlap */
+ *overlaps = 0;
+ /* same srid */
+ if (rt_raster_get_srid(rast1) != rt_raster_get_srid(rast2)) {
+ rterror("rt_raster_overlaps: The two rasters provided have different SRIDs");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ initGEOS(lwnotice, lwgeom_geos_error);
+ /* get LWMPOLY of each band */
+ surface1 = rt_raster_surface(rast1, nband1, &rtn);
+ if (!rtn) {
+ rterror("rt_raster_overlaps: Unable to get surface of the specified band from the first raster");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ surface2 = rt_raster_surface(rast2, nband2, &rtn);
+ if (!rtn) {
+ rterror("rt_raster_overlaps: Unable to get surface of the specified band from the second raster");
+ lwmpoly_free(surface1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* either surface is NULL, does not overlap */
+ if (surface1 == NULL || surface2 == NULL) {
+ if (surface1 != NULL) lwmpoly_free(surface1);
+ if (surface2 != NULL) lwmpoly_free(surface2);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* convert LWMPOLY to GEOSGeometry */
+ geom1 = LWGEOM2GEOS(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(surface1));
+ lwmpoly_free(surface1);
+ if (geom1 == NULL) {
+ rterror("rt_raster_overlaps: Unable to convert surface of the specified band from the first raster to a GEOSGeometry");
+ lwmpoly_free(surface2);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ geom2 = LWGEOM2GEOS(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(surface2));
+ lwmpoly_free(surface2);
+ if (geom2 == NULL) {
+ rterror("rt_raster_overlaps: Unable to convert surface of the specified band from the second raster to a GEOSGeometry");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rtn = GEOSOverlaps(geom1, geom2);
+ GEOSGeom_destroy(geom1);
+ GEOSGeom_destroy(geom2);
+ if (rtn != 2) {
+ RASTER_DEBUGF(4, "the two rasters do %soverlap", rtn != 1 ? "NOT " : "");
+ if (rtn != 0)
+ *overlaps = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ rterror("rt_raster_overlaps: Unable to run overlap test using GEOSOverlaps()");
+ return 0;
* Return zero if error occurred in function.
* Paramter aligned returns non-zero if two rasters are aligned
* of the output multipolygon.
* @param raster: the raster to convert to a multipolygon
- * @param nband : the 0-based band of raster rast to use
+ * @param nband: the 0-based band of raster rast to use
* if value is less than zero, bands are ignored.
+ * @param err: if 0, error occurred
- * @return the raster surface or NULL on error
+ * @return the raster surface or NULL
-LWMPOLY* rt_raster_surface(rt_raster raster, int nband) {
+LWMPOLY* rt_raster_surface(rt_raster raster, int nband, int *err) {
rt_band band = NULL;
LWGEOM *mpoly = NULL;
+ LWGEOM *clone = NULL;
rt_geomval gv = NULL;
int gvcount = 0;
GEOSGeometry *gc = NULL;
int geomscount = 0;
int i = 0;
+ /* initialize to 1, no error occurred */
+ *err = 1;
/* raster is empty, return NULL */
if (rt_raster_is_empty(raster))
return NULL;
/* if nband < 0, return the convex hull as a multipolygon */
if (nband < 0) {
- return lwgeom_as_lwmpoly(
- lwgeom_as_multi(
- lwpoly_as_lwgeom(
- rt_raster_get_convex_hull(raster)
- )
- )
- );
+ /*
+ lwgeom_as_multi() only does a shallow clone internally
+ so input and output geometries may share memory
+ hence the deep clone of the output geometry for returning
+ is the only way to guarentee the memory isn't shared
+ */
+ tmp = lwpoly_as_lwgeom(rt_raster_get_convex_hull(raster));
+ mpoly = lwgeom_as_multi(tmp);
+ clone = lwgeom_clone_deep(mpoly);
+ lwgeom_free(tmp);
+ lwgeom_free(mpoly);
+ return lwgeom_as_lwmpoly(clone);
/* check that nband is valid */
else if (nband >= rt_raster_get_num_bands(raster)) {
rterror("rt_raster_surface: The band index %d is invalid", nband);
+ *err = 0;
return NULL;
band = rt_raster_get_band(raster, nband);
if (band == NULL) {
rterror("rt_raster_surface: Error getting band %d from raster", nband);
+ *err = 0;
return NULL;
rt_band_get_isnodata_flag(band) ||
) {
- return lwgeom_as_lwmpoly(
- lwgeom_as_multi(
- lwpoly_as_lwgeom(
- rt_raster_get_convex_hull(raster)
- )
- )
- );
+ /*
+ lwgeom_as_multi() only does a shallow clone internally
+ so input and output geometries may share memory
+ hence the deep clone of the output geometry for returning
+ is the only way to guarentee the memory isn't shared
+ */
+ tmp = lwpoly_as_lwgeom(rt_raster_get_convex_hull(raster));
+ mpoly = lwgeom_as_multi(tmp);
+ clone = lwgeom_clone_deep(mpoly);
+ lwgeom_free(tmp);
+ lwgeom_free(mpoly);
+ return lwgeom_as_lwmpoly(clone);
/* initialize GEOS */
/* no polygons returned */
if (gvcount < 1) {
RASTER_DEBUG(3, "All pixels of band are NODATA. Returning NULL");
+ if (gv != NULL) rtdealloc(gv);
return NULL;
/* more than 1 polygon */
rterror("rt_raster_surface: Unable to allocate memory for pixel polygons as GEOSGeometry");
for (i = 0; i < gvcount; i++) lwpoly_free(gv[i].geom);
+ *err = 0;
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < gvcount; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < geomscount; i++)
+ *err = 0;
return NULL;
rterror("rt_raster_surface: Unable to union the pixel polygons using GEOSUnionCascaded()");
+ *err = 0;
return NULL;
if (mpoly != NULL) {
/* convert to multi */
if (!lwgeom_is_collection(mpoly)) {
- LWGEOM *tmp2 = NULL;
tmp = mpoly;
is the only way to guarentee the memory isn't shared
mpoly = lwgeom_as_multi(tmp);
- tmp2 = lwgeom_clone_deep(mpoly);
+ clone = lwgeom_clone_deep(mpoly);
- mpoly = tmp2;
+ mpoly = clone;
RASTER_DEBUGF(4, "mpoly @ %p", mpoly);
+static void testOverlaps() {
+ rt_raster rast1;
+ rt_raster rast2;
+ rt_band band1;
+ rt_band band2;
+ double nodata;
+ int rtn;
+ int overlaps;
+ /*
+ rast1
+ (-1, -1)
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (1, 1)
+ */
+ rast1 = rt_raster_new(2, 2);
+ assert(rast1);
+ rt_raster_set_offsets(rast1, -1, -1);
+ band1 = addBand(rast1, PT_8BUI, 1, 0);
+ CHECK(band1);
+ rt_band_set_nodata(band1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band1, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band1, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band1, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band1, 1, 1, 1);
+ nodata = rt_band_get_nodata(band1);
+ CHECK_EQUALS(nodata, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast1, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0, 0)
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (2, 2)
+ */
+ rast2 = rt_raster_new(2, 2);
+ assert(rast2);
+ band2 = addBand(rast2, PT_8BUI, 1, 0);
+ CHECK(band2);
+ rt_band_set_nodata(band2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 1);
+ nodata = rt_band_get_nodata(band2);
+ CHECK_EQUALS(nodata, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, -1,
+ rast2, -1,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0, 0)
+ +-+-+
+ |0|1|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (2, 2)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0, 0)
+ +-+-+
+ |1|0|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (2, 2)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0, 0)
+ +-+-+
+ |0|0|
+ +-+-+
+ |0|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (2, 2)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0, 0)
+ +-+-+
+ |0|0|
+ +-+-+
+ |0|0|
+ +-+-+
+ (2, 2)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (2, 0)
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (4, 2)
+ */
+ rt_raster_set_offsets(rast2, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0.1, 0.1)
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (0.9, 0.9)
+ */
+ rt_raster_set_offsets(rast2, 0.1, 0.1);
+ rt_raster_set_scale(rast2, 0.4, 0.4);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (-0.1, 0.1)
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ |1|1|
+ +-+-+
+ (0.9, 0.9)
+ */
+ rt_raster_set_offsets(rast2, -0.1, 0.1);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ deepRelease(rast2);
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (0, 0)
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ (3, 3)
+ */
+ rast2 = rt_raster_new(3, 3);
+ assert(rast2);
+ band2 = addBand(rast2, PT_8BUI, 1, 0);
+ CHECK(band2);
+ rt_band_set_nodata(band2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 2, 1);
+ nodata = rt_band_get_nodata(band2);
+ CHECK_EQUALS(nodata, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (-2, -2)
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ (1, 1)
+ */
+ rt_raster_set_offsets(rast2, -2, -2);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (-2, -2)
+ +-+-+-+
+ |0|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|0|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|1|0|
+ +-+-+-+
+ (1, 1)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (-2, -2)
+ +-+-+-+
+ |0|1|1|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|0|0|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|0|0|
+ +-+-+-+
+ (1, 1)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 2, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ /*
+ rast2
+ (-2, -2)
+ +-+-+-+
+ |0|1|0|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |1|0|0|
+ +-+-+-+
+ |0|0|0|
+ +-+-+-+
+ (1, 1)
+ */
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 0, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 1, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps != 1));
+ deepRelease(rast2);
+ /* skew tests */
+ /* rast2 (skewed by -0.5, 0.5) */
+ rast2 = rt_raster_new(3, 3);
+ assert(rast2);
+ rt_raster_set_skews(rast2, -0.5, 0.5);
+ band2 = addBand(rast2, PT_8BUI, 1, 0);
+ CHECK(band2);
+ rt_band_set_nodata(band2, 0);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 1, 2);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 0, 2, 3);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 1, 2);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 1, 2, 3);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 0, 1);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 1, 2);
+ rtn = rt_band_set_pixel(band2, 2, 2, 3);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ /* rast2 (skewed by -1, 1) */
+ rt_raster_set_skews(rast2, -1, 1);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ /* rast2 (skewed by 1, -1) */
+ rt_raster_set_skews(rast2, 1, -1);
+ rtn = rt_raster_overlaps(
+ rast1, 0,
+ rast2, 0,
+ &overlaps
+ );
+ CHECK((rtn != 0));
+ CHECK((overlaps == 1));
+ deepRelease(rast2);
+ deepRelease(rast1);
static void testAlignment() {
rt_raster rast1;
rt_raster rast2;
int x, y;
char *wkt = NULL;
LWMPOLY *mpoly = NULL;
+ int err;
rast = rt_raster_new(maxX, maxY);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
CHECK(!strcmp(wkt, "MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,0 -5,5 -5,5 0,0 0)))"));
/* 0,0 NODATA */
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 0, 0, 0);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
CHECK(!strcmp(wkt, "MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 0,1 0)))"));
/* plus 1,1 NODATA */
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 1, 1, 0);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
CHECK(!strcmp(wkt, "MULTIPOLYGON(((1 0,1 -1,0 -1,0 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 0,1 0),(1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1)))"));
/* plus 2,2 NODATA */
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 2, 2, 0);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
/* plus 3,3 NODATA */
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 3, 3, 0);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
/* plus 4,4 NODATA */
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 4, 4, 0);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
CHECK(!strcmp(wkt, "MULTIPOLYGON(((4 -4,4 -5,0 -5,0 -1,1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -3,3 -3,3 -4,4 -4)),((1 -1,1 0,5 0,5 -4,4 -4,4 -3,3 -3,3 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1)))"));
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 1, 3, 0);
rt_band_set_pixel(band, 0, 4, 0);
- mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0);
+ mpoly = rt_raster_surface(rast, 0, &err);
+ CHECK(err);
CHECK((mpoly != NULL));
wkt = lwgeom_to_text(lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(mpoly));
CHECK(!strcmp(wkt, "MULTIPOLYGON(((1 -4,2 -4,2 -3,3 -3,3 -4,4 -4,4 -5,3 -5,1 -5,1 -4)),((1 -4,0 -4,0 -1,1 -1,1 -2,2 -2,2 -3,1 -3,1 -4)),((3 -2,4 -2,4 -1,5 -1,5 -4,4 -4,4 -3,3 -3,3 -2)),((3 -2,2 -2,2 -1,1 -1,1 0,4 0,4 -1,3 -1,3 -2)))"));
+ printf("Testing rt_raster_overlaps... ");
+ testOverlaps();
+ printf("OK\n");
printf("Testing rt_raster_same_alignment... ");