+Comparing: sprintf, snprintf, spprintf
+sprintf offers the ability to make a lot of failures since it does not know
+ the size of the buffer it uses. Therefore usage of sprintf often
+ results in possible entries for buffer overrun attacks. So please
+ use this version only if you are sure the call is safe. sprintf
+ allways terminstes the buffer it writes to.
+snprintf knows the buffers size and will not write behind it. But you will
+ have to use either a static buffer or allocate a dynamic buffer
+ before beeing able to call the function. In other words you must
+ be sure that you really know the maximum size of the buffer required.
+ A bad thing is having a big maximum while in most cases you would
+ only need a small buffer. If the size of the resulting string is
+ longer or equal to the buffer size than the buffer is not terminated.
+spprintf is the dynamical version of snprintf. It allocates the buffer in size
+ as needed and allows a maximum setting as snprintf (turn this feature
+ off by setting max_len to 0). spprintf is a little bit slower than
+ snprintf and offers possible memory leakes if you miss freeing the
+ buffer allocated by the function. Therfore this function should be
+ used where either no maximum is known or the maximum is much bigger
+ than normal size required. spprintf allways terminates the buffer.
+ #define MAX 1024 | #define MAX 1024 | #define MAX 1024
+ char buffer[MAX] | char buffer[MAX] | char *buffer;
+ | |
+ | | // No need to initialize buffer:
+ | | // spprintf ignores value of buffer
+ sprintf(buffer, "test"); | snprintf(buffer, MAX, "test"); | spprintf(&buffer, MAX, "text");
+ | | if (!buffer)
+ | | return OUT_OF_MEMORY
+ // sprintf allways terminates | // manual termination of | // spprintf allays terminates buffer
+ // buffer | // buffer *IS* required |
+ | buffer[MAX-1] = 0; |
+ action_with_buffer(buffer); | action_with_buffer(buffer); | action_with_buffer(buffer);
+ | | efree(buffer);
#ifndef SNPRINTF_H
#define SNPRINTF_H