-$NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.237 $ $NHDT-Date: 1548631703 2019/01/27 23:28:23 $
+$NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.239 $ $NHDT-Date: 1548695445 2019/01/28 17:10:45 $
This fixes36.2 file is here to capture information about updates in the 3.6.x
lineage following the release of 3.6.1 in April 2018. Please note, however,
using ':' to look at current location could cause a crash
when items were on the floor just inside a shop's door where the shopkeeper
doesn't buy and sell stuff, those items showed a 'for sale' price
+having an artifact wish be refused ("for a moment you feel <artifact> in
+ your hands, but it disappears") would immediately segfault
tty: turn off an optimization that is the suspected cause of Windows reported
partial status lines following level changes
tty: ensure that current status fields are always copied to prior status
-/* NetHack 3.6 objnam.c $NHDT-Date: 1547025168 2019/01/09 09:12:48 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.233 $ */
+/* NetHack 3.6 objnam.c $NHDT-Date: 1548695445 2019/01/28 17:10:45 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.234 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/*-Copyright (c) Robert Patrick Rankin, 2011. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
otmp = (struct obj *) &zeroobj;
pline("For a moment, you feel %s in your %s, but it disappears!",
something, makeplural(body_part(HAND)));
+ return otmp;
if (halfeaten && otmp->oclass == FOOD_CLASS) {